The two lovely declarations of the earth!

Larry was sitting in the class and when Eden and Zhi entered the class together, he glanced at Eden furiously.

After some time,

Professor Gen entered the class and after greeting, she said, "I have news to tell you, that your mids are starting from the next month."

Every student looked at each other and said, "Oh no!"

Gen: "I have to prepare well for your examinations I hope you guys would give me a better result than before."

Gen looked at Eden and passed our smile while saying, "I hope you give me a better result as well."

Eden nodded his head as yes, Zhi gestured Eden with a thumb's up.

Eden chuckled and responded with a thumb's up as well.

When Adam reached home he said, "From now on I will study hard."

Brooklynn and Erwin looked at Eden with confused expressions on their faces.

Brooklynn: "Why?"

Eden: "My mid exams are starting next month and my friend told me to work hard and study hard."

Brooklynn and Erwin looked at each other.

Erwin: "OK then, promise me that you will study hard and I'll give you a surprise gift."

Eden: "Alright, I'll go to my room and study hard from now on."

Eden rashly stepped into his room.

Eden Work hard in studying even their school teachers started to take extra lectures after classes.

One month passed, it was the first mid-exam of Eden. I was very excited about his exams so he cheerfully performed the exam and filled the whole answer sheet first of all in the class. A teacher was surprised while every student was shocked with the action of Eden.

When they completed the mid examinations, the school became off due to the spring holidays.

Then Brooklynn and Erwin decided to take Eden out of town to enjoy the spring holidays so they made a proper plan and took Eden out of town with them.

*On the Other side*

One day Fred went to the Orphanage School to meet his friend and Mark.

His friend told him that Mark is dead.

Fred became shocked and asked his friend, "Where is Eden?"

His friend told him that he don't know where is Eden. Fred rashly headed to Jason's home.

Fred told the whole scenario to Jason.

Jason became worried and said, "We have to find Eden."

Fred: "But as much as I know another transgender named Nikkei live with Eden and Mark earlier."

Jason: "Do you know that where does he live?"

Fred: "No, I don't have any idea where does they live together but I hope Eden would be fine and happy with Nikkei."

Jason stood up and said, "Let's go to Stallone's place and discuss all the matter with him."

They both headed to Stallone's place and discuss the whole matter with him.

After hearing that Stallone responded, "It is complicated to find them in such a big city but I think you should give up because as much as I know that person who lived with Mark and Eden before, is such a caring person so don't worry and just forget Eden. You already lost think about Kevin he is your son now you don't have to do anything"

Jason and Fred looked at each other.

Jason: "You are right, I think I should just forget him."

Stallone: "it is okay, I hope that Eden would be fine."

After that Jason understood that Eden would be fine and he (Jason) just has to pay more attention to Kevin instead of Eden.

Eden enjoyed his spring holidays out of town with Brooklynn and Erwin.

After enjoying the spring holidays with Brooklynn and Erwin, Eden's school reopened.

The school staff sent a message to the parents of all the children that the school is reopened and the result of the mid-term has also come out, so a parent-teacher meeting has been called in which the parents will be given the result of the children.

Brooklynn received a call from professor Gen.

She (Gen) told her (Brooklynn) about the parent's teachers meeting.

Brooklyn discussed that matter with Erwin.

They both took Eden with them to his school.

There they (Brooklynn and Erwin) received the result of Eden's mid-exams.

When Eden was standing with Erwin and Brooklynn, Zhi Chang came near to Eden and said, "Eden congratulations you proved to be a topper of our class congratulations you made it."

Brooklynn and Erwin looked at Zhi and Eden looked at Brooklynn and Erwin by lifting his head because they were standing behind Eden.

Brooklynn: "You must be Eden's class monitor, right? uh, your name is Zhi."

Zhi passed a pretty smile towards Brooklynn and replied, "Yes, but how do you know me because this is my first time meeting you."

Brooklynn: "Eden, discussed you at home with us."

Zhi: "Eden, your parents are so sweet."

Eden: "Thank you, well where your parents are?"

Zhi: "They are at the principal's office."

Erwin's mobile phone rang receive the call, there was a call from his office.

Erwin: "We have to go my clients are waiting for me."

Brooklynn: "Let's go, Eden."

Eden looked at Zhi and said, "I'll see you tomorrow."

Zhi: "Ok bye."

On the next day,

He was standing with his friends in front of the classroom.

When Eden came near to to the corridor of his class, then Larry spread his leg to knock Eden down.

Eden was walking blindly in the excitement he couldn't saw the pass or any hurdle.

So he (Eden) fell on his face and his nose hit the ground so badly that his nose started to bleed.

But fortunately, Zhi saw the scene and shouted, "Eden!"

Zhi rashly ran close to Eden and helped him (Eden) to stood up and looked at Larry while yelling, "Larry, are you insane. I'm going to call the teacher."

Larry: "Huh! What the hell would you do?"

Zhi gazed at Larry and took Eden to the nursing room.

A doctor was sitting there, she was also a teacher of health sciences.

She settled the bandage on Eden's nose, Zhi complaint to the teacher, and the teacher called and yelled at Larry. The teacher immediately called Larry's parents.

While his parents were scolding him (Larry) in the dean's office, Eden suddenly came and told his (Larry's) parents that it was his (Eden's) own fault. He (Eden) couldn't see the way while walking for himself. After realizing that Eden was saving Larry to be expelled, Zhi became furious at Eden."

When Brooklynn and Erwin came to Eden's school to take him, they saw his nose is swollen. They asked hidden about the matter that why his nose was swollen, Eden replied to their words by saying, "Oh! It is nothing, I just fell on the floor because I couldn't stop the way and I was looking at the other side."

Brooklynn: "You must have to look while walking, otherwise your nose will become ugly like this."

Eden chuckled and said, "Okay aunt."

Brooklynn sat on her knees and said (in a low tone), "don't call me aunt, and just call me mom."

Eden: "But you are not my mother you are my aunt."

Brooklynn stood up and took a deep breath while saying, "Okay let's go home."

They reached their home and dine together.

Erwin went out of the house.

Brooklynn knew that Erwin went to the warehouse of his scientist friend and client.

Erwin promised Eden to create a toy robot for Eden. So he daily had out of the house to create the robot. After 2 hours Erwin reached home while carrying a shopping bag. He gestured to Brooklynn to be quiet and stepped into Eden's room. He silently settled the shopping bag on the bed near Eden.

Eden was sleeping but suddenly he woke up and said, "You didn't tell me any story today, I was waiting for you."

After saying that, Eden sat and looked at the shopping bag that was settled near him (Eden).

Eden: "What's inside it?"

Erwin: "This is a gift for you."

Eden passed a smile and tried to snatch that shopping bag from Erwin's hand but Erwin moved that away and said, "I have some conditions if you agree with my conditions so I will give you this otherwise I'm sorry."

Eden: "What are the conditions?"

Erwin: "First, you will not hide anything from us. Second, you'll not call me uncle call me dad. Third, you'll call Brook your mother. So tell me are you agree with these conditions?"

Eden: "Okay now gimme that."

Erwin smiled and said, "Here is your gift."

It was a toy robot. Eden became happy and hugged Erwin in excitement.

Brooklynn was seeing both of them.

Eden: "Thank you, uncle!"

Erwin: "What?"

Eden: "I mean thank you daddy I love you."

Brooklynn: "What about me?"

Eden and Erwin looked at Eden, Eden ran towards Brooklynn and hugged her by saying, "Thank you mommy I love you."

They chuckled at Eden's innocence.

*On the other side*

Nick made himself busy forgetting Eden and Mark but he always missed them, Nick became alone.

{Author's note => Please vote with a power stone and add your reviews (via comments) to my story. Let me know how much you like my story.}


To be continued!!!