The vacant reliance!

Fred: "uhhh..."

Fred asked Jason in a silent gesturing posture that what should he (Fred) say as an answer.

Jason replied to Fred in the same gesturing behavior, "tell him that I have something to give him."

Fred nodded and said, "uhh my friend has something to give you.

Mark asked, " What? Something to give me? Hahaha sounds funny."

Fred laughed with confusing expressions and asked, "Ahah what is so funny?"

Mark: "You are ridiculously funny. I mean are you calling a baby to come over by saying that I have chocolates for you. If you come to see me then I'll give you chocolates. Ahahahah."

Jason smiled at Fred and whispered: "Retarded."

Fred got feverish and said: "It's not me who want to give chocolate to an uncle. It's my friend who wants to give chocolate to this uncle."

Mark: "So your friend is listening to me, Right?"

Fred said, "Yes. He can listen to all the conversations between us and you know what he is a recording machine. Now let's get to the point, Can you come over?"

Mark, "Right now?"

Fred: "Yes."

Mark took a deep breath and replied: "No."

Jason and Fred got serious and again looked at each other.

Jason gestured for Fred to request him (Mark).

Fred: " Look, Mark, my friend is really in need of you. I mean he wants your help. So he is begging me to tell you to come over."

Mark: "Man, I am out of town right now. I can't come to you right now. What about we meet another day."

Fred asked Jason in a gesturing manner that what to say.

Jason gestured to Fred too, "ask him when will he get back to the town".

Fred nodded and asked, " When are you gonna come back to the town?"

Mark: "I am here for some important work of the school. I don't know. I think in two to three years."

Fred: "What? In two to three years? Man is this how long you are gonna live there? I mean by any chance did you have migrated there."

Mark laughed and said: "Ahahah you retarded. I'll be free after three to four hours."

Fred: "Okay we'll wait for you. Just let me know when you get back".

Mark: " Okay. Hey, I have to end up the call. I'll let you know and it would be better for you to come over to me. Because I can't return in one day. I'll spend some more days here."

Fred looked at Jason. Jason gestured to Fred to ask him (mark) where is he. The address of that place.

Fred: "Where are you. We'll arrive there."

Mark: "I'll send you the location. Okay, see you later."

Fred: "Okay Mark by..."

Mark didn't hear the response or words of free clearly and thing up the call. Jason passed a smile and said, "Man, how pitiful you are? Oh! Alas! Another embarrassing moment."

Fred looked at Jason with his shrunk eyebrows and said: "Yes, so what?"

At that moment, Fred got a message and that was from Mark. He sent the location of the place where he was staying.

Fred unlocked his phone and looked at the location.

He (Fred) showed the location to Jason and Jason stared at the message.

Fred interrogated: "Do you know where is this place?"

Jason nodded his head and responded: "It's not that far."

Fred asked: "So what do you think?"

Jason replied: "Let's go there!"

Fred lifted his eyebrows in a shocking expression and said: "Now?"

Jason said: "Yes, Now."

Fred: "But.."

Jason interrupted Fred"'s word and asked, "What do you have any work to do.? Don't say that you can't go there with me because you are an incredibly free and jobless person here."

Fred: "Oh, but..."

Jason again punctured Fred's words and said: "No butts or iffs".

Jason looked around and gestured to the servant to come and get the bill."

He (Jason) paid the bill and stood up by looking at Fred's expressions.

He said: "Fred, Let's go. We'll head there right now."

Fred: "But let me get changed I mean my clothes are not satisfactory."

Jason: "Shut up Fred! And let's go just don't make me wait."

Fred (Pleaded): "Just let me go home and park my car there."

Jason looked at Fred and said: "One hour, you have one hour. After then, I'll pick you up from your place."

Fred stood up and said: "Okay."

Fred picked up his stuff (that was on the table) and left.

Jason took a deep breath and said: "Mark, I'm coming."

Jason called Rocella. She received the call.

Jason: "Hey Row!"

Row: "Yes Jason."

Jason: "Row, I have to go out of town due to my business affair. So I might be late or might not come back home tonight. So don't worry."

Row: "What happened Jason? Is everything okay? I mean why in such a hurry are you leaving?"

Jason: "It's just working. Don't overthink and don't worry. You just take care of yourself and everyone at home.

{Everyone means 'Edina, Lauren, and Kevin'}

Rocella: " Okay Jason. Have a safe trip. And get back home as soon as possible."

Jason: "It's okay Rocella. I'll do as you say now I have to go okay bye."

After explaining that he (Jason) hung up the call and headed to his office.

After one hour. Jason completed his office work(the work that was left for a day).

He told his assistant to cancel all the meetings that he had to attend on that day.

Jason was heading to the lift (to head out) his assistant (Scott) was chasing him (Jason) with some files.

[Scott was his 28 years old assistant for two years. Scot had a mid-brown skin complexion. He had brunette hair color. He had approximately 5.8 feet in height. He always wore spectacle with office work dressing.]

He (Scott) needed Jason's signatures on the documents available in the files. Jason stopped in front of the lift and ordered: "Now tell me where to sign."

Scott gave him the pen, opened the files one by one, and postured the documents to get the signatures from Jason on them.

Scott: "Why are you in such a hurry, sir?"

Jason did the signature on the documents and said while handling the pen to Scott: "Why are you curious?"

Scott: "Sir you've never canceled any meetings yet. But now you told me to cancel all the meetings for you".

Jason: " My friend needs my help that's why I want to go somewhere with him."

Scott suspiciously raised a question in a whispering manner, "Which friend?"

Jason furiously glanced at Scott and inquired: "Am I liable to answer every single thing? "

Scott bowed his head down towards the floor and said: "Sir! I was just clarifying. What if someone asks me about you."

Jason: "You better tell them to ask me directly. You don't have to bother about my personal affairs. Okay?"

Scott: "Okay Boss!"

The indication on the lift hoop and Jason entered the lift and he headed over Fred's place.

***After twenty minutes***

A car stopped in front of Fred's house and Jason came out of the car. He steered inside the penthouse.

[Fred lived in a penthouse. His penthouse had two bedrooms and his place was illuminated very amazingly. He also had a huge pet dog (Chase) in his penthouse. It was a bulldog who always seemed to be unpleasant about Jason's appearance, so his (Fred's) dog always barked at Jason and Jason was afraid of dogs.]

{But luckily, that day his dog was not home. Sometimes his (Fred's) sister (Camile) took the dog outside for a walk. So they went out for a walk.}

Jason knew the password of Fred's penthouse. So he inserted the password and entered inside. He called Fred. Fred came out of his room and said, "You are here."

Jason: "We don't have enough time. Let's just get going."

Fred: "Hey, Man! Wait. I need to tell my sister about that."

Jason got shocked and asked: " About what?"

Fred passed a smile and said: "I need to tell her that I have to see my old friend. He lives out of town and I and Jason both planned about going today and surprise my friend."

Jason: "Come on, Man just tell her on the phone call."

Fred chuckled and said: "No wonder this time you entered my place like this and saying to go out hurry. Because you are afraid of my son."

Jason: "Don't joke roughly, Fred. Let's just go."

Fred: "Okay!"

Jason and Fred both got in the car. Jason was driving and heading to the town named, "latch wood"

[Latch wood was a small village in the heights. There was the best view of the whole town. It was three hours far from the main city where all the lived.]

After one hour drive, The left (Third) tyre of the car got punctured. Jason stopped the car I'm the side of the road and Jason and fred looked at each other. They both looked pale because it was the evening time. But luckily, they got a Stepney tyre. Fred and Jason changed the tyre with the help of some people who were living there. So that's why they got late. They covered three hours of traveling in four and a half hours.

Jason drove there for approximately four and half hours.

Finally, after a long drive of more than four hours, they reached their destination.

Jason stopped the car and mumbled to Fred: "Call him".

Fred with a blank facial expression asked: "Who?"

Jason put the hand on his forehead and said: "Oh God! What do I do to this man?"

Fred: "Oh so you want me to call Mark. Right?"

Jason passed a smile and respond: "Yes Sir. You are right."

Fred called mark. Mark accepted the call and said, "Yes Fred."

Fred: "We are here Mark. Where are you?"

Mark: "What? You are here? With your friend?"

Fred looked at Jason but this time, Jason was not listening to Mark.

Fred responded: "Yes. We are here."

Mark: "Tell me the exact spot or any place or shop near you."

Fred went out of the car and looked around and said, "It's a stall of coffee here."

Mark: "Yes, I saw you stay right there."

Fred (holding a phone towards his left ear) looked around and jovially said, "I saw you too."

When Jason listen to Fred's words and peeked at his expression, he opened the for of his driving seat and went out of the car, and again gazed while closing the door of his car. Then he looked at the spot where Fred was looking.

Suddenly, seven feet tall man (with a dark skin complexion, having a bald head, wearing a tracksuit of navy blue color) appeared.

He looked like a cool man having a great posture just like a celebrity of Hollywood movies.

Jason got a blank expression while thinking that, "Feed was absolutely right. He doesn't look like a transgender. He is just like a gentleman. He was keenly obsessed with the personality of Mark. But he was not sure that the decree he was doing was right or wrong.

Mark came near to Fred. He (Mark) met like a casual friend. He hugged Fred normally.

Fred: " Hey how are you, man!"

MARK: "hahaha I'm perfectly fine. What about you. Didn't expect to see you in this hurry like this."

Fred gestured towards Jason. Jason looked and passed a smile and bowed to Mark.

Fred: "Meet him, he is my childhood friend. His name is Jason."

Mark looked at Jason and came near to him. Jason moved his have towards Mark to shake hands.

Mark: "Mr. Jason. Nice to see you here."

Jason: "Hello, Mr. Mark."

Mark: So, You were the one who wanted to see me. Right?"

Jason: "Yes."

Mark: "Can I ask you why we're curious about meeting me."

(Both (Mark and Jason) we're talking while shaking their hands. They didn't even leave their hands off. And Fred was looking at them with a curious expression.)

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how you like my story.}


To be continued!!!