
(Author's Note: Sorry it took so long for my frequent readers. I reached a dead zone in my writing, and couldn't figure out something to continue the story on. I knew how it would end, but needed something to put between. Luckily I had a friend who was willing to help, so here we go.)

Upon arriving back to the Fire Temple, Namaru turns to Chino. "Okay, now what happened back there. Where did you get those Sealing Chains, and how did I not know?" "Now is when I explain. My great grandfather was an Uzumaki who had those same chains. He married into the family, and my father and myself both inherited them. I only use them when I have to. Honestly, I hate using them, but sometimes I make exceptions." Their conversation is cut short as Osawa enters the room.

"Whatever you two are talking about can wait. Time is of the essence. We need to prepare for a fight. No doubt the capture of Matatabi will reach the Samurai Lord's ears before too long. He will be coming for us. We must get ready for an attack. The onslaught is nigh." Namaru butts in, "Osawa's right. We can't sit idly back and let them zone in on us. It would be a massacre, and I have a gut feeling Musashi would come out on top. We're sitting ducks here." He turns to the Samurai Captain, "Fortify the defenses. Get more guards outside. Do everything you can to keep this place protected."

"Yes, Lord 10th." The Captain runs off toward the barracks. A short minute later, 20 more men run through the barracks door and out the front door. "We aren't done yet, Chino. You better be ready to explain further. As Osawa said earlier, time is of the essence. Let's go help prepare. Misako, you're with me. Osawa, I would like you to go with Chino." The two nod and they get with their partners, and go their separate ways to help prepare. They all gather back to the main hall of the Temple where Namaru speaks up. "Why don't we go back to the Leaf? They would never expect us to hide out in their main base of operations. I even have a base there. Hopefully it's still standing." Osawa chimes in. "That is, actually, genius. I agree. We can leave the Samurai here to make the place look protected that way nothing off is expected." Chino agrees as well, and they all depart for the leaf, followed by all of the Chakra trainees under the protection of a Genjutsu cast by Namaru.

(Back in Musashi's lair in the Leaf Hokage Office) A Samurai Captain is currently running toward the mansion. When he gets inside, he is greeted by Musashi, himself. My Lord, I have some terrible news. Matatabi has just been captured and resealed. We don't know how, but we think some Ninja might be involved." Musashi strikes the man across the face. "Of course it's ninja, imbecile! No one else would dare defy Samurai law! Plus, we, Samurai, don't use Sealing Jutsu, or any Ninjutsu, for that matter. We do use paper seals, but that's it I want to find out who it was and report to my palace in the Land of Iron. That's where I'll be so these ninja don't find me." "Yes, Sir!" With that being said, the Samurai takes off to find intel.

The Captain returns to Musashi's palace in the Land of Iron a couple days later upon speaking to a Samurai team who has been patrolling the Land of Fire who gave him the information he needed. "Lord Musashi, I've been told the Ninja are hiding out in the Land of Fire somewhere near the Leaf Village." "Check everywhere. They have to be around there somewhere." "There are a lot of places they cold be, sir. The Land of Fire is huge." "I SAID SEARCH IT ALL!" "Yes, sir!" With that quick response, the Samurai is gone to gather a team to patrol.

Back at the Temple, our heroes are packing up and preparing to travel to the Leaf Village. Although Namaru is feeling anxious about the whole thing, he tries to remain calm so no one gets any ideas. The last one to finish packing is Chino, and as he grabs his pack, he turns to the others. Namaru gives him a nod before asking, "Are we all ready?" As if rehearsed, the others all nod in unison, and they all depart, using the shadows for cover as much as possible to avoid attracting any unwanted attention from the patrolling Samurai, all while all of the trainees are training on the lowest 2 underground floors of the Fire Temple, which Namaru created using his Earth Style.

After about a day of travel, they are finally spotted by a patrolling team of Samurai. "Step very slowly toward us, with your hands up, or we will use our blades." As soon as the 4 are out in the open and visible, the Samurai all turn a pale white. "N-Ninja..." Before they can get another word in, Namaru simply says, "I don't have time for this," and speeds toward one of the Samurai, drawing his sword, and decapitates one of them before he can even blink an eye. Another Samurai swings around and clashes his blade with Namaru's. The last thing he sees is a smirk, before being pierced through the gut with a Chidori. Namaru then jumps up and off the still standing dead man's chest causing him to fall over. Namaru does a flip in mid air, and lands behind another Samurai, slicing his throat with a kunai. Now all that's left is the Squad Captain, which Namaru quickly defeats by using Amaterasu. All of this had happened in a matter of just a couple seconds. With the Samurai all dead, our heroes continue their journey.