Chapter 52: Betrayal

Scarlet flew towards the mountain as she picked up a faint scent of one other person hiding away, it was faint almost weak. Of course Galand hasn't caught up just yet, the Grimm girl scoffed as she flew down.

Galand stayed back as he threw a boulder towards whoever was trying to flee, as the boulder landed behind the three people causing them to fall, but the small girl used magic to make their fall less painful.

Jericho carried Ban and Elaine into a passage after noticing it right in her line of sight. She noticed a tavern bar door inside the mountain that had the words My Sweet Gluttony.

"What is.... This?" Jericho asked as she looked at it. "Not that it matters, we need to hide before we're found!"

Jericho headed inside with the two on her back as a thin skinny man noticed Ban as he was in joy as he saw the other two. "Oh dear... What happened and I'm relieved knowing you're still alive after all this time, meaning if you are then the rest of the Sins are as well."

Ban looked at him confused. "Huh....?"

"Oh.... Right forgive me, it's me Escanor." Escanor said as he looked at Ban. "But I'll explain more later, you three seem injured."

"Look we don't have time to jaw jack, the Commandments are back." Ban said. "You need to hide us, they're hunting the Sins down one by one."

Ecanor nods as he looks at the backroom where the rest of his beer is stored at. "You can hide in there, if they come here. They won't know who I am.... Well not yet at least."


Scarlet landed as she sniffs the air as she picked up the smell of blood, she followed it as she went through the passage as she saw the door. "...If this is where Escanor is hiding and the other three, why does he have this? The gluttony I know is a fat bastard who doesn't stop eating... Sure I could be wrong about the gluttony in this world, maybe he or I guess she might have Escanor stock up on a stash of food so they can come and eat it all...?

Escanor was inside as he heard talking outside the door, he put a glass down as he had assumed Scarlet was one of the members of the Commandments hunting down the Sins, which he was somewhat on point. But Scarlet had a deeper secret that she was keeping from the Commandments.

Scarlet kicked the door down as it went flying towards Escanor as he ducked, the door hit a barrel of beer as it spewed out from it. "Ara ara, did I do that? Whoops~" She snickered as she glared at Escanor, she tilts her head a little. "You? You're the Sin of Pride? Oh please, is this what the Ten Commandments feared? A fragile mortal?"

"N-Now hold on.... I'm more than meets the eye... can't we wait till morning so I can show you?" Escanor asked. "I-If you wait, I'll fight you...."

Scarlet laughed as she glares to the backroom. "I can smell you three in there, why don't you come on out so I can play a little before Galand arrives. He's taking his sweet time getting his ass here."

Escanor looks at the door of the backroom. "I-I don't know what you mean, there's no one in there. It's just beer."

Scarlet's eyes glowed as she slowly walked towards him. "If that's true then why do I smell fresh blood?"

Escanor tried to think of a good excuse to say, on why Scarlet could smell blood from the back room. He was a little surprised she could smell it though, then Galand entered the tavern as he walked over and stops.

"Well? Is there a reason why we stopped here?" Galand asked. "I don't see any Sins or the Lion Sin of Pride."

Scarlet glared at him as she didn't say anything, she grabbed Escanor by the collar of his shirt and pulled him close to her over the bar's counter. "Listen here and listen good. If you don't hand over yourself and the Sin you're hiding in the backroom... I will make sure this entire bar of yours and this mountain are nothing but rubble. Then I will slice you open slowly, and eat your organs as you watch, I will do the same thing to that other Sin and the other two as well." Her Grimm eyes glowed with anger and murder, she grinned widely as she cackled. "I'll drink your blood to wash it all down. And then once you're dead, I'll go after the other deadly sins and do the exact same thing, until there's nothing left. Even if that means I have to keep killing Meliodas over and over again."

Escanor tried to pull away from Scarlet's grip but he found her grip to be too strong, he tried ripping his shirt to slip away. But he couldn't, if only the sun would rise to make him stronger then he'd sweep the floor with her and Galand. He didn't take the threat too kindly but at this rate he couldn't do anything. "Y-You're a monster....."


Dawn was slowly rising as Escanor's body started to change, Scarlet took notice as Galand was drunk from the amount of beer he drunk, thinking he was seeing things.

"Ara Ara, so this is your true form by day." Scarlet said. "How interesting."

"Indeed, I'm the strongest Deadly Sin out of the others." Escanor said as he towered over Scarlet. "And you've threaten me and my friends, I will not allow you to do as you please."

Scarlet grins as she back flips away from him. "Now I can tell the difference between you and Pride, you use the sun for power, while Pride uses shadows to kill." She snickered as she saw Escanor get the golden axe off the wall. "Big boy needs big toys~"

"Enough talk, you're fighting me now. No one gets away with making death threats." Escanor said as he swung his axe at Scarlet. "Now I'll cut you into bits!"

Scarlet stood there as the axe cut her clean in half, Galand looked over as he was trying to sober up, he hiccuped as he fell over onto the floor. "You're already dead? HA! So much for proving your worthiness."

"That was almost too easy." Escanor said as he turned to look at Galand and was about to strike him down. "The Commandments two hunters dying by my hands."

Scarlet's body seemed to stitch itself back together as she slowly stood up and pops her back into place. "By all means, try your hardest to keep me down.... But you'll find it harder than you think." She grins widely as she turns Black Rose into it's mini-gun form as she revs it up and starts firing dust bullets.

"What the?" Escanor asked as he blocks, but his body started freezing up. "What is this? What are you? How are you still standing?"

Scarlet cackles more as she watched Escanor become frozen, dust ice bullets did the job. But Scarlet knew that it wouldn't hold The Lion sin of Pride as she looked towards Galand who stumbles to his feet. "Have fun with him, I'm going to go get the other three in the backroom."

"What? Why leave all the hard work for me to do?" Galand asked not getting an answer from her. "Yeah go on, run with your tail between your legs, take care of the small fries!"

Scarlet stops half way by the door of the backroom, her head turned to the side as she saw the ice crack, but didn't tell Galand as she dashed towards him and grabbed his face and bashed him into the wall of the bar. "I told you to keep your mouth shut when it comes to talking to me, I don't play nice. But it seems you don't care what warnings I give you."

Escanor broke out from his icy tomb as he stood there looking at what Scarlet had done, Galand was pinned against the wall as he dropped his spear. "You choose to attack your comrade, and turn your back on the enemy?"

Scarlet slammed Galand's face into the wall more as she growls like a Grimm that had the case of rabies. "I guess you really want a death wish don't you Galand. Who said you were my comrade?"

"L-Let go of me, Escanor is free." Galand said. "We need to take him down and devour his soul!"

Scarlet was getting tired of hear bullshit coming from Galand's mouth as she slams him down onto the floor and then puts her foot onto his back and pulled his arm back as well. "I don't think you're listing very well. I don't give two shits about your goals, If you really want to know why I'm here then let me help you understand your situation a lot better!" She raised her foot up and stomps hard on Galand's back shattering his armor and broke the orb that was in the front of his armor. "I told you I would, but this is going on for too long. I'll kill you all one by one, and guess what. Not even your strongest demon in the Commandments will stop me, for I am a creature of darkness. A real nightmare to those who cross my path.... And I will not let some low rank demons like you and the commandments get in my way!"

Escanor watched as he stood there confused as to why Scarlet had back stabbed one of the Ten Commandments, he was going to walk over to finish the job and kill them both. But he felt a sinister aura coming from Scarlet as he didn't move an inch.

Scarlet had a sinister grin on her face as she pulled and pulled at Galand's arm before she heard a snap, she had snapped his arm and pulled it off of his body. Of course she started to slurp up his arm even if it was a empty shell of armor, but it didn't matter to her. She was going to get rid of the commandments slowly. By the time Scarlet was done, there was no more evidence left of Galand. She turned to look at Escanor as she scoffs before heading towards the door, she opened it as she turned to look back at him.

"I'm not doing this out the kindness of my heart, if only you knew why I'm doing this. Then you would understand, but hear this warning from me Escanor, if you or the other Sins dare get in my way, I won't hesitate and kill you where you stand." Scarlet spoke as she left the tavern. "Now for my next step in my plan, to make this world fall to Grimm."