Another face slapping

Lu Zhou pondered whilst taking the rosewood bow from the bewildered disciple.

Book of Enlightenment and Low-level Creation Book?

Is this another different one? Aside from the Book of Enlightenment, this creation book was perhaps the strangest thing he remembered.

Well, I don't have any source to look into it.

In Lu Zhou's mind right now, it was to leave this place and go to his home. There is no longer time he had after this long day of being mocked by and pitied.


Afterward, he stepped outside the shooting area, and just before he went into the pathways leading to the martial field, a voice that so similar ringing into his ear.


With the face of death or doesn't care, Lu Zhou continued his pace instead of turning his body around.

I have enough of this…

" The winner of this archery contest is Lu Zhou."

Lu Yu Yin recovered from the shock and announced the result of the forced contest between him and the 3rd ranked archer in the sect.

Then she looked at the leaving Lu Zhou. This was her first time seriously sizing up his presence. The youth she saw was confident and had an appeal that surpassed many people of the same age.

` He's different…'

After he walked out of the archery field, Lu Zhou let out a long breath. Today's archery session benefitted him a lot.

First, he had a new and superior bow compared to the regular bow, then he got the Book of Enlightenment. A must-have item inside the game in his previous world.

The third reward was still unknown, but with how the name was so exaggerating to his ears, this reward must be wonderful…

Moreover, he knew that killing a creature with particular existence like the vultures would benefit him. Although he knows no more than that, it was a worth try.

As soon as Lu Zhou walked out of the martial arts field.

"Hahaha… Lu Zhou, I finally found you!"

Cruel laughter sounded in front of him.


As soon as the words finished, three youths blocked Lu Zhou's way.

Lu Zhou looked at the boy blocking him. It was Lu Peng, the elder's grandson.

" Why were you looking for me?"

Lu Peng answered with an annoyed voice," What? Do you think I'll let you go after humiliating me? This time, however, I am going to make you lose and beg for forgiveness."

Lu Peng licked his lips and his eyes had a certain amount of deadlines in them.

Thanks to Lu Zhou, Lu Peng had to give up on every plan he had to make himself stronger. His precious time for bullying the side branch disciples was gone because of Lu Zhou!

` Ugh…I'm busy, man.'

However, Lu Zhou was only focused on learning archery skills. His conclusion that the previous Lu Zhou had attracted an annoying enemy was correct.

` He's not weak though…'

Lu Zhou found that the 2 helpers Lu Peng brought were both at the 2nd rank of the Martial Path and were there to stop him from escaping.

Lu Zhou then realized there was no other way around it and decided to taunt him.

Raising the bow and knocked an arrow to the string, he pulled it until it becomes a half-moon.

" Move "

Lu Zhou had a hesitant expression on his face…

However, in front of these matters, Lu Zhou felt no fear.

" Sister Yu Yin that Lu Zhou seems to have some trouble."

The girl at Lu Yu Yin's side said.

At this time, most of the people from the archery field found the change that occurred here.

" Move?"

Lu Peng had a gloating grin.

" You'd think using a weapon outside the field is allowed? Put that down!".

The moment his vision landed on the bow, his expression changed. But the rules of the sect comforted him, and the one before him was only an ordinary side branch disciple.

Then, with the pretense of justification, he ordered Lu Zhou to get rid of the bow.

" That's right! No weapon allowed! Use your skills "

The disciple that came from the archery field yelled at Lu Zhou.

" Lu Peng, be careful, he's already at the 2nd rank of the Martial Path…furthermore his body was stronger than the 3rd rank "

Lu Di arrived at the side and warned of the gloating Lu Peng.

" Haha, don't you worry about that "

Lu Peng felt a little surprised by Lu Zhou's 2nd rank of the Martial Path, but it didn't affect his plans.

That was because Lu Zhou had reached the 2nd rank not long ago, and Lu Peng himself had entered the peak of the 2nd rank two years ago.

He also had upper-ranked martial arts skills, the Ten Formation of the Fanged Yellow Spider.

With the help from his two cronies, his confidence soar.

A stronger body?

Can that hold against three disciples who had a cultivation at the 2nd rank of the Martial Path?

This thought reached his deepest consciousness.

Meanwhile, after hearing the words from them, Lu Zhou put down his rosewood bow and placed it on his back.

" Make your move "

Lu Zhou coldly said.

" Kid! Don't be arrogant!"

Lu Peng suddenly turned his four limbs and body into a weird stance, and like a poisonous vermin, bit towards Lu Zhou.

In a flash, Lu Peng used his Ten Formation of the Fanged Yellow Spider. In terms of speed and power, it far exceeded that of Lu Zhou.

" Lu Peng has already trained the Ten Formation of the Fanged Yellow Spider to a low level."

On the archery field, Lu Yu Yin had a moved and slightly shocked face.

Being one of the sect's geniuses, she had major support from the sect and so, naturally, had access to upper-ranked martial art skills.

The higher the rank of skill was, the harder it was to train in it.

Once a high-rank skill had been trained to the low level, the power would be stronger than when one trained a middle-ranked skill to a high level.

" What a speed! The third form of the Ten Formation of the Fanged Yellow Spider was faster than my speed?"

Lu Di had a shocked expression. The hand that gripped his new bow was flushed red.

The treatment of the elder grandson was truly generous.

Lu Zhou calmly activated his Throwing Skill, and his perception of the time was slowed

The movement from the martial arts formation was slowed down to the maximum.

" Flipping the River…"

Lu Zhou spoke slowly and stomped his left foot forward.

His right fist was pulled over his back, all of his power was put into his right hand.


Like a dragon flew through the air, the glowing ebony on his hand breaks the sound barrier.

The shock waves were so strong, as the two cronies at his side were thrown aside.


His punch made Lu Peng flew twenty meters away and slide through the stones.

" You've lost."