Forget david!

The next day, on such a sunny week without a single cloud.

Marry was getting ready to go to Salsa's house.

Marry was so enthusiastic to meet Salsa, she was very curious about Salsa's condition.

It didn't matter that her eyes still stung because last night she couldn't sleep thinking about the death of Jerry and his two friends.

Arriving at Salsa's house, she found the maid at the house already welcoming her at the door.

"Come in, Miss Marry," she said.

"Oh, thank you, Ma'am."

Marry entered the house and knocked on Salsa's door.

Tok! Tok!


"Come on in quickly, Marry!" said Salsa.

And after Marry entered, she immediately locked the door to her room.

"What's the matter, Salsa? And why do you look so weird?" asked Marry.

Salsa looked down, and from the look on her face, she looked very frightened.

"I want to talk about something secret," said Salsa.

"Secret? What secret?" asked Marry again.

"Do you know the cause of death of Jerry and his two friends?"

"Oh, I didn't know about that, they were found dead with some organs missing," Marry explained.

Of course, this surprised Salsa, because she only knew that if Jerry and his two friends died because they were killed by Arthur, and they died whole, nothing was lost, not even a hair.

Then how can Marry speak like that?

"Marry, don't joke! Why are you talking like that?!"

"Oh, why is that? It's no joke!" said Marry, "I even heard about it on the television news show last night, and that's why I couldn't sleep all night!" explained Marry.

Salsa looks scared.

"Salsa, what do you want to talk about their deaths? Do you know anything?" asked Marry.

And this of course made Salsa even more confused about what to do, she wasn't sure she wanted to tell Marry everything.

It might be hard to believe it though, but it couldn't be helped, Marry was the only person she could trust in this world, and she couldn't possibly tell all of this to her parents, especially when her parents were still abroad.

"Marry, I want to confess!" Salsa explained.

"Confession about what? Are you still talking about Jerry?" asked Mary.

And Salsa nodded again.

"Well, of course. I know who killed them," said Salsa.

"Really?! Who is that?!"

Salsa lowered her head again.

"The killer is, Arthur!" replied Salsa.

"Huh?! Arthur?!" Maria looked very surprised. "Can you tell me?!" asked Marry, very curious.

"He was bugging us when we were dating. And it was Jerry who held Arthur back from the start, and even Jerry was rude to me!"

"Oh my! I can't believe it!"

"Yeah, it's kind of hard to believe, but this is the truth, Arthur who looks reckless and like someone who only has empty guts is a very scary person, and he killed them at almost the same time," said Salsa.

"This is unbelievable! Then what about their mutilated bodies and some missing organs?" asked Marry.

"I didn't know about it, actually I only heard it from you, after that incident I didn't dare go out and didn't dare to watch television or open the internet," said Salsa.

"Oh my God! You must be in so much pain, Salsa, is this your reason for not going to school and avoiding me?" asked Marry and Salsa nodded

Finally, Salsa felt a little relieved because she could finally talk to Marry. After two days she just sat there and kept her fears to herself.

Marry hugged Salsa's body. "Don't be afraid anymore, I'm by your side," said Salsa.

"Please keep this a secret, Marry," said Salsa.

"Of course, Salsa! How could I let my friend be interrogated by the police," said Marry?

Mary didn't think it would turn out like this.

And to this day, she is still confused about who the mutilator is as if in the same incident Arthur was with Salsa.

"Marry, why are you still silent? Is there anything else you want to ask?" asked Salsa, grabbing Marry's arm.

"Yeah, I'm still confused, if it wasn't Arthur who mutilated, then who did?" said Marry spontaneously.

"Ah, about that...." Salsa began to express her suspicion to Arthur because at that time Arthur said that he didn't need to think about all this. After all, his father's people would take care of it.

This means that it could be that the mutilation perpetrator was a messenger from Mr. Charles. Or even Mr. Charles did it himself.

But I don't know Salsa herself is still very doubtful.

"If it's true that the culprit was a messenger from, Arthur's father, could this have something to do with the death and mutilation of the other victims?" asked Marry.

"What do you mean, Mar?"

"You mean, are death, the principal and other people in a similar way the work of the Davies family?" said Marry.

Salsa was silent for a moment, again she remembered Arthur who had spoken to her, that if she wanted to be close to David she had to get used to seeing things like what Arthur did to Jerry and his two friends, there would be something more sinister.

"What does this mean?" Spontaneous Salsa.

"What's wrong, Salsa?" asked Marry.

And Salsa again told Marry about Arthur's words and that her relationship with Arthur was only because she meant to make David jealous.

But thanks to all that, now Salsa began to realize that something was wrong with the Davies family.

Marry also said that she only met Mesya yesterday, and told Salsa that the relationship between Mesya and David was only adopted siblings, not siblings.

Even though Mesya told her to keep all of this a secret, Marry still had to talk to Salsa, because for her Salsa was not someone else who couldn't know this, because the main problem was Salsa initially liked David, so Salsa had to know all this.

Nothing was covered up anymore, and Marry strictly forbade Salsa not to have anything to do with David or Arthur.

Marry suspects their family is a family of psychopaths, this suspicion is not without basis, but because of what happened to Salsa.

"No more reason, to approach or even beg for David's love, forget David, Salsa!" concluded Marry.

"Yes, I know, I have to throw away my stupidity which is still expecting it, so I beg you, Marry me, help me," said Salsa.

Marry hugged Salsa who looked so fragile and still scared.

She stroked her friend's hair.

"Relax I'm with you, Salsa,"

To be continued