Failed Cooperation

"Arthur? Do you know that Masya hates me so much? Then how can I win her heart?" asked Edo.

"I don't want to know about that, the most important thing is that you can get Mesya," Arthur replied.


"Hey, Edo, I want to explain a little to you, do you know Denias?" Arthur asked.

"Denias, which died in that accident?" Arthur asked.

"Yeah, but I have pictures of him before he died, you want to see them?" Arthur asked with a faint smile.

While Edo didn't say a word, he just kept quiet and looked at him with a very curious face.

"I know you're very curious, right, so I'll allow you to take a look,"

Arthur reached into his cell phone from his pocket, then immediately showed the photo to Edo. The photo shows Denias' body, which is full of wounds.

"What does this mean?" asked Edo.

"Well, if it's just a photo like that, you don't understand, do you?"

Then Arthur opened his cellphone gallery again, and this time he showed a video.

A video that shows how cruel he and his family were when torturing Denias before he was finally reported to have died in a car accident.

"So, while Denias was missing, were you the ones holding him?" asked Edo to make sure.

"That's right. So how about it? Do you want to approach Mesya?" Arthur asked. Through the video, Arthur hopes that Edo will change his mind and will obey his orders.

Because Arthur wants Mesya to reciprocate Edo's feelings, then he can forget David.

Like the rest of his family, Arthur is also very against Mesya and David's relationship.

"But, what's your purpose in telling me to approach your sister? You know, if I was just about to harm your sister, then why did you even ask me to approach her?" asked Edo who was so curious.

"In that case, I won't tell you! It's my family secret!" Arthur insisted.

"If you don't want to say what your reasons are, then I won't obey your orders either!" Edo said.

Arthur sharpened his gaze, but from his lips was still a smile as casual as usual.

"Who do you think you are? How dare you order me? I won't obey you!" Edo said firmly, he immediately walked towards the door and was about to open it.

But unfortunately, the door was locked tightly, and Arthur took the key out of his pocket.

"Are you looking for this?" Arthur asked mocking Edo.

"Hah?!" Edo's eyes bulged sharply.

"Don't underestimate me even a bit, because I'm much scarier than you seem," Arthur said.

But Edo doesn't want to stay silent with Arthur's words, after all this time he feels that he is greater than Arthur

"Don't mess with me, Arthur!" Edo threatened.

'Duak!' Edo kicked Arthur's body until he fell.

"You think I'm afraid of you, huh?!" challenged Edo.

Arthur stood back up, his expression unchanged and still smiling mischievously.

"I may lose to David, because in terms of body size and also my age is younger than him! But if you ...?" Edo smiled mockingly.

"Tch! You're not even my match! You're just a crazy man whose life is just whining for no reason!" ridiculed Edo.

"Wow, it turns out I'm a verry Loser in your eyes?" Arthur grabbed something from his pocket.

"Honestly, I regret your treatment of this to me? Because I still want to take advantage of you," Arthur concluded. "But, since you can't be used, then it would be better if I just killed haha ​​haha!" Arthur laughed so loudly that he held his head high.

Arthur took out a penknife that came out of his pocket.

Edo was a little horrified to see him, but he couldn't look scared, because there wasn't anything he needed to be afraid of from Arthur.

Especially compared to him, Arthur's body looked smaller and skinny than him.

"I'm not afraid of you at all Arthur, even if you carry a gun!" said Edo.

"Wow, you have big guts too! I like it!" said Arthur.

"You crazy!" Edo cursed and he immediately kicked Arthur in the stomach, so Arthur slightly bent his stomach.

"Shit," Arthur cursed softly, he straightened himself again, a faint smile of meaning etched on his face.

"What!? Why are you looking at me with such an expression?!" Edo's said.

"I'm still giving you one more chance, so I'll repeat my question, do you want to disobey my orders?" Arthur asked.

"Hey! Are you deaf? I've said it over and over again, that I don't want to come near Mesya anymore!" Edo said.

"Okay! This will be your answer for the last time," Arthur said, his tone still relaxed.

"Tch! Don't be so strong! Who do you think you are? And do you think I'm an easy person for you to take down?!" Edo ridiculed. Now Edo spat on Arthur's face, and Arthur still casually wiped the saliva.

But a few seconds later something unexpected happened.


"Ah!" Edo shouted in pain because the penknife with a size that was quite large than usual slashed Edo's hand.

Indeed, the knife did not crop his hand, it's just that the wound left was quite severe.

Edo held his hand, which was now starting to bleed.

"Ah! It hurts...!"

He sat screaming. He endured the pain and he curled up. Right at that without permission, Arthur slashed the back of Edo's neck several times.

Edo immediately lay down with blood pouring out, even seen from the slash of the knife leaving a gaping wound and partially broken neck bone.

"I killed him too soon, I should have given him a little bit of torture, so I can enjoy the art of killing people," Arthur muttered.

After killing Edo, Arthur immediately called his father, of course, they must clean up Edo's body that just lay here. Even though this room was very quiet and no one touched him, still, he couldn't let Edo's body lie just like that.

Because the bodies are left to rot in this room, it will give off a pungent smell and can make people suspicious so they will open this room.

After all, they can still use Edo's body, there are still some organs that can be sold and the meat can be a family dinner menu.

"Come here please, Daddy!"

[Fine, Daddy's going over there,] Charles replied.




Arthur came out of the room and found the school was deserted, it was already time to go home from school.

So that way Arthur could be free to come out without anyone seeing him.

But Arthur was deliberately not going home now, because he was still waiting for his father's arrival.

Just then David tapped him on the shoulder from behind.

"You which delayed his death?" David asked.

To be continued