Junior High School part3

The weather is sunny this morning, Mesya looks very cheerful walking over to Romi.

"ROMI!" Mesya shouted startling Romi from behind.

"Gosh! Mesya! It just surprised me!" raved Romi.

"Haha! Sorry!" said Mesya.

Then they sat together on a bench.

"What do you want to order?" asked Mesya.

"Ah, no, I've brought lunch from home," said Romi.

"Same, my mother always brings me lunch, but strangely my brothers don't,"

"Uh, why is that?"

"I don't know, they love me too much, maybe because I'm the only daughter so they treat me, more special than my brothers," said Mesya.

"I see, by the way, what did you bring?" asked Romi.

"As usual, she gave me this!" Mesya immediately took the food out and pointed it at Romi.

"Wow, meat?!" Romi's eyes bulged sharply. "You don't really like meat, do you?" asked Romi.

"Yes, but after a while I liked it, because my mother kept forcing me to like it, she said the meat was good for health," explained Mesya.

"Well, it's different with me, my parents strictly forbid me not to eat red meat like this. I have to eat healthy food because my family is all vegetarian," said Romi.

"If only we could swap families, Rom," said Mesya with a face that looked like she was complaining.

"Hey, you can't do that, Mesya. You should be grateful to meet people like Mr Charles and Mrs Arumi. They are not only rich but also kind, I'm sure they are doing this all for your good. Like my parents, If it weren't for them, I might still be Romi, the fat kid who is often bullied and made fun of."

Hearing Romi's words make Mesya feel a lucky child, raised and raised by the Davies family, with lots of love and various luxuries, but she is jealous of Romi.

"Enough! Let's go just eat," said Romi as he opened his lunch box. "You want to eat mine?" Romi asks Mesya.

Then Mesya glanced at Romi's lunch box.

"Wow, fruit salad! I love it!" said Mesya looking excited.

"Let's eat together! Or do you want to exchange food with me?" asked Romi again.

And she nodded her head.

"Okay, please!" Romi pushes the food box towards Mesya.

"Thank you, Romi!" Mesya immediately ate it greedily.

"Eh, aren't you allowed to eat meat?!" Mesya asked Romi.

"Yes, it is. But if it's once, it's okay," Romi replied casually.

They also seemed engrossed in eating the lunch they exchanged.

Then suddenly David appeared who approached them.

Then without permission, he took Mesya's lunch box and exchanged back their respective lunch boxes belonging to the two of them.

"Eat each one!" David insisted.

They were both silent for a moment.

"David! Why are you here?!" Mesya asked looking surprised.

But sadly David didn't care.

"Who's he!?" Romi asked, pointing to David.

"Romi, I'm sorry, he is my brother," said Mesya while holding Romi's body, so he wouldn't fight with David.

Because this can be dangerous for Romi.

"So this annoying guy, your brother?!" Romi asks Mesya.

"Why?" asked David casually but the look in his eyes looked very scary.

Mesya shook her head at Romi.

"Please, don't make trouble with him, Romi. I beg you ...." Mesya whispered to Romi.

And finally, Romi restrained his anger, after all here he is just a new kid and of course, his body is much lower than David, especially since Romi is not good at martial arts.

Seeing David's appearance certainly made him feel inferior and a little afraid.

The two, Romi and Mesya, returned to their seats.

"You've caused enough trouble! Don't mess around anymore!" David snapped at Mesya.

But Mesya was silent, not a word came out of her tiny lips.

"Mom made this food for you! So please don't disappoint her! Eat it or there will be more trouble!" David insisted before finally leaving.

The same babble that kept repeating from David's mouth whenever Mesya didn't eat her lunch.

Until this moment, Mesya is curious about David's chatter.

He is always angry, just because the provisions are not eaten, and is always associated with new problems.

But Mesya didn't dare to ask David about it, for fear that David would be angry with her.

"Never mind, Mesya, don't think about it, now your brother is gone, and sorry, because of me you were scolded by your brother," said Romi.

"Yes, Rom. And I also apologize to you, for my brother's anger," said Mesya.

"Yeah, take it easy"

From a distance, David looked at Mesya.

He likes to see Mesya's closeness with Romi.

Only with Romi, Mesya can laugh freely without a burden.

All this time he was very sad to see Mesya who looked gloomy, especially when Zahra left her.

Mesya is no longer cheerful, and thanks to Romi's presence, Mesya is cheerful again.

But there was something that made David very worried.

He is afraid that something bad will happen to Romi because Romi has eaten Mesya's lunch.

Therefore, David immediately came and forbade it.

He doesn't want to see Mesya sad again, because Romi left him like when he lost his best friend Zahra.

For students in general, exchanging food boxes is normal, but not with Mesya.

Mesya lunch was special, and only Mesya herself could eat it, not allowed for anyone else, not even Arthur and David who were both family members.

It's not just a small problem that Romi will get if caught eating that special meat, because his life could be at stake.

"I wonder, why is your brother so angry just because of your lunch that I ate?"

"I don't know, but I ever to share lunch with my best friend named Zahra, and David did the same to Zahra. But unlike my brother, Arthur, he looks relaxed and laughs at us," said Mesya.

"So you have two older brothers?"

"Yes, their names are David and Arthur."

"Oh I see, I don't know your other brother yet, but your brother, David, looks scary."

"Yeah David, he's a bit rude! But if Arthur is nice,"

"Ah, thank God, it's a good thing you still have a good brother,"

"Haha, yes, of course,"

Suddenly the bell started ringing, and it was time for the two of them to enter the classroom.

But when Mesya and Romi started to leave the cafeteria, Arthur saw them both from behind, and it turned out that he had been monitoring Romi and Mesya's intimacy, even he knew that Romi had eaten his flesh.

To be continued