Heartfelt suffering!

Rocella (with her confused expressions on her face) sat on the couch with Lauren.

Lauren gestured with her hand toward Angeline.

Lauren(to Rocella): "She is my friend's daughter."

Angeline was passing a continuous smile.

Angeline: "What would you like?"

Lauren: "Coffee."

Angeline called her assistant and tell her to get three cups of coffee.

They drank coffee and had a good chatting.

When Rocella and Lauren reached home, Rocella asked, "Mommy, why did you take me there today?"

Lauren: "I want you to make some friends. I know Angeline since she was a kid. She is a good girl. You both can be good friends."

Rocella asked with her confused expressions on her face, "Friends. Uh, I mean why I am happy enough."

Lauren put her hand on Rocella's shoulder and said, "I know dear you don't need any friends but I want you to make some friends."

They were sitting in the lounge. And at the second moment, the corridor opened and Jason appeared. He came back to his work. He looked at Rocella and Lauren. Lauren passed a smile towards Jason and said, "My son, you are back!"

Jason nodded his head as yes and stepped into the lounge. He set on the sofa in front of the sofa where his mother (Lauren) was sitting and responded, "How are you mum, and where is, Kevin?"

Rocella was continuously observing Jason with her narrowed eyes.

She (Rocella) was noticing that Jason didn't give attention to her.

She tried to say hello to her husband but unexpectedly Kevin appeared by saying, "Daddy you came back. How was your day?"

Jason passed a smile towards his son and responded, "It was a good day my dear."

Jason always loved his son. Rocella never gave any attention or affection to Kevin.

Lauren asked Jason to go to his room and freshen up, after that they would dine together and enjoy a feast.

They dine together. But still, Jason didn't talk to Rocella. After eating dinner they all went to their room to get asleep.

Jason and Rocella were in their room.

Rocella, "You were right Jason."

Jason looked at Rocella and said, "Now you realized. I was right for every matter."

Rocella: "Our Edina was not our daughter. He was Eden and he is Mark's son now. But I think I feel parted from Edina or maybe Eden. I want to conceal my memories with my child."

The door of their room was closed but not locked. Kevin was standing out of their room and he suddenly knocked and opened the door and said, "Daddy I want to get some sleep but I can't sleep. Can I sleep with you in here?"

Rocella yelled: "Kevin you are not a child of Edina's age. You have your room now. So go into your room and your father will help you in reading stories."

Jason looked at Rocella and said (to Kevin), "Uhh your mom is right. I am coming to your room."

Kevin furiously closed the door and stepped into his room by the reaction of Rocella.

Jason gazed at Rocella with his chaotic expressions and mumbled: "I was a fool that I forgot that you can never be changed."

Jason followed Kevin to his room.

He (Kevin) closed the door of his room with anger and he laid by his back on the bed and started crying loudly.

Jason was standing in Kevin's room and trying to console him (Kevin) by saying, "Don't mind your mom's words. She is depressed and worried because of your sister."

Kevin was still crying in the same position.

Kevin: "I hate mom."

Jason: "She loves you so much. Don't hate her."

Kevin: "You are lying she doesn't love me."

Jason: "No dear she loves you but she is stressed because of Edina."

Kevin: "She loves Edina. She always crises for Edina and she always scolds me for Edina."

Jason: "I love you and my mom (Lauren) loves you and I hope your mother will love you too."

Kevin: "I can't sleep."

Jason: "Let me read a story for you, okay?"

Kevin got happy and agreed to Jason.

*On the next weekend*

Angeline visited Rocella and Lauren in their house.

Jason was also at home. All of them were sitting in the lounge and watching Tv together. Suddenly the bell of the corridor rang.

Raina opened the door and she found Angeline. Angeline entered the house and Jason got shocked to see her.

[Angeline was Jason's Junior at his school. He was like an elder brother of Angeline. But Angeline went abroad do they never greet each other for a long time.]

All of them smiled at Angeline.

Jason: "Oh my God! Angel, you are here."

Angeline: "Yes bro."

Lauren: "Why are you standing there Angel, come here and sit here."

Rocella: "Wow, I'm glad to see you here."

Jason asked Rocella and Angeline: "Do you guys know each other?"

Angeline: "Yes we are friends."

Jason: "How this miracle happened like Rocella got a friend? And you?"

Lauren: "Come on Jason don't tease them."

Jason: "Okay tell me when did you get back?"

Angeline: "Umm two years ago."

Jason: "You came back two years ago? And you are here. Why so late? Didn't you missed us?"

Angeline: "Yes I missed everyone but after coming back, I got busy at work on opening my own clinic."

Jason: "Wow so you have become a doctor."

Angeline: "Yes a psychiatrist."

Jason: "Oh so it's must be very tough for you."

Angeline: "Shut up bro."

Jason: "Okay tell me honestly, did you got married yet?"

Angeline: "No not yet."

Jason: "Hmm not yet, ... I have a candidate."

Angeline: "Who?"

Jason: "It's a friend of mine."

Angeline: "okay we'll talk about it later. But right now, I want your wife for a day."

Jason: "Okay, where will you guys go?"

Angeline: "We'll hang out for a day."

Jason looked at Rocella and said: "Go and get ready. Otherwise, your friend would kill me!"

Angeline waited for Rocella.

Lauren: "By the way Jason who's you, single friend?"

Jason: "Fred."

Lauren looked at Angeline and said: "Wow, Fred is a good guy. I think you both should meet sometime."

Angeline: "Honestly saying, I don't want to mingle."

Jason and Lauren chuckled by looking at each other.

Angeline: "I'm serious."

Jason: "We are also serious. By the way, I don't understand how they two became friends?"

Lauren and Angeline looked at each other with suspicious smiles. Jason observed them.

Jason: "Wha... What's with your gaze towards each other?"

Lauren: "Five days ago, I called Angel, and pursued her to befriend Rocella."

[Lauren called Angel, She received the call and said, "Hello, Aunt how are you?"

Lauren: "I'm fine dear. I want to tell you something. Do you have time?"

Angel: "Come on aunt u always have time for you. Tell me the matter I'm listening to you."

Lauren: "Jason's wife, Rocella. Uhh. One month ago, Jason and Rocella went out of town to have fun with their six-month-old daughter. But due to the negligence of Rocella, they lost her from the hotel room. Police are still investigating to find her but she is mentally upset since then. She had never made friends and I always became her friend and I treated her like a good friend and a mother. Now I feel like she can't share everything with me. And I need you because I think you can talk to her like a friend. I want her to share everything. Because you know that sharing doesn't hurt and I want her heart to be lightened and not be overwhelmed. And besides, she doesn't pay any attention to her son and treats him very harshly from the beginning."

Angel: "Oh I understand the dilemma. Don't worry aunt. I'll do as you said. I'll schedule the time for my appointments with her."

Lauren: "No, please you just don't treat her like a doctor. Just treat her like a friend because I don't want her to feel like she is a psycho patient or I want to investigate her. You better treat her like a friend and give her a better environment. I want you to meet her at home and hang out with her when you have time."

Angel: "Hmm you are right."

Lauren: "If you agree then I'll give you her mobile number."

Angel: "Okay, then you give me her number."

Lauren: "Thank you very much, dear."

Angel: "It's okay. It is my honor to help you."

By saying that, Lauren hung up the call and gave Angel the number of Rocella.

On the other day, Angeline sent a message to Rocella to greetings. Rocella was confused but she didn't take it more seriously than the matter of Edina. So that's how Rocella and Angeline became good friends.]

They (Lauren and Angeline) told Jason about the situation.

Suddenly Rocella came out of her room and said, "Let's go Angeline."

They went out and had some fun together.

*One month later*

Stallone visited Jason's place to keep going their pretending about Edina's case.

Lauren asked Stallone, "What happened, did you find her."

Stallone made a serious face and responded: "I'm sorry, Ms. Lauren."

Lauren, "Don't lose hope even I didn't lose hope. I hope you would find my granddaughter."

Stallone nodded his head as yes.

They (Jason, Stallone, and Rocella) kept pretending to conceal the truth.

But after some days Jason had to go abroad because of his business work. So he went abroad for two months.

Rocella, Kevin, and Lauren lived their lives as usual for two months without Jason. They were missing Jason. In time, they also didn't notice the situation about Edina.

It was (11 June) Eden's birthday. The day was Monday. Rocella saw the calendar to check the date it was written 'Edina's birthday'.

Rocella started crying. She was sitting in her room on the floor and crying hard.

Lauren came to Rocella's room after knocking on the door.

Lauren said: "Rocella, it's time for breakfa....."

When Lauren looked at Rocella while crying she got worried and curiously asked, "What happened dear why is crying and sitting on the floor."

She rashly stepped in the room towards Rocella and asked, "What's with this calendar? Why are you holding this?"

Rocella was holding a calendar in her arms.

Rocella, "It's 11 June today."

Lauren: "Okay so what happened."

Lauren held Rocella and support her to sit on the couch properly.

Lauren looked at the door and loudly summoned, "Raina?"

Raina came into the room hurriedly and said, "Yes mam."

Lauren: "Give me a glass of water."

Raina gave the glass of water to Lauren and Lauren help Rocella in holding the glass. Rocella took a bit sip of water.

Lauren asked Rocella while tapping her hand on Rocella's back, "What happened my dear?"

Rocella was stammering, "I-ii-t-tt-ss-Ee--dd-ii-nn-aa-ss-birthday."

Lauren was sitting beside Rocella on the couch and said, "Oh grief. We couldn't found her. It is dreadful to think that she has been away from us for more than five months now and she has become a year old. On Edina, I miss her."

After few minutes all of them became busy with their routine.

Rocella was going out but Lauren interrupted her footsteps and said, "Where are you going, dear."

Rocella got stunned and responded, "Uhh. I'm going to hang out to freshen up myself."

Lauren: "Oh okay good. Go ahead."

Rocella took a taxi and headed to Mr. Mark's place.

She knocked on the door of the exact apartment where Mark lived.

She was holding two shopping bags.

[She brought a remote (tiny) car set. And some expensive chocolates as a birthday gift.]

A chubby woman wearing a long gown appeared and opened the door.

Rocella, "Hello."

A lady, "Hello. Mam who do you want to meet."

Rocella: "uh Mr. Mark."

A lady, "Mr. Mark? Sorry, mam you are in the wrong location."

By saying that, the lady closed the door.

Rocella stepped out of the building and asked a stranger person, "Hello Sir. Can you tell me where is Mr. Mark?"

Person: "I don't know Mark doesn't live here."

Rocella got worried and shocked, "Do you know where he lives right now?"

A person, "God knows. Sorry, mam."

By saying that, a person moved away and.

Rocella departed the area, she was walking hopelessly and crying hard on the road.

Rocella saw a Park near the road she went to the park and she sat on the bench and continuously watching kids who were enjoying the Park with their parents.

Lauren waited for Rocella. A sun had sat but Rocella didn't arrive home.

Lauren was sitting on the couch in the lounge.

A voice came from the entrance, "I'm back."

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how you like my story.}


To be continued!!!