Chapter 44: Wyvern

In the far distance the Wyvern Grimm flew over each town and city, spawning Grimm from the black mist as it flew through the air. The dragon survived the magic council's attack, however with each passing guild it flew over. Grimm fell from the sky and caused trouble for the guilds, that is until the Wyvern made it's way to Magnolia.

The guild hall was silent as Natsu, and Gajeel stood by the door. The sheer terror of the roar that came from the Grimm sent chills down Ryuko's spine, she knew this feeling all to well. If there were Grimm nearby that meant Scarlet wasn't too far either.

Natsu sniffed the air as he grins. "I smell a dragon coming."

Gajeel scoffs. "That same damn dragon I saw, it's coming here. Don't think it's going to be friendly either salamander."

The Wyvern glides through the air for a moment as it flaps its massive wings, there was one difference in this Wyvern from the one that came from Mount Glen. The version of the Grimm dragon blew out acidic breath, which melted anything in it's path. The towns people ran and screamed for their lives as they stumbled and tripped over stuff, panic filled the air as Grimm charged through the town smashing everything in sight.

"We have to go help them." Lucy said looking at the others. "We can't just sit here and wait for Scarlet to show up."

"Very well." Makarov said. "Everyone will split into teams, these creatures of darkness chose to mess with the wrong guild."

There was pounding at the guild's doors as the sound of a Deathstalker could be heard outside, the Grimm was bashing it's massive claw against the door as it shrieks loudly. So loud that it was ear pricing, Elfman slams himself against the doors trying to keep the Grimm from breaking them down.

"You guys go, I'll try to keep the doors from being bashed down." Elfman said. "Hurry, the towns people need our help!"


Scarlet floated over heard as she smirks hearing the cries of terror and bloody screams fill the air, it sent chills of pleasure down her spine as she licked her lips hungrily. "Just you wait.. Soon I'll have my fill, and Titania is what I've been craving."

Natsu ran outside of the guild as he glares up at the Wyvern. "Hey dragon breath! You got some nerve picking a fight with Fairy Tail!"

The Grimm glared down at Natsu as it roars at him, it's breath smelled of rotten human flesh and rotten fish. A Ursa twice the size of a normal one slashed at Natsu with its razor sharp claws, Natsu was cut across the chest as he growled.

"Now I'm mad." Natsu said as his cheeks puffed up. "Fire dragon ROAR!" He blew out a wave of fire from his mouth as the Wyvern flew into the air as it's wings flapped violently sending a gust of wind down at Natsu, as for the Ursa it had moved out of the way in time as it snarled at the dragon slayer.

Scarlet sniffed the air as she picked up the scent of Ryuko's and Erza's scent from above her, the Grimm girl cackles as she spun her scythe around and glanced up waiting. Then there was two shines coming down towards her.

"SCARLET!!!!" Erza yelled as she was throw by Ryuko, she swung her sword down at Scarlet nearly cutting her. "Damn it!"

Scarlet grins as she kicked Erza in the gut and saw Ryuko coming towards her next. "Come on ice queen!" She felt Erza grab her leg as she flung her leg around causing Erza to lose her grip on her leg. "You wait your turn Titania, I'll get to you once I'm done with Ryuko."

Erza was sent crashing down as she winched and looks up. "Not strong enough....the hell?"

Scarlet flew towards Ryuko as she grins widely, Ryuko swung back her scissor blade and boosted quickly towards Scarlet. "This is for my friends!" She swung her scissor blade at her but Scarlet blocked it with Black Rose, their blade clashed together as Scarlet laughed.

"What's the matter? Did staying here make you soft? You're certainly not Weiss, nor are you Cinder." Scarlet said as she grabs Ryuko by the arm and pulled her close. "So why don't you just give up and die for me? Then you can join Statsuki and the others in the after life!"

"SHUT UP!" Ryuko said bashing her head against Scarlet's. "Who the hell is Weiss? And who the hell is Cinder?" She bashed her head against Scarlet's once more. "Don't talk about my sister like that either!"

Scarlet and Ryuko's foreheads started to bleed as their blood mixed trickling down their faces. Scarlet licked the blood from her face and grins swallowing the small puddle of blood that she drew into her mouth. "Now I got a fire in my belly."

Ryuko pulled away from her fearing that she'd get gobbled up by the Grimm girl. "Stay the hell away from me you monster!" She flew in circles around Scarlet trying to find an opening to strike. "Come on, you have to have one opening."

Scarlet's head turned all the way around following Ryuko's movements. "You can't find one can you Matoi? Such a pity and here I thought you wanted me dead? Oh well." She snapped her head back into place as she spun around like a helicopter blade and went straight towards Ryuko.


"Natsu's having trouble with the Grimm." Wendy said as she ducked under a table as she was being stalked by a Beowulf.

"Yes, I'm well aware of that." Carla said. "Right now we have our own problem child."

The Beowulf got on all fours as it sniffed the air inside the guild hall, everyone else was outside dealt with the rest of the Grimm expect Wendy, who had to stay back and heal Elfman after the Deathstalker nearly snipped him in two. But now the young dragon slayer had a Grimm searching for her, she tried to keep quiet so she wouldn't alert the Beowulf to her location.

"Ice man drill!" Gray shouted as a massive ice drill was flying towards the Beowulf, the Grimm snarled and moved out of the way. "Damn, almost had it."

Wendy saw Gray as she scurried out from under the table, she saw another Grimm come up from behind him. "Sky dragon wing attack!" blades of air flew at the Grimm that came up from behind Gray as it was sliced in half, eventually turning into dust.

"Nice save." Carla said. "But right now you two have to deal with that wolf."

"Yeah I get it." Gray said. "But they just keep coming."

The Deathstalker was back as it swung it's tail down at the two Fairy Tail members, missing by a long shot. But there was no sign of a struggle yet, Gray threw his shirt off as he looked serious now. "Okay, no more mister nice guy." Cold air came off of Gray as Wendy stepped back not wanting to get caught in what ever ice maker magic Gray was going to use. "Wendy, I'd advise you go else where, it's going to get real nasty here soon. Some of our guild mates are injured, if you have enough magic left to use, you should heal them."

Wendy nods as she rushes out of the guild and went looking for her injured friends, she glanced up as she saw Scarlet and Ryuko fight, their blades clashing together still. Sparks flew from their blades, but then it happened. Scarlet sliced Ryuko's arm off causing the scissor blade and arm to fall down towards Wendy, then came Ryuko crashing down with it. Scarlet glances down as she spots Wendy and grins, she flew down and was reaching out to grab Wendy. "You're mine dragon slayer!"