Chapter 48: Fire Starter

No one had known that Scarlet was within the dungeon, but as for Bell however. He was still in the dungeon, he was following the trail of murder that Scarlet left behind. Things were about to get hairy and spicy for him with what was awaiting further in the dungeon.

"So much bodies... These poor people." Bell said looking around. "Whatever did this, I have a feeling I'm going to be getting more than I can chew." He kept following the trail as it soon ends near a wall. "It stops here... Meaning, this unknown person or monster found some sort of hidden passage or they magically teleported out.... Then again, if they turned around and went another way I would've seen them."

Scarlet didn't find a secret passage, she made one herself. What Bell didn't see was the outline of the wall that had been cut opened, due to the amount of blood shed that was everywhere it was hard for anyone to see. Scarlet made her journey easier than what others had to do of going further in to slay monsters for gold or items.

"Ara, what do I have here? A whole floor full of monsters?" Scarlet asked as she grins widely. "....Entertain me...."

The monsters snarled and growled at the Grimm girl as they charged head on towards her, some welding weapons, and some only using brute strength. Scarlet on the other hand grins with excitement as she rips and tears through them like they were nothing. Blood splattered everywhere as Scarlet had the look of a crazed Yandere on her face, her eyes shrunken as she and a sinister devilish grin on her face. To her this was nothing more than a fun game, but to the monsters it was terror, some tried to flee to the lower floors only to be stopped by Scarlet.

"I've always wanted to say this... Or did I? Meh oh well, if I did it won't hurt to say it again." Scarlet said as she grins. "GET OVER HERE!" She pulled one last monster over to her as she ripped it's head off and used it as a soccer ball, she kicked the head as it went down to the lower floors. "Now then... Let's see what else awaits me."

Bell got closer to where Scarlet was at, he had picked up back on the trail of murder as an adventure came fleeing from in front of him, they bumped into Bell knocking him down onto his back as they looked like they've seen a ghost. Their eyes were blood shot as they were covered in scratches and had broken fingers. It had seemed Scarlet had let this one live, or so it seemed.

The spiral ray of magic shot through their chest as Scarlet grinned standing there. "Ara ara, if I promised to let you live... I lied." She saw Bell as she just stood there waiting to see what he'd do.

"Y-You killed them.... All of them.... Why?" Bell asked. "Why did you do this?!" He clinched his knife tightly as he glares at her. "I want answers!"

Scarlet cackled as she had blood drip from her arms, she had bathed in the blood of the monsters she killed as she rose her left hand up to her neck and started scratching. "I kill for the joy of it. Why does it matter to you?" She kept scratching her neck more as her nails were peeling the flesh of her skin off. "And I will bath in your blood next!"

"Damn it. I don't have time to react..." Bell mumbles. "Here she comes..." He held his arm out as the palm of his hand sparked. "FIRE BOLT!" A blast of fire engulfed Scarlet as Bell stood there for a moment. "Did I get her?"

Through the fire Scarlet reached out and grabbed Bell's neck and slams him down on the floor as she was strangling him with her hands. "Heh....hahaha....ahahahah! Die you miserable fool!" She watched the color in Bell's face go from skin tone to blue and now purple.


Hestia began to worry about Bell, but knew he'd be fine. But something didn't sit right in the pit of her stomach. She glanced over to Lili who was eating. "Lili, I'm worried about Bell."

"Master Bell will be fine." Lili said. "I'm surprised he didn't ask me to go with him." She glances over to Hestia as she smiled a little. "I'm sure he's giving those monsters a hard time, besides if you worry too much you'll go grey."

"Ah no!" Hestia said. "I don't want to go grey!" She plops her butt down as her breast jiggled as she did. She sighs as she puts her elbows on her lap as she plopped her chin in her hands. "I'm just getting an awful feeling in the pit of my gut."

Suddenly the entire town and builds shook as there was smoke coming from the tower as Bell was falling from the side of it, along with Ais Wallenstein and Scarlet. Hestia rushed outside as Ed followed behind her, Ed's eyes widen as he saw what was going on a mere memory flashed in his head of Scarlet as he clinches his head and screams in pain.

"AHH! No, she can't be here! No!" Ed yelled as he fell to his knees screaming still. Sweat ran down his face as he jerked about. "No, no.... NO!"

Scarlet kicked Ais away as she flew towards Bell, but Ais used her Ariel magic to make a shiled around Bell. She threw her sword at Scarlet as it pierced through Scarlet's abdomen, Bell was unconscious. Hestia slapped Ed's face as she snapped him out of his haunting past of what him and Al witnessed.

"Bell need's help." Hestia said as she points to the falling boy in midair.

Ed nodded his head without saying anything as he dashed through the town to where Bell was calling towards, he clasped his hands together and slams his hands down, the ground below Ed rose up carrying him with it as it raised higher and higher. "I gotcha Bell! I'm not letting anyone else die."

Scarlet pulled Ais' sword out of her abdomen as she saw Ais crash land into some bushes below. She flapped her Nevermore wings as she glides through the air and threw the sword towards Ed. "Hiya Eddy, here's a gift for you!"

Ed caught Bell as he deflected Ais' sword, his metal arm now having a blade on it. "You can't be here! How is this possible?!"

Scarlet grins as she flew towards him. "Come to mommy Edward!" She swung Black Rose towards him as she grins. "It's time you joined Winry in the after life!"

Ed gritted his teeth as he swung at her. "Don't talk about her!" He saw Hestia coming as he tossed Bell aside. "Catch Goddess!"

Hestia would keep running as she held her arms out as she slid across the ground catching Bell in time. "Bell... Bell! Wake up!" She shook him lightly as Lili and Welf came right behind her. Mikoto and Haruhime had also arrived soon after. "Bell isn't waking up..."

Scarlet clashed with Ed as she kicked him back. "Oops, I think I may have over done the strangling.... Oh wait, nah!" She saw Ed coming at her as she blocks his on coming attack. "Tell me Ed, how does it feel seeing your friends killer in the flesh again hmm?" She bashed her head against his as she grins knocking him back. "I could kill everyone in this waste of a town and have it burn to ash with a flick of a wrist."

Ed stops himself as he growled. "You've gave me and Al nightmares, we couldn't sleep. We couldn't focus... And we never forgave you for what you've done!"

Scarlet grins more as she cackles. "Why thank you, I know I'm nightmare fuel for that stuff."


Bell started to come too as he slowly opened his eyes as he looked up to see Hestia looking down at him. "G-Goddess.... W-What are you doing in the dungeon?"

"We're not in the dungeon Bell." Hestia said as she glances up. "Some girl came out of the side of the tower with you and WallenWhatsIt."

"It seemed like Ais saved you for a moment before she fell into some bushes." Lili said as she was knelt down to be on Bell's level. "Now Ed is up there on that tall ground fighting that woman."

Bell sat up as he looks up. "I need to help him... That girl.... She slayed every adventure in the dungeon. All the monsters haven't respawned like they normally would. She killed all of them.." It was clear to Bell that Scarlet wasn't a normal girl.

"So she's scared the monsters into not respawning.... She's not a normal girl then... She's much more than that.." Welf said. "She's a monster no doubt..."

"No" Bell said looking at him. "She's a Demoness..."

Loki over heard this as she glanced up. "A demon Goddess...."

Scarlet slammed Ed down hard as she ripped off his metal arm. "You won't be needing this to finish the fight Eddy." She knelt down and smirks. "No one will help you... Not Al, not Colonel Mustang... Not even the Homunculus."

Ed glances up as he grins a little. "They might not.... But she will."

Ais jumped up onto the platform as she rammed her sword through Scarlet's heart and threw her off the side, she watched her fall as Scarlet dropped into the ocean making a splash as she drowned to the bottom. Ais glances at Ed and helps him up, she didn't need to speak any words whatsoever to fight.

"She did it..." Lili said. "Ais saved us!"

Ed jumps down with Ais as he lands behind Hestia. "No.... it isn't over Lili. This is just the beginning of the end..."