Chapter 19

I felt as my body was sinking into quicksand as I passed through dimensions. Wherever the portal led, it led to another another dimension. Hopefully, my sling ring should be able to take me back. Eventually, I saw the other side of the portal and I braced for impact.

My body was shot out of the tunnel like a like a crash test dummy shooting out of a car. I spun several times mid air before I made contact with the ground which was submerged a foot below water before I skidded to a halt.

I got up and began examining my surroundings. This place... looked so familiar yet at the same time, so foreign. The memory tickled at the back of my mind yet I was unable to grasp it.

"We meet at last." a deep demonic voice echoed from behind me prompting me to summon Lux and face the one who had just spoken.

I turned to find a humanoid figure wearing a black robe several yards away from me. The hood of the robe covered his head. Only through his hands was I able to see his skin, which was deathly pale and wrinkled. One of his hands also happened to be grasping a sinister looking staff.

"Who are you? Are you the one who brought me here?" I demanded.

"Yes I am." he answered before pausing.

"As for who I am, my name 'was' Cassaro Kozra." he continued. "However, after swear fealty to Lord Abbadon, I have forsaken that name. I am now Gerzal, the Necromancer."

"So what's your business with me?" I asked to keep him talking as I searched for an escape route. Unfortunately, the dimension we were in was completely barren with only a dilapidated tower as the only thing in sight.

At my words, the man began to chuckle sending a chill down my spine.

" Very well. Let me set the stage for my tale. I was born the eldest to the Kozra clan, of the Cylux Dynasty, the ruling power of all Moon Elves."

My eyes widened at his words. I then discreetly began etching protective runes on my clothes. As I still hadn't replaced my armour, I had come on the trip wearing a jacket and shirt, a pair of jeans and sneakers. Not to say that I didn't prepare any wards before hands, I wore a locket that stored a bundle of talismans. And after the fiasco with the lizard, I had my ears pierced with the earing containing a sealed barrier spell on them. The jacket itself also had several runes on the inside. So why was I creating more runes? The man in front of me has revealed himself as a Moonelf just like my grandmother.

As such, he may have a way to counter my powers one way or another hence why I was making more runes. The man in question however didnt seem to notice as he was too engrossed into his story.

"... And that's how I finally entered the Royal magic academy as one of the strongest mage in my generation. With my upbringing and my magical prowess, I could have married into the Royal family. And the very first thing I did was look for the eldest princess. And there she was, not the eldest princess mind you, but rather, the youngest. Unlike her elder sister who radiated elegance, she radiated pure magical power. It was later that I find out that her powers far surpassed mine. And this made my blood boil. She was just a spoiled brat, not even the heir to the throne yet she managed to surpass me, who spent his entire life to master his powers.

And so, I made a plan. A plan to woo the youngest princess and marry her. And through her, snatch the throne from the eldest princess. And once I secured my position, I would begin to poison her, slowly but surely until I take my rightful place as the strongest mage in the entire world.

"And I would have succeeded to too had it not been for that outsider. Your progenitor. He appeared on the same day I was about to begin courting the Princess. And he used his abhorrent magics to corrupt the Princess and put her under his thrall. Why else would someone of her status give the time of day to a filthy human.

I tried my best to make her see him for what he truly is. Both me and other nobles who weren't fooled by that man including the Crown Princess herself. But it was no use. She was too far gone.

Eventually she left with that human and a handful of our people who were stupid enough to fall for the human's wiles. I hid amongst them in an effort to try and bring the princess back when their guards were down. Only. The princess and that wretched man created an entire pocket reality and in it, they built a large tower where they stored the knowledge they accumulated from multiple realities.

This caused me to postpone my plans as I set my eyes on the knowledge stored inside the tower. With them in grasp, my powers would have become limitless.

That was when 'He' arrived. Despite the might of the stranger and the Princess and their respective forces, they too fell eventually. And I was about to suffer the same fate when I for the first, time, shed my pride and begged for mercy. And he gave it. On one condition. I was to bring back the spawn of the stranger and the Princess, who held the key to make way to the pocket reality and the tower inside it. And now, after decades of waiting. I will finally be free. " the elf continued to speak.

Meanwhile, I managed to create several protective runes on my clothes however rudimentary they were. I then kept watch over the elf who was still monologing while walking around. I waited until he was looking away from me to summon Lux. I then casted Mistral winds on myself before charging at the elf. I also augmented my arms before my attack made contact.

I was a dozen feet away from the elf before he realised that I was attacking. He immediately tried to put up a barrier which surrounded him in a split second. Imagine his surprise when Lux penetrated his barrier like a hot knife through butter and impaled his abdomen.

The man spat out black blood quite similar to the the shade beasts which didn't go unnoticed by me. I immediately attempted to pull my blade free only for Kozra to grab my swordarm with his hand.

"Rude. Just like your grandfather." he chuckled darkly. I then watched as the blood pouring out of him began to coalesce behind him, becoming large and turning into a familiar form. It looked just like the large shadebeast me and Strange battled back then except this one was fully armoured and was wielding a large blade.

The newly formed Shadebeast pulled back his free arm just as I began to try and get out of Kozra's grasp but it was for naught as the shadebeast backhanded me, making me lose my grip on Lux and sending me crashing several feet away. Fortunately, the absorbed most of the force. However, I was still left stunned from the impact.

"A sword forged from metal that that suppresses magic. A fascinating specimen. It's a shame that it is more trouble than its worth." I heard Kozra speak and looked up to find him holding Lux with one hand with his staff on the other brought close towards it. The jewel on the staff was glowing eerily as he gave me a smirk.

He then threw Lux into the air before waving his staff as it began glowing with magical energies. I attempt to dispel Lux in effort to twart whatever the elf was attempting but once again, I was unable to react on time.

A dark orb was shot out of the crystal and collided with Lux which began vibrating mid air before cracks began appearing on it. And then in a blink of an eye it exploded sending bits and pieces of it all over the surroundings. At the same time I also felt a wave of pain as the destruction of Lux sent a feedback from it to my head, making me clutch my head. I also felt my connection to Lux through the ring fade.

As the pain faded, I raised my head glared at Kozra with hate who in turn was watching me with a smug smile making my hatred flare even more.

Lux might have been just a sword but it was left by my family. Seeing destroy it was akin to watching him destroy a precious family heirloom.

"Surprised girl? That was just a mere silver of the power bestowed on me by my master. It was enough to overpower the swords magic nullification and destroy it with a single spell. So it would be in you best interest to surrender peacefully lest you want to see me wield the full extent of the power he bestowed on me."

I gritted my teeth in anger as got on my feet. I felt my mana reserves circulating furiously in response to my anger as a said.

"Not a chance, you overgrown keebler. That was my sword. And I will make you compensate for it, with your body and your life."

"So be it." he said coldly before taking his spear and chanting something. A large magic circle in between us with me in its range. I immediately retreated backwards, out of the circle's range before taking out Dragnir.

Not a moment too soon as several creatures such as human skeletons, zombies and even shadebeast began emerging from it.

I immediately used Dragnir to summon 3 magical circles. One in front me and the rest on either side of me. A few seconds later, a barrage of fire were shot out from the circles. They hit the oncoming enemies, taking down several on from the continuous barrage, whitling down their numbers.

I then poured my magic into the sword and a blade made out fire extended from where the sword had been broken and grew up to 9 feet yet at the same didn't seem to affect the sword's overall weight.

With Dragnir in hand, I charged at the remaining creatures using it to deliver wide, sweeping blows at managed to take out several of them at once. I continued this assault until I bypassed the horde of creatures and found myself facing Kozra once more. The large Shadow beast moved in to intercept me by bringing down his massive sword at me. However, I sidestepped his attack by spinning to the side before closing on Kozra. I used the momentum of the spin to deliver an upward slash at his dominant arm holding his staff. Caught off guard my sudden evasion, he could not react on time as my attack made contact, severing his arm along with his staff, the latter which turned to ashes shortly after.

I attempted to follow this up by slashing across his neck only for it to be blocked by the Shadebeast. Kozra then muttered a spell and gust of wind blew me back.

"Perhaps I have been holding myself back too much. There is no other way someone like you could ever injure me twice." He said. The blood from the stump that used to be his arm flowed into the Shadebeast, making it larger and adding more and more armour to it. It then suddenly let go of its sword and outstretched both of its arms like it was holding something. Following that, the air around it changed before a dimensional rift opened above the Shadebeast's outstretched arms. And from it, a large dark crystal descended. It was almost the size of the shadebeast itself. Once it emerged, Kozra began chanting. Soon after, more and more magic circles began emerging all around me similar to the ones that had brought the creatures.

I wasted no time using thr Mistral Winds to move as far away as possible from the circles, all the while dodging and attacking any creature attempting to grab me.

By the time I managed to reach to safety, there was an even bigger horde surrounding the elf than before. The last time he summoned around 50 or so creatures. This time, it was probably several hundreds of them. It looks like I still have my work cut out for me.