An outset of fortune!

Brooklynn's POV;

At 06:25 pm (evening) on Sunday,

(Sunday was the only day of their vacation.)

She was sitting in the dining hall and researching the case of Rocella on the laptop. Erwin (her husband) came with a tray having two cups of coffee (Made by Erwin) and sat on the chair beside Brooklynn.

[Erwin was the husband of Brooklynn. He was the human rights lawyer. He had medium-honey tan-colored (skin) with ash brown hair. Six feet and three inches man always dressed up as a bold classy man with a calm manner.]

Erwin: "What are you searching for, Brook."

[Brook was a nickname for Brooklynn. Her husband calls her often by this name.]

Brook: " I'm researching an incredibly complicated case of my patient. Her baby's gender is not clear to identify whether it's a boy or a girl, but I had a doubt when I committed her ultrasound. I mean it might be a transgender but now, I want to clarify my doubt as to if it's right or wrong".

Erwin got startled and suspiciously said, "Neither a boy nor a girl. Hmmm, then it might be a transgender. Or it could be a transgender."

Brook got shocked and peeked at Erwin.

Brooklynn: "Is this possible to have a transgender in this case?"

Erwin surely responded: "Of course, Brook. It's possible. Even everything is possible in this world. You should tell her about that right now".

"You are right. I should give her a call but I don't want her to skip her sleep in this depression. That's why I better tell her tomorrow in the first time".

[First time was the time of the morning.]

Rocella's POV;

In the morning, Roccella was preparing a lunch box for her son (Kevin) in the kitchen. Her phone rang in her room but she didn't hear the voice of the ringing call. After sending her son to kindergarten, she entered her room to get some rest. When she got her phone open then she saw fourteen missed calls from doctor Brooklynn. She got curious and made a guess saying, "I think she did the research that's why she called me, I think I should call her right away".

She called doctor Brooklynn back then. Brooklynn received a call and answered, " Hello, Ms.Jason. How are you".

Row responded, "Hello, Doctor. I'm Fine. I saw your fourteen missed calls. Is everything okay? I mean Did you research my case?"

"Yes, Yes, Ms. Jason. I know you are curious. And be patient because I researched your case but...", Brooklynn mumbled.

"But what doctor?" Row interrupted and asked.

"Look, Ms. Jason. I'm gonna warn you to be ready for every situation. Because it, I mean your baby may be neither a boy nor a girl." Brooklynn responded.

"Neither a boy nor a girl? What, what is that mean? I still didn't get that" Row suspiciously asked.

"Ms. Jason, I know it's hard to understand and believe but It might be a transgender," Brooklynn responded calmly.

Row: "Whhhhhhaaaattttt did you say, doctor? Did I hear it right? A-A T-Tra-and-Trans-What sorry?"

Brooklynn: "Yes A transgender".

"Doctor Are you trying to joke around me by saying that transgender thing?", Row inquired furiously.

"No Ms. Jason, please try to understand I told you 'it might be possible. I'm still not sure about that", Brooklynn responded calmly.

Row: "Oh doctor you know what, After hearing the result I got shocked. How would I face my mother-in-law and my husband after telling them all this thing".

"It's ok, Ms. Jason I think you should discuss your husband first about this matter", Brooklynn answered.

Then Rocella took a deep breath and said, " Hmmm, sounds relevant! You are a right doctor".

"Yes you better tell him about all this stuff, and I am pretty sure that he would understand the whole scene", Brooklynn reclaimed.

Suddenly, the door of Row's room opened she got shocked as someone's heard her conversation with doctor Brooklynn. Her husband appeared in the room and stopped by while looking at Row whether she is fine or not.

Row smiled at Jason suspiciously and pointed at the phone as if she is having a call. He smiled back and nodded. After that, he went to the dressing room to take his clothes and get a shower first.

" Ok doctor, I'll talk to him and tell you about his reaction after hearing this later, bye take care and thank you so much doctor", Row said in a whispering manner and end up the phone call.

After 15 minutes her husband came back from taking a shower and sat on the couch next to the bed and asked, "Who was that?"

Row: "Oh that... Uh That was my doctor. Doctor Brooklynn".

Jason: "What did she say. I mean why did she call you at this hour."

"Uhhhh She uh, she was just asking about my health. Hey, are you ok I mean you seem depressed today", Rocella answered and asked?

"No, I am incredibly tired, I wanna get satisfactory sleep. It was a really busy day today in my office", Jason responded.

Row thought (in mind), "It would be better to let him rest first. I'll tell him tomorrow".

Row (pretended to smile): " Ok Jason, you better get sleep".

During saying that she turned her face to look at Jason but she found that Jason had already slept.

Row shrinks her eyebrows showing her depression and tried to sleep as well.

Another day in the morning where the sun was brightening on the other side Rocella was maintaining her routine of the morning to serve breakfast to her husband and prepare the lunch box for Kevin.

[Raina and Rocella were working together in the kitchen. ]

After serving breakfast and making lunch, she sat on the chair next to Jason.

Row: "Jason! I need to tell you something".

Jason stopped eating and said, " Yes?"

Row said, "Jason, I got a call from doctor Brooklynn tomorrow."

Jason cut off her words and mumbled, "Yes I know, Row. You told me tomorrow. What's with that?"

Row: "Uhhhh that, Ummm I mean I asked her to do some research about my case".

Jason (shrank his eyebrows and suspiciously): "Case? What case?"

Row: "The case about the gen...."

Row tried to speak further but suddenly, Jason's phone rang and he answered the call of his assistant.

Jason (holding a phone in his ear) got startled and stood up by saying, "What? Are you insane? How could you let that happen?"

He immediately rushed to his workplace.

(Author's note, "As we can see, Rocella tried to tell him twice but it was just a try she didn't tell him about it yet".)

***In the afternoon***

Rocella was sitting in the lounge with Lauren (53 years old mother in law), She got a message from Brooklynn.

Brooklynn: "Hi, Ms. Jason. How are you? How's the baby?"

Rocella: "Hi, doctor (Brooklynn). I'm fine and the baby is also fine as well."

Brooklyn: "So, Did you tell him (Jason) about that?"

Row: "Not yet".

Brook: "Not yet?😳"

Brook: "What are you waiting for Ms? Jason. Just tell him otherwise he would blame you for not telling him on time".

Row (noded): "Hmmm."

Rocella made a tensed expression. Lauren noticed her and asked: " What happened Row? You look pale".

Rocella lifted her head towards Lauren and answered, "Nothing Mommy".

[Rocella frequently addressed her mother-in-law as " Mommy".]

Lauren: " Oh dear, Go to your room and get some rest. You look like you didn't sleep well yesterday".

Rocella nodded and tried to smile with depressing facial expressions.

She entered the room and called Jason.

Jason received a call and said, " I'm so sorry I had to leave between the conversation this morning."

Rocella: "It's okay Jason, I can understand. But I need to tell you something really important. Please try to get free of your work and return home early."

"Ok, I'll try. Don't worry I'll just listen to you", Jason replied.

In the evening, Jason arrived home early instead of the usual time.

Lauren was sitting in the lounge and she saw Jason.

Lauren: Hey son, why are you returning from work this early."

Jason: "Mom, I want to accompany Rocella."

Lauren smiled happily and said, " Ok Ok, You are indeed a good and caring husband and you also should be. I'm very happy for you."

Jason passed a smile to his mother and led the way to his room.

[Jason and Rocella had an arranged marriage eight years ago. Rocella was the daughter of the best friend of Jason's Father. Jason's Father's name was George. He died two years ago due to a heart attack.]

He (Jason)opened the door of his room and saw Rocella (Using her phone normally while sitting on the couch).

He smiled at rocella and said, "Good evening".

Rocella looked at Jason and said, " You are home!"

Jason gestured (as if he was saying I'm home).

Rocella passed a normal smile and said, "You better take shower first and then I'll tell you everything".

Jason nodded and headed to his dressing room.

[Dressing room was situated in their room. The dressing room contained so many closets and cabinets and there was a luxury bathroom in the way of the dressing room.]

Jason took a shower and after that, he sat on the couch next to Rocella.

Jason said, "What is it row? Why are you quiet? What were you trying to discuss with me in the morning?"

Rocella stammered, "T-Th-the dd-doc-to-tor ss-said th-that t-th-the ba-bab-baby ii-is tt-trr-trraann-ss-gg-g-e-nn-ddeerr...."

Jason interrupted Rocella's sentence and said, "Row be clear I couldn't understand any of that word that you said in your sentence. All I know is that you asked the doctor to do some research about the gender of our baby so what is it?"

Rocella said, "It might be a transgender."

Jason: "What? who might be a transgender?"

Rocella: "I might be having a transgender. The doctor said clearly that it's not observed as if I'm having a boy or a girl. So it might be a transgender."

Jason passed smiled and said: "Look, notice what the doctor said. It might be a.... It's not confirmed yet. So, just don't worry. And if you are not satisfied with the doctor so I can see you to another best doctor".

Row stared at Jason and said, " Jason, she is the best doctor in the town. I can't change a doctor this week because I think I'm having my last week in pregnancy. Moreover she has already co-operated with me so much".

Jason nodded and reclaimed" Rocella you are pregnant and you are having the last week of your pregnancy, so why are you so depressed about the thing like the gender of the baby and all that stuff, you know we've bought all the clothes for both girl or boy, and so what it's a transgender. It's a fate and that will be still our baby".

Rocella looked at Jason and smiled at him with teary eyes and said, "You are right Jason. I am so lucky to have a caring life partner like you. I love you and thank you so much for always staying by my side."

Jason held Rocella's hand and said, "I am the one who should thank you just because of you, I can have a happy and blessing life".

Suddenly the entrance door of their room knocked. Row inquired, "Who is it?"

The voice came, "Miss Lauren is calling you both for dinner".

That voice belonged to Raina.

Row (wiped her tears from her eyes off by her hand): " Ok, we are coming".

They had a good time together in having dinner and all of them fell asleep (In their rooms) after having dinner.

One week later, The day arrived of delivery. Rocella was sent to the hospital with her family and Doctor Brooklynn was the main doctor there (In the labor room).

So it was neither a boy, not a girl but a transgender. Yes, a transgender.

After that, all the nurses (who were present in the labor room) were shocked.

One nurse(Whispered): "Ddooccttoorr iiitttssss aa ttrrraaannnsssgggeeennnnddderrr (In the stammering sound).

Rocella suddenly opened her eyes and raised a question (in a crying sound): "A what?"

They (Nurses or helpers of doctor Brooklynn) were ordered (by a doctor), not to tell anyone about that thing.

Doctor Brooklynn told Rocella about the gender of a baby. Rocella was in an unconscious state and she was continuously saying that "Mommy always wanted to get a grandaughter, please don't tell her about that".

[Everyone (Raina, Lauren, Kevin, and Jason) was waiting for the announcement outside the door of the labor room.]

Doctor Brooklynn moved out of the labor room with a nurse (gently holding a newborn in her hands) and announced, " Congratulations to you all, It's a baby girl.

By hearing that, everyone smiled happily. Doctor Brooklyn smiled and said to Lauren, "Your daughter-in-law told me that you wished to have a granddaughter, here it came true".

After saying that Doctor Brooklynn headed over to her office and asked a nurse to send the father of that baby to her office.

The nurse moved out of the room and asked, "Who is the father of that newborn?"

Jason responded, "It's me. What happened?"

The nurse replied, "Doctor Brooklynn wants to see you in her office".

Jason headed to the doctor's office with the nurse and the nurse knocked on the door of the doctor's office. She said, " Come in".

Jason entered the room. Brooklynn asked the nurse to let them talk for a while. Then that nurse left the room.

Brooklyn: "Please have a seat, Ms.Jason".

Jason nodded with a smiling face and sat on the seat next to the doctor's table.

Jason: " Thank you, doctor. Thank you very much for your co-operation."

Brooklynn smiled and responded, "You look like a sensible man, Ms. Jason! Indeed you can understand a game of fate or luck but this baby is here (in this world) as a fate in its way. I know it would be hard for you to understand but....."

Brooklynn suddenly turned her facial expressions seriously.

Jason suspiciously inquired: "But, what doctor? Is everything okay? Is my wife feeling well?"

Brooklynn got serious and said, "Your wife is okay and I am not talking about her. I am talking about your baby. Your baby is neither a boy nor a girl, it's a transgender".

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone, Send some gifts, and add your reviews to my story. Let me know how do you like my story.}


To be continued!!!