At the Target


An arrow left an afterimage in the air and shot straight into the center of the target a hundred feet away.

At the corner of the martial field, Lu sect disciples were cheering and complementing together.

This was a place where they practiced with bows and arrows.

" Great arrow skill! It's no wonder that Brother Lu Di is one of the sect's 3 holy archers"

" This arrow could break straight through the defense of a 3rd rank and even kill sturdy beasts".

Exited, shouting came from the side.

After Lu Zhou arrived at the field, he saw everyone was cheering Lu Di, the youth who was called godly archer in the sect.

Shoot swoosh…

Lu Di pulled the string and shot out 5 arrows at lightning speed, which formed a circle around the focus's red dot.

The disciples around started cheering.

Lu Zhou paid no further regard as he went past them to particular places.

But his actions were noticeable to the main disciples.

Disciples saw him and their eyes shone.

" Heh, heh, this kid is called Lu Zhou, and he came from a branch sect half a month ago. Recently, I heard he offended Lu Yijian who is ranked 2nd among the outer disciples. I also found out that girl he likes left him…"

There were some, though, who recognized Lu Zhou.

" Branch family disciples? Ha! That boy? I see him defeating Lu Peng, the elder grandson…"

And likewise, some who know about his duel with Lu Peng.

" Hmph! "

Even the godly archer Lu Di was disturbed by this.

" You. Come here "

Then he called Lu Zhou who nearing the places where arrows and bows were put together neatly, as there was no one using them.

Lu Di was arrogant and casually looked at Lu Zhou.

He spends his time showing up here, but before he even reaches his destination, he was mocked and given disdain from everyone else.


Clicking his tongue, Lu Zhou put on his nonchalant face and walked to the person calling his name.

" I heard you like using hidden weapons. Here, try this"

Waving his hand, an outer sect disciple comes with arrows and a bow. The bow looked like it was made from garbage, and the arrows were splendid, with small holes at its shaft.


When they see this, the outer sect's main disciples laughed and unleashed their pent-up frustrations towards Lu Zhou.

Standing there, Lu Zhou looked at the bow and arrow, then he lifted his head to glance at the cold and smug expression on Lu Di's face. Turning his head around, the same face on the main disciples was clear and bright as day.

I should stay at home…

He already knew their views towards branch disciples, but he needed to leave his home to fetch something.

This morning, when he woke up, he saw that the level cap cannot be raised a bit. His Fire Fist magic stayed at level 19, and so do all his skills and possibly all magic. If he knows to obtain some.

But he doesn't give up. The possibility was unknown. He trains all his techniques appropriately and evenly, but this will not develop his fighting prowess at all. Knowing about how this world's threat to people like him was on a different level, so he searches for another alternative.

His Throwing skill can slow down his precision over the perspective of time. Enlarged the vision on the targets. Now that its level was almost the same as his Fire Fist, he knew the marble in his home will not help any longer. He tried, and that scene was catastrophic. His home was almost destroyed.

So, here he is, trying to take the bow and arrow who free to use and go home to practiced and was interrupted by some fellows whose guts had reached heaven.

Sighing, Lu Zhou takes the bow and arrow, in different situations, he will ignore them. Leaves with the bows and a couple of several arrows and just spends his time at home training with it. But the feeling of warning from the youth who had bows on his hand was giving him some threat.

Activating his Throwing skill, the target at 50 meters away in his vision became bigger and bigger.


The arrow string trembled and the arrow flew through the air, barely landing on the target but then fell off onto the ground.


Exhaling a deep breath, Lu Zhou started sweating as this was his first time using a bow.


The disciples around the field raised their heads and laughed.


Lu Zhou was calm. Missing on the first arrow was normal, moreover, the broken equipment was not his prove of excuse.

Next, he used a quarter of his muscle strength on the string.



The second arrow went straight to the target, hitting the center target.

And half section of the bow was staggering in the air. Supported by the string to stay airborne.

The field turned silent.

Those that were laughing had their faces freeze.

Even Lu Di's eyebrows scrunched further.

To shoot 50 meters away and hit his target was unacceptable to them. Their pride not allowed it.

" Luck! This must be luck!"

"You're right! A beginner cannot shoot this accurately. His first arrow did not even hit the target."

The disciples started laughing again and looked at Lu Zhou.

Their consciousness was clouded with the broken bows.

However, Lu Zhou paid them no needs. As he looks at the man who offers his humiliation.

Lu Di was shocked. And some of the veterans at the field had their expression of confusion and stood there frozen.

Looking at their silly faces, Lu Zhou's smugness getting its engine's boost on. The life of people was indeed extraordinary.

He gave a little smile.

His lips curled once again into a smile as it was proven that he had an exceptional talent for the bow.

Even though, it's because of my Throwing skill...but who cares.

" What's up with this guy?"

Most of the archers had queer faces on.

Any archer was a beginner from the start. However, it was their first time seeing someone with such luck.

Again, getting rid of the possibility of Lu Zhou had trained at the Cloud Step City was thrown out of their minds.

In their mind right now, the possibility of such reason wasn't a choice. Lu Clan at the Snowy Leaf City was the best to trained and started their journey at.

"Kid! Take another shot!"

A few disciples said unwillingly.

" Yes! Take another shot!"

Most of them had excited looks on and started shouting.

Lu Zhou wanted to leaves, but these people were unwilling to let him leave.

Especially the guy who had just embarrassed himself. Providing him with a broken set of archer's equipment, and was used perfectly fine by Lu Zhou. This whole point was to humiliate Lu Zhou, but he changed the outcome and make him look like a total idiot.

" Give him "

Lu Di ordered the disciples beside him. In return, he gave the bow and the quiver to Lu Zhou.

There were a few disciples that were the 3rd rank of the martial path, and most here were older than him.

Helpless, Lu Zhou picked up the bow and slowly pulled the string.

" Looks at this kid's stance, it is obvious that he is a newbie!"

" Hmph! If he hits the center this time, I will spend hours of my time with you "

" What! Go to hell "

Some tried to use this circumstance to flirt with the female disciples.

Furthermore, the archers on the field had exited faces and looked down upon Lu Zhou.

The person in the crowd who had the highest skill was Lu Di. He had a face full of confidence, " Archery skills are only improved by shooting endless times. Only then will you become a peak archer."

His words were in contradiction with how his previous action was. Nonetheless, his words made those archers around nod in agreement.

Lu Zhou squinted his eyes, activation of the Throwing skill was successful.

His vision over the target was enlarged.

Like it was a few meters before him.

At the same time, his muscles fiber was stretch to the maximum.

Every part of Lu Zhou's body, even his breathing started to calm down.

These changes weren't watched closely by the people.

However, being an exceptional archer, Lu Di's eyes flashed.


The bow shot out an arrow that whipped through the air, and like a missile, landed on the target.

Dead center!

This time the bow did not break.

Hmm? what a good material.

Lu Zhou was satisfied with the woods than the flabbergasted expression the disciples had.

He thought that it was easy to break it with his strength, but did not know that he would still hit dead center with it perfectly fine.


He shook his head and sighed. If all the objects would be destroyed by his strength alone, then these places would perish.

His actions made the disciple's faces go tense.

" Another dead center, what is this guy!?"

" He's got two dead centers now, how is that possible?"

These archers had confused expressions and we're unwilling to believe.

" Farewell "

Lu Zhou patted his clothes, then put down the disciple's bow and got ready to leave.

Before he walked away, he takes a quiver of arrows and two bows.

Looking at his back, all the archers around felt angry.

" Kid! Stop right there!"

A cold voice came from behind.

Lu Zhou stopped his footsteps and turned around.

The person who called him was Lu Di.

Lu Di had a face full of anger and his 3rd rank of the martial path made the people around him feel pressured.

Lu Di was 18 years old. The fact that he had higher cultivation and was also bigger than Lu Zhou added some ferocity.

" I have followed your order to shot those arrows, what else do you want me to do?"

Although Lu Di was strong, and Lu Zhou didn't have any confidence in winning. However, it did not mean he was scared of him.

Force me...then you should be burned.

His urge to activate the Fire Fist was almost reached his heart.

" You're acting!" Lu Di snorted; " You are not a beginner, you are just here to play us!"

After this was said, the archers around him all came to a realization and nodded in approval.

" No wonder this kid can shoot those arrows, he was just a tiger pretending to be a pig!"

"Hmmph, this guy dares to play us!"

The disciples around believed Lu Di's words and started yelling at Lu Zhou with furious complexions.

" Calm down everyone, this was indeed my first time shooting."

Lu Zhou shook his head; this is not his first time dealing with mischievous youth.

To get such a good result was not something that he expected.

Lu Di stared at him and squinted his eyes: " Even I got tricked by the first arrows. However the 2nd round...Your hand stance has reached a high level. To shoot 50 meters and hit the target at the center twice in a row. What kind of beginner had this kind of jokes?"

He had a reason for his words. It did not matter if Lu Zhou had one thousand mouths because he still wouldn't be able to explain.

Knowing that his Throwing Skill was worked flawlessly with his new body strength, makes Lu Zhou's heart happy.

" What do you guys wang?"

Lu Zhou's expression turned cold if he could not explain then there was no point to continue.

" Hehe kiddo, you have the nerve to play us. So we're not gonna let you leave so easily."

The disciples around all touched their fists and more and more people came crowding over...