Chapter 6

I lay on my knees, paralysed with fear as the man loomed over me his eyes still etched on the notes, not even bothering to spare a glance at me. He read through all of them before he finally looked straight into my eyes. Amusement was etched on his face but I also saw something else. Curiosity, confusion even a little bit of..... longing. He walked infront of me before crouching down so that both of were at eye level, our faces less than a foot away from one another.

"Where did you find this?" he asked with a sadistic smile. I struggled to speak as every fibre of my being felt the power eminating from the man infront of me. Then suddenly, I felt a sharp stinging pain on my cheek as a force caused me to turn to the side. I slowly turned back to the stranger who was still keeping the hand he had slapped me with raised. His previous smile was now smaller and his brows were now furrowed into a small frown.

"Doom demands to know how came into possession of this. And Doom suggests that thou answer swiftly unless thou prefers that Doom settle for less dubious means for get his answer." he demanded.

I finally found my voice. With a shaky voice, I lied hoping that he'd buy my excuse."I found it."

"Where? The man asked."

"I don't remember, I think it was amongst some stuff I bought from a backyard sale." I spoke keeping my words as vague as possible. For a moment, it seemed as if he had bought it. He stood up and turned around with his hand on his chin as if he was considering my words.

Then suddenly, he turned around and raised his palm at me. Before I could react, a thin green light shot out from the palm right at me. I stood frozen as the green projectile grazed my cheek and cut through several strands of my hair before hitting the ground making a small crater.

"Does thou take Doom for a fool. Never have Doom seen such insolence from one beneath himself. Thou has to the count of 10 to tell him the truth the next one will be shot at thine knees." he bellowed anger now lacing his words.

I barely registered his words as I half crawled, half ran away from him. I was overwhelmed with fear as I tried my best to flee until I felt something metallic grab onto my ankle making me fall face first into the ground. I craned my head, and looked at my feet to find an ethereal chain wrapped around my ankle originating from the stranger.

"10" the stranger began counting.

In response, I began chant the wind spell before shooting it at the man who remained unfazed. Infact he was giving me a very condescending look like he was watching a toddler trying to kick a ball then overshooting his leg before falling. After what seemed like a dozen casts, I stopped casting the spell all the while the stranger continued the countdown.


He then looked at me snuggly before speaking. "Let me show you how a real master of the arcane arts do it."

He then raised his hand and chanted the same spell as I was casting. Only his spell also seemed to have rune on them as well. He aimed the spell at the building on his right, (my left then fired the spell) I heard a loud bang as then spell hit the building before blowing up making an entire section of the 1000x 800 meter building to come crumbling down.

"Magic is such a versatile subject yet you simply limit yourself to following the books word for word. Goes just to show just how inferior thou are infront of Doom." he mocked me as I stared wide eyed at the now partially demolished building. I began thrashing trying to get lose as tears welled in my eyes. When that proved fruitless, I looked at the stranger.

" Please.... don't." I begged yet the stranger was unfazed as he continued to countdown.


I opened my mouth intent on telling him about the book and hoping that he would inturn spare me. But then suddenly, a white substance suddenly got attached to his face taking him and by extention, me by surprise.

"Hey Victor Von Dumb. Pick on someone your own size." A humanoid figure dressed in a red bodysuit said as he landed between me and the stranger. I instantly recognised him as Spiderman, the newest hero/Vigilante in New York.

"Vermin. You meddle with Doom's buisness again? No matter. Richards is not here to save you this time. Doom will enjoy squashing you damn arachnid." The stranger bellowed angrily as he ripped the white substance from his face. He then began chanting a spell and then almost immediately I saw his buisness suit get replaced with metallic armour and a mask dons his face. At that moment I had no doubt who the stranger was.

Victor Von Doom. Otherwise known as Dr Doom, the ruler of Latveria.

Strangely, spiderman didn't seem too worried as he spoke. "Well, I sorry to disapoint you but, I brought a plus one for this."

No sooner he said that, ethereal chains similar to the ones Doom used on me wrapped around the latter. And almost simultaneously, a hit the chain binding me, causing it to disintegrate. Another figure was now standing behind Doom. It was a middle aged man sporting a goatee wearing a blue robe and a red cloak. I saw him readying two unfamiliar spells of both of his hands.

Doom chuckled darkly. "What brings the sorcerer supreme here?"

My breath hitched at his words. I knew what the title meant because of the book. The title of Socerer supreme is given to the mages who's talents surpasses their peers. At least that was what I got from the books.

The robed man glanced at Spiderman who suddenly grabbed me by the waist before hoisting me up. "Hold on" was all I heard before he shot his web onto a building yanking before swinging away. I instinctively grabbed onto the webslinger as he took us away from the megalomaniacal villain who upon seeing them taking me away, began a barrage of spells before turning his attention back to the robed man. Fortunately, spiderman managed to maneuver around the spells leaving us unscathed. Unfortunately, his movements made me nauseous and I had to keep myself from throwing up on my saviour.

Eventually, we got away from the area and the hero began to relax as his movements began slow. The tension from before was now replaced with awkward silence except for the noises from the traffic and the sound of Spiderman shooting another web as he kept swinging away.

"So, you ok?" he asked. At that moment something inside of me broke. I buried my head on the bug-themed(AN:Spiders are arachnids!!!!) hero and began crying my eyes out. To his credit, the hero wasn't fazed as he let me stain his costume with my tears and snot. He was probably used to these type of reactions despite his rather short tenure as a hero. He simply held me and silently consoled me.

After I calmed down, he softly whispered in my ears. "It OK. You're safe now. Come let's get you home." I nodded as he continued to swing.

A few moments later, I found myself standing on the balcony leading to my room. Spiderman stood a few feet away from me.

"You gonna be OK?" he asked and I nodded in response. "Good. Listen I have to go. Dr strange may still need my help to take down Doom. You should get some rest. You have had a rough night." My response was another nod as I was too exhausted to speak after crying my eyes out.

I watched as he swung away before entering my room. I didn't even bother changing my clothes but instead simply collapsed on top of the bed hoping that sleep would come quickly.

However, just as I was about to close my eyes, I realised something.

With that, I shot out of my bed before looking at the door leading to the balcony. With only one thought in mind.

How did Spiderman know where I lived?

(AN: Sorry this took so long. I had to rewrite the entire chapter a few times.)