The Winsome Witch

Flourish Marigold it was at the bottom of the nobility lineage, and lived in the poorest county oof Licorn Empire.

He didn't even considered himself a noble, neither his cousin Bonnie the countess of Marigold.

She was just his brat cousin that grows up with him.

He was a hard worker, good in fix things and a brave hunter, but not found of the supernatural. Well… Supernatural at Propasa point of view.

He was fixing an old windows hinge when heard a pan flute sound and inside his head Flourish could understood that someone was asking if he wanted a muffin.

He turned confuse and found his cousin Bonnie with a pan flute in her hands and a wide smile, with her friend Jolly at her side with a plate of muffins.

"What was that?" he shook his head startled.

Bonnie played the flute again and he understood: "You can understand it? You liked it?"

"Yes, I can understand you Bonnie." Flourish covered his ears. "No I don't. What you did this time? It's a weird feeling inside my head."

Bonnie played the flute once more. "It´s a magic flute that I can communicate with. Jolly Acacia found in Papa Nick magic instrument collection and regulate to me. Neat, no?"

"No. It's weird, very weird and uncomfortable."

Bonina Played once more. "You prefer that I wasn´t capable to communicate anymore?"

"No, but that is very disturbing." Flourish turn back to the window and there was a face looking at him. He immediately recognized as one of the Cooca witches and fall behind with a jump Scary. Bonnie barely hold him.

"Hello." Miss Kale waved and entered by the window, having a bit of issues with her pointed hat and her long staff that used to fly like a broomstick.

"Hello!" they answered.

"Oh!" Kale gave her hat to Flourish to hold. "You talk thought a pan flute that's so Neat."

Bonnie gave a smug smile to Flourish.

"Well Miss…" He looked at the hat like it could exploded.

"Miss Kale." She answered looking at his muscular chest. "But ye can call me Kale."

"Miss Kale, next time don't come by the window, please."

Kale moved her finger pointing at the floor. "Ya mean to poof inside here?"

Flourish pointed outside with his thumb. "I was thinking in the villa gate."

"Ye mean to ring the bell at the jooby gate, wait someone to open the bloody door, walk until the tree, and walk up that ramp until the rank front door?"

"Yes. Like a normal person."

"Yers bum´s oot the windae." Kale rolled her eyes and slapped his chest. "That's too troublesome." She looked at her hand with a surprised expression. "Ooooh! Yer are sweaty." Them, to everybody surprise and Flourish fright she licked the sweat from her finger.

Bonnie played the flute. "What are doing here Kale?"

Kale made an offended face put her hand in the chest. "What a rude tone."

Bonnie looked awkward. "That´s not my intention."

"It was." Kale giggled. "Ye dinnae ken that musical communication transmit ye intentions, not words? Ah thought yer was a bard."

Jolly Acacia and Bonnie changed embarrassed stares, they kind know that once, but forget with time.

Kale started to look around the room, lifting vases and furniture to look under it. "Where's is the wee wean?"

Jolly acacia and Bonnie changed confused stares. "The what?"

"Wee wean." Flourish answered. "She means the child."

"Not under those flowers." Jolly Acacia took the vase and put it back in the table.

"Where she is them? Show me. Show me." Kale pushed her. "Ah need to see ye wee barra."

"Okay, okay!" Jolly Acacia looked at Bonnie who silently agreed. They are old friends that are capable to communicate just with a glance. "She´s in her room."

Flourish approached and whispered. "You understand that?"

They crossed the wooden corridors carved in the giant tree until Margot´s room that used one of those enormous blue stones as a wall.

Margot, Sapphire, and Sapoti are in the bedroom interacting when they entered. Miss Kale looked at the balcony shinning with the sunlight. "Ah could enter from that windae."

"No." Bonnie played the flute and slapped her head. "Don´t even think."

Kale stared surprised rubbing her head. That hurt more than she thought and gave a good look at Bonnie´s bodybuilder arms. Frightened she gulped and gave a step back. "Ah get it! Ah get it!" Kale rubbed her head and stared at the curious Margot.

Until that moment, everybody Margaret saw fit the Latin American stereotype, honey to black eyes, bronze to ebony skins, brown to black hair, and wore clothes with bright colors that reminded pre-Colombian clothes and feather hats.

That woman had a smooth dark red hair, shining green eyes, pale skin, a small sexy mole above her lips and wore a black and dark red robe, holding a staff and at her side the juiced man holding a pointed witches hair.

"Well. Ah already looked the wee child." Kale blinked. "Bye, bye, wee wean!"

"Just that?" Jolly Acacia was surprised.

Kale rolled her eyes. "Ah told ya that Ah just wanted to see the wee barra."

Jolly Acacia crossed her arms confused and surprised. "You just come to look at Margot and go away?"

"Exactly!" She poked the tip of Jolly Acacia nose with a smile. "Ah was ordered to look at the wee wean, and Ah looked at her." Kale made a circle with her hand in a claw shape. "She was all looked over now."

"You are just ordered to look at her?" Jolly Acacia stared at Margot. "This don't make much sense. Are you sure you are not ordered to look after her?"

"Whatever." Kale shrugged disinterested. "Ah looked after the wee wean and found her, now she was founded and looked at. Me deed was fulfilled"

"Ah…" Flourish approached kale. "I believe if was ordered to 'look after her', and they had another meaning."

"Pardon?" Kale put her and in her hips and looked at him with a disrespectful expression. "Whit ya mean?"

Bonnie angrily played the pan flute. "Flourish! You really want to hold Miss Kale here, for more time than is needed?"

"Yer name is Flourish, lad?" Kale looked at him with an open mouth smile, liking her lips. "That´s ´cause ye are easy on the eyes?"

Flourish was startled and back away. "I´m sorry."

"Well… Seems that Ah, did everything that Ah should being done." Kale looked around and stared at Margot. "Bye, bye, wee one."

Margot curiously looked at her.

"I said bye, bye wee crabbit." Kale snapped her fingers. "Lang may yer lum reek."

Margot kept looking.

"Why she didnae answered?" Kale asked at Bonnie and Jolly acacia frustrated, and treated Margot. "Answer me or 'll gie ye a skelpit lug ya !"

"She can't understand you." Sapoti waved with a smile and Margot waved back at her.

"She cannae understand me?" Kale started to pay attention. "Seriously?"

Jolly Acacia looked awkward playing with her fingers. "We thought that you, Cooca witches, know what she was happening."

"Naw, we dinnae ken." Kale trembled her left eye with a puzzled expression. "It´s weird that ya could not talk with her trough the pan flute. Since the spell transmits intentions, ya should be able to communicate with any rational being."

Bonina and Jolly Acacia changed stares, and Bonnie face palmed her forehead.

"Ye two are glaikit." Kale crossed her arms, rolling her eyes and pointed at Margot with her head. "Go! Talk with the wee using the flute ya dunderheid."

Hesitant Bonnie looked at everybody in the room and approached the crib, trembling with anxiety, gave a deep breath, close her eyes and played the flute. "My dearie. You can understand your mama?"

A sudden energy strike Margot little body like a lightening entering trough her ears and filling her whole being. That soft sound carried something that makes her understand what was said without words.

"She reacted." Sapoti said exited and Gem started to hop and clap, followed by Kale and the others. Margot looked around with a bright smile.

"What was that?" Sapoti and Gem were startled covering their ears. "That's so weird. What you did to us?"

"That's an ancient bard Magic." Jolly Acacia explained. "Now your cousin Bonnie can talk again trough the sound of the enchanted flute."

"It was so weird." Sapoti complained and Gem agreed. "It was like something was itching inside my thoughts."

"That´s it!" Flourish shouted. "That´s the feeling, right in the spot. Something itching our thoughts."

"Good, is working to everybody." Kale pointed at Margot and talked to Bonnie. "Do it again."

Bonnie sighed with relief, silently thanked the god and played again. "If you understand you mama, coma here and give me a tight hug."

"Yes, yes, I understand." Margot approached raising her arms and Bonnie hold her.

"She understood!" The room was filled with happiness and joy.

"Finally we can talk properly." Margot said relieved. "I was freaking out with this thing that nobody understood me. I has so many questions."

"What she said?" Kale asked.

"Nothing." Flourish answered. "It was just baby mumblings."

"She´s not a bairn, lad." Kale said annoyed. "That sounded like words to me."

"Are you sure?" Jolly Acacia stared at her. "Sound like baby noises to me."

"To me sounded like hammered speech." Kale stared with an trembling eye holding her chin. "As if she drank too much, and has problems to control her mouth properly."

Bonnie looked her with a wide smile and played the pan flute again. "That´s true my love? You are trying to talk with mommy?"

"What? Trying?" Margot looked around surprised. "Are telling me, that you guys still don't understand what I´m saying. What disgraced one sided deal is that?"

"Look!" Sapoti pointed. "I knew it. She´s really trying to say something."

Gem pulled Kale dress. "Maybe is some kind of dragon language."

"Didnae sounded like any language I heard." Kale shrugged. "But I think is some kind of language."

"Still sound like mumbling to me." Jolly acacia widely shrugged raising her hands.

"She looks pissed off." Flourish poked her and Margot slapped his finger swearing words they couldn't understand. "Why she´s pissed off?"

"Are you angry my little sweetie?" Bonnie asked. "What happened?"

"It happens that you guys don't understand me!" Margot waved her arms with revolt. "That´s infuriating."

Flourish asked curiously. "Maybe the flute didn't worked and she didn't understand?"

"No. I think it worked." Bonnie put Margot back in the crib. "Maybe she want to be in the ground."

"What worked?" Margot only could understand the part of the conversation made by Bonnie with the enchanted pan flute. "And no, I don´t want to be in the disgraced ground."

"Why she´s in a crib?" Kale answered confused. "She´s not a bairn. Note even a toddler."

Jolly acacia gave a sad look to Margot. "Margot still too weak to walk, she barely can stand."

"Ya ken this dinnae explain the crib, right?" Kale looked at Bonnie with a disappointed expression. "Yer are a noble. Why didnae do an Yanapay with ye wee wean?"

"Yanapay?" Jolly Acacia asked surprised. "What she said?"

"She asked why Bonnie didn't do an Yanapay with Margot?" Flourish answered.

Bonnie played the flute nervously. "If one day Margot chose to ask for a telima, she´s going to do it on her own will, to the Telima she choose."

"That´s precious." Kale laughed aloud with her characteristic witch´s laugh, and hold Margot pointed her mouth. "Yer really think that she can avoid to be a cooca´s witch? She already has a telima from Taynacan."

"What?" Jolly Acacia and Bonnie approached to see without understand. "It´s just a mole. Children's have moles. So what?"

Laughing Kale tapped Margot Mole and them tapped her own mole showing to them.

"You have a mole like her." Jolly Acacia shrugged. "She born with that."

"No she didn´t!" Sapoti looked startled. "That wasn't there before the ritual."

Flourish gulped with bogged eyes. "All the Cooca Witches have a mole like that in some place around their mouths."

With a victorious smile, Kale put Margot back in the crib.

Bonnie, Flourish and Jolly acacia changed gloomy stares.

"What disgraced was that?" Margot tried to step hard and lost her balance. "Talk to me dammit! What you guys are talking about?"

"What´s now?" Flourish scratched his head. "She´s all excited now."

"Dammit you all." Margot shout at them trying to make mimic, but didn't have motor coordination and almost fell. "What's a disgraced telema? Why I would ask for a disgraced telema?"

"She said telima!" Sapoti and Gem pointed hopping and clapping excited. "Margot Cleary said telima."

"But what she could want?" Kale pondered.

"She wants to know what is telima." Gem answered.

Bonnie smiled and knelt down. "You want to know what is telima, my love?"

"Yeas!" Margot punched the air and agreed with her head. "Telima! What's telima?"

Bonnie looked at the other with a radiant smile. "My love. In the world there a kind of people called adventurers and explorers, who fight dangerous creatures and explore unknown places. You understand."

"Yeah I understand. Tell me more about this telima thing." Margot get excited.

"Different from normal people they can get crazy strong fighting and doing magic, thanks from a blessing called telima, that they got from some deity, proving that are a worthy follower, trough a test or quest."

"Tell about her telima." Kele nudged Bonniee with her elbow. "Tell her, tell her."

Bonnie stared annoyed and whispered rolling her eyes. "Sometimes other people can ask from a telima for babies and children's. Kale here is saying that the mole in your mouth is a proof that you have a telima from taynacan."

"Taynacan?" Margot wondered. "I like this telima thing, but what is a taynacan? What kind of deity is a taynacan."

"She's talking about taynacan." Sapoti noticed. ""

"As Ah thought, its one the nose." Kale tapped her nose. "The wee wean is speaking some language."

"You thing is a terran language?" Gem asked. "Cooca said she was a dragon from another world."

"Oh, my silly willy." Jolly Acacia hold Gem cheeks. "There are no such a thing as terrans. They are just make belief from fantastic tales."

"When Mama Cooca said that she was a dragon soul from another world, without doubt she was talking about Uku Pacha." Kale answered. "Ah believe the wee wean talking some dragon language that I never heard before. What language could it be?"

Frightened Flourish started to tremble. "You think it can be a language from Uku Pacha, the land dead?"

"Good one." Kale wide her eyes and slapped a finger. "Could it be an Uku Pacha dragon tongue."

"Hello!" Margot waved. "Listen to me. What´s a taynacan?" To everybody surprise she spoke in their language: "What taynacan?"

"She said what!" Everybody was surprised and started to celebrate, Bonnie even started to cry. "Margot said, what!"

"Ochi?" Margot was surprised. "What the fuss about?"

Bonnie took Margot from the crib to kiss and hug her. "My dear, taynacan is the five head dragon goddess."

"Ochi! I have a blessing from a goddess dragon with five heads?" Margot was astonished. "That´s so cool!"

"She liked it." Kale laugh with her witch laugh and everybody become serious.

Bonnie looked at Jolly Acacia and play the flute. "You like to have a telima from taynacan, the dragon goddess."

"Of course I like it." Margot it was all smiles.

Flourish looked worried. "Seems that she liked it."

"Off course she liked it." Sapoti shrugged. "She has a dragon soul."

"Tell her about the yanapay!" Kale nudged her with the elbow again and Bonnie slapped her annoyed.

"Yanapay? What´s that?" Sapoti approached holding Sapphire also known as Gem, by her shoulders. "Not for me. Sapphire want to know."

"Yanapay? What´s that?" Sapoti approached holding Sapphire also known as Gem, by her shoulders. "Not for me. Sapphire want to know."

Bonnie started to play the enchanted pan flute again. "Margot, I want to tell you about the yanapay. When people with telima work together, they can do an union called yanapay, and share their strength and get stronger working together and sharing their experiences."

"Sounds like a thing from role playing games." Margot commented. "This place is starting to seems better at each minute."

"Some people get children with telima and make an yanapay with adventures to hunt magic beasts for the sake to make the child stronger." Bonnie stop to breath with her eyes closed. "My sweetie, I want to ask you if you want to do an yanapai, with your mommy."

"Are freaking kidding?" Margot tried to jump from happiness. "By the beards of the prophet. Of course I want it. We can go right now?"

"Wow!" Jolly Acacia was surprised. "I never saw her like that."

"Seems like she liked the idea." Kale gave her with laugh and Margot tried to imitate.

"By all the goddesses." Flourish gulped. "She's doing a witches laugh."

"The wee lassie started to interest me." Kale scratched her chin trembling an eye. "Ya are going to do the yanapai contests? Yer lassie seems to be interessed."

Bonnie agreed with her head and a determinate stare.

"Then Ah´m coming with you to look after the wee lassie." And then she checked Flourish. "And maybe stop for a tea."

"I want to do an yanantin too." Gem mimicry Margot happy dance.

"You don't start." Jolly Acacia sighed.

"Seems that yer wee lassie really has some memories from her previous life when she was a dragon." Kale approached Bonnie. "Faster ya make new memories, faster she will forgot the old ones."

Bonina agreed with her head again, then Kale got her hat with Flourish, and waved to Margot who waved back. "Bye bye wee Margot."

To Margot Amazement Kale went to the balcony, sit in her staff and float away waving, each time increasing speed until disappear in the sky. "She´s a witch! A real witch!"

They tried to hold Margot excitement but they couldn't, that was the best day in her new life, until now.