Chapter 28

After Gu Bai was taken to the courtyard that Lord Fu prepared for Du Haitang, no one bothered with him anymore.

Du Haiyan didn't came back until the next morning. Obviously, Lord Fu is very fond of his new concubine.

On the first day, he couldn't familiarize with the environment and Gu Bai also didn't dare to run around, so he settled into an empty room in the courtyard and improvised with the tea and snack on the table for the night.

Throughout the night, he was thinking about how to do this task.

Although the main partner of this mission is Fu Junli that demon* gong*, there are many other potential partners and dangers in this mission too, it's those cannon fodder cucumbers that are eyeing the original host's chrysanthemum.

*kichiku - a person who acts like a demon or a beast


Therefore, in order to complete the task, he must first have the ability to self-protect.

This is very important. The reason why the original host's chrysanthemum was crushed so tragically, other than his low status, the most important reason is that he didn't even have the slightest ability to resist, fully complying with the professional ethics of a weak shou* that will fall once pushed.


Therefore, if he doesn't want to suffer from the painful experience of the original host, he must have power. At worst, if one cucumber comes, he will chop one, and if two cucumbers come, he will chop two!

This isn't a problem, Gu Bai is very fortunate to have foresight and he also learned quite a lot in the previous fantasy world.

Other than power, he also needs to improve his status. This is an ancient dynasty that uses the "four classes"* hierarchy. A person's status level determines the fate of that person.

*the four occupations/categories of people in ancient China (scholars, farmers, artisans, and merchants)

The original host came from a brothel's prostitute and is now the lowly son of a concubine. His status is lower than others from the moment he was born and he also doesn't have any backing. With such a seductive and enchanting face, it's very normal for people to eye him and push him down.

By turning over his mind*, he solved the power problem, but there's still that status problem. Since he can't become a rich second generation*, then he will try his best to become a first generation official. In ancient times, only the official career can lift a person's status.

*左思右想 to think through from different angles

*nouveau riche/silver-spoon kids

And to strategize against Fu Junli the demon BOSS, talent and learning is also indispensable. Although Fu Junli is cold-hearted, he has one peculiarity, and that is his hobby.

In the plot, not only is Fu Junli a business genius, he's also a well-known talented scholar, clear and bright, peerless and elegant, a gentleman well versed in musical instrument, chess, painting and calligraphy.

The reason why Fu Junli can't forget the white lotus in his heart, aside from that person's peerless beauty, is because his talent and learning also resonate with him. If he wants to strategize against him, he must first have a common language with him!

Fortunately, the plot is still in the early stages, he still has several years to prepare.

When Du Haitang came back with spring in her eyes, Gu Bai actively ran up to her and tried his best to persuade, saying that he wants to study.

"What? Study? Get lost, don't mention the word 'study' to laoniang!"

Due to the ungratefulness of the original host's father, Du Haitang hates scholars a lot and she became angered once it was mentioned. She ruthlessly smacked Gu Bai's head and started scolding.

Gu Bai touched his head that was hurting from the smack. He ignored Du Haitang's expression and continued.

"Mother, I want to study, I want to take the imperial exam. You think about it, if I have a good future, you will also bask in my glory..."

"Why do I need to bask in your glory? As long as I do my best and bear the son of Lord Fu, I won't need to worry about the future. Why do I need you to take the imperial exam? You are just like your father, you will definitely discard laoniang once you have matured...." said Du Haitang hatefully.

"Mother, your son knows that your heart is bitter, but you were the one who gave birth to this son and will definitely be filial to you. What you said makes sense, but even if you gave birth to a little brother for Lord Fu now, little brother is still small, and there are so many young masters and misses in Fu mansion, it won't be easy for mother to rely on the child*... But if you let your son study, your son will work hard and achieve the exam's scholarly honor after a few years. I will be your backing, even if you are just Fu's concubine, no one will dare to look down and bully you...."

*the mother's honor increases as her son's position rises

"You are very confident that you will definitely be able to bring back the scholarly honor for laoniang and won't kick laoniang away?" Du Haitang stared at him with some disbelief.

"Mother, rest assured, your son can swear..."

Seeing Gu Bai's appearance, Du Haitang's heart turned twice and then she nodded after some hesitation.

This kid is right, her status is low and she has no family backing. It really won't be easy to rely on the child in Fu mansion. Even if she gave birth to a son for Lord Fu, she will still have to suffer for more than ten years before her child grows up and have a good future.

So why not let my son give it a try. If this kid is cold and ruthless like his father, she can only consider herself to have been momentarily blinded!

With Du Haitang's nod, this matter of studying is now easier. Under her pillow talk, Gu Bai who wasn't qualified to study together with the young masters and misses of Fu under the private teacher that they expensively hired, found the opportunity to go to a private class.

Already completed two tasks, Gu Bai learned a lot of things, but he is a noob when it comes to things like poetry, songs and so on. So he learned very seriously, he must package himself to be a top student* full of knowledge in the future.

*literally "academic overlord"

Anyway, the time is still early and the original host's body is still small, only ten years old. He's not anxious to scheme against Fu Junli. Studying during the day and cultivating at night, actively doing preparatory work for his strategy.

Just like this, time flew and six years passed.

In the past six years, Gu Bai kept a very low profile. Other than that time when he passed the imperial examination at 13 years old and became a famous figure, he spent the rest of his time at home to study and practice.

This was something that he had no choice but to do it. The original host's body is truly enchanting. In just a few short years, he developed a face so devastatingly beautiful that it can cause the downfall of a country. Therefore, if he doesn't keep a low profile, he will face a group of cannon fodder cucumbers!

Although he has the ability to protect himself now and isn't afraid, he can't be exposed. No matter how skillful his methods are in the dark, he must be a weak and easily pushed down Du Yunxi on the surface.

If other people finds out that he's a wolf wearing human skin, it will become unfavorable for him to attack Fu Junli that demon gong from the back.

There's also that 'pretending to be a pig to prey on the tiger', it's a necessary skill to deceive people at home.

Of course, there will also be accidents in a perfect plan.

In the plot, the one who burst the original host's chrysanthemum the most, Fu family's second son, accidentally bumped into Gu Bai a few days ago. He was instantly overwhelmed* by the original host's skin. Then this hedonistic gong started thinking of ways to bring him to bed.

*to take someone for a fairy

a very beautiful person

However, due to the fact that Gu Bai is now a well-known scholar and was also praised by Lord Fu several times, he didn't dare to directly tie him up and then force himself on him like in the plot, he could only think of other ways.

On this day, when Gu Bai was reading a book, a servant came to the coutyard.

"Du gongzi*, young master Tianci invites you to Lihua Garden to admire the beauty of chrysanthemums tonight...."

*honorific used to address a son from nobility/high status

Gu Bai's eyebrow twitched the moment he heard it. No need intuition, just based on these few words from young master Tianci, he knew that this invitation definitely had ulterior motives.

Young master Tianci is the second son of Fu family who brought the original host onto the path of a weak shou. If he only occasionally peeped at the original host's chrysanthemum, then never mind, but he just had to be a psychopathic master.

In the plot, this hedonistic beast called his gang of scoundrels to come share his new pet and made the original host who just became a weak shou and haven't adapt yet embark on the inhuman path of NP*.


So one can imagine how much hate the original host has toward this second young master that changed his whole life.

In that case, our task to attack will start with you!

Gu Bai's expression paused for a moment and then he responded with cupped hands, "Alright, please report back to second young master, Yunxi will arrive later..."

After that, Gu Bai returned his room to change his clothes and went to the banquet.

On the other side, Fu Tianci already took his first step out of the house and started eating and drinking with his gang of scoundrels while teasing the pretty ladies. Under the servant's rushing, Gu Bai changed his clothes quickly and went up carriage.

The carriage sped all the way, it took almost a quarter of an hour to arrive at a tea house called 'Lihua Garden'. This is the largest tea house in the county and it's also the favorite meeting place for nobles.

The servant led Gu Bai into the private room of a group of hedonists.

As soon as he entered, Gu Bai attracted everyone's attention. To be more precise, it's the original host's beautiful skin that attracted everyone's attention. The charm of a beauty can't be underestimated.

This perfect and delicate face is really beautiful, his fair skin is like a piece of flawless jade, exuding a lustrous sheen, and his blue eyes glisten like the light reflected in a rippling lake.

Even Gu Bai himself has to admit that the original host's body has the ability to cause the downfall of a country despite being a man. With this kind of appearance, just one face to face is enough to draw out the three immortal souls and seven mortal forms* of other people. As the saying goes, even with a pretty face, life is still bitter. His tragic fate is linked to his gorgeous face....

*the spiritual and carnal side of man (Daoism)

So everyone's line of sight locked on to him just like that. They stared at him and swallowed their saliva continuously, wanting to swallow down the beauty.

In the end, it was Fu Tianci this livestock who came back to his senses first. He signalled the beauties and servants to withdraw and lock the door, then vulgarly exchanged a few looks with his gang of scoundrels. He fiercely spoke to Gu Bai.

"Du Yunxi, your courage really grew. Don't think that you are really Fu family's young master just because you passed the imperial exam and father looked at you. Bengongzi* let you come to Lihua Garden to admire the beauty of chrysanthemums and you actually came just now, making bengongzi wait for so long, are you looking down on bengongzi? What are you staring blankly for, quickly pour wine for the other gongzis in apology!"

*this (used arrogantly/to show superiority) gongzi

Followed by his voice, a servant brought over a jug of wine.

Gu Bai took one glance and he's absolutely certain that the wine must be drugged. In the plot, Fu Tianci this livestock used this underhanded tactic. As long as he drank this wine, everything that follows after won't be up to him.

What a bastard, there's a road to heaven but you won't walk on it, there's no door to hell but you persistently slap away God's hand. Today God will let you know what is called 'die beneath a peony flower (metaphor for beautiful woman), but can still flirt as a ghost!'