Chapter 22

After having a small breakdown, I stood next to Madam Han. And I asked. "Did he know who I was?"

"Not when he first saw you. I guess he realized it once he thought about it rationally," she replied.

" 'Rationally' she said. He threatened me. I was fearing for my life !!"

"I know. And he had no excuse for that. That's why I made him promise not to approach you until you are ready." Madam Han stated.

"Do you think he will keep it?"

"At least for now. Victor maybe a lot of things but he is not one to go back on his words. Well, most of the time. He can be pretty 'impulsive' from time to time."

"That's just great. What are the chances that he will just kidnap me when we have our guard down?"

"All the more reason why you need to become stronger. We should get ready, the others will be here any moment."

I looked at her with a puzzled expression. "The others?"

No sooner had I said that, a magical circle was formed a few yards away from where we stood, the runes signified it as a teleportation spell. Two figures emerged from the circle before it disappeared. An elderly woman I recognized all too well and a girl my age. The moment the magical circle disappeared, the girl fell on her knees before puking her guts out.

"Sorry about the mess. She is still not used to this type of teleportation." The woman chuckled before approaching me. "It's been a while since we last met hasn't it, Victoria." she said with a smile.

"Sister Harkness?" I asked stiffly. She had been the matron of the orphanage I grew up in until it was closed down.

"Oh Good. You remember her. This makes it a bit easier. Victoria, I'd like you to meet, Agatha Harkness. She is a dear friend of mine and I left you in her care during your infantile years."

"I don't understand, I thought I grew up in an orphanage." I said.

"A cover up. Both Han and I were at the time being hunted by a cult of vampire, long story. And we were trying to lay low.Han was still grieving so I offered to take you with me. I used magic to twist the memories of the children and the nuns of the orphanage and I masqueraded as the matron. All so that I could keep an eye on you." Agatha explained.

"So what changed? Why did the orphanage close?" I asked.

"They found us. They were going to raid the orphanage, so I had to do something to keep the children the nuns safe. For what's it worth, I am sorry you had to go through what you did after we left." came the reply.

I let out deep sigh of resignation. Well it was all in the past I had better things to do than dwell on it.

"So what about the cult?"

Agatha chuckled. "Now that's a story for another time. Come now, I want you to meet my new pupil. This is Nico she's around the same age as you so I hope you get along." She then motioned toward the girl who had been throwing up all this time.

"Never again." she muttered as she wiped her mouth. She then turned around letting me get a proper look at her for the first time. She was a biracial Asian girl with black hair and the tell tale features of a stereotypical goth girl. Including black eyeliner, nail polish and piercings.

"Sup. Name's Nico Minoru." she said as she extended her hand.

I shook it with a smile as I introduced myself. "Victoria Celemine."

"Why don't you kids get acquainted while we prepare the ritual?" Madam Han said as she and Agatha left.

"So what's your story?" the girl, Nico asked awkwardly.

I looked at her questioningly asking her to elaborate.

"I meant how did you get mixed up with magic." she added.

"Well you know same old same old. I found my grandfather's grimoire. Found out I could do magic. Almost got myself killed a couple of times. You know that usual." I said a little dismissively.

Nico chuckled in response and I reciprocated it with a smile.

"What about you?" I asked.

Nico placed her hand on her chin seemingly in deep thought before she started to speak.

"Let's see. Me and my friends found out our parents were supervillains. We tried to escape but they caught on to us. I accidentally stole my mother's magic staff and we went on the run for a while until I found Agatha aaaand... that's it."

"Supervillain parent. One thing we have in common." I said.

"No way. Anyone I'd know?"

"Probably." I said cryptically, not really wanting to tell someone I just met about my father.

"So what can you do?" she asked.

"A little bit of everything. Telekinesis, elemental control, dimensional manipulation, alchemy, enchantment, runecraft, mystic arts. You?"

"Eh. I mostly just use the staff. I can summon it whenever I get injured and I can used spells by using a single word related to what I want to do. Though I can only use the word once. Agatha has been teaching me how to use other type of magic but I still have a long way to go."

"So, do you know why we are here?" I asked.

"Not really. Agatha was the one who was invited. I just tagged along."

We spent the next half an hour or so chatting before we got bored. After that we just mostly killed time playing on our phones, shitposting on twitter, trolling the flatearthers and antivaxxers. All in all it was fun and I was able to keep my mind away from thoughts about my father.

It was finally at the three hour mark when Han called out to me. They had drawn an intricate ritual circle and were waiting at the center.

"It's time Vicky. Change into these and lay down here." she said before throwing a set of black robes at me. I looked at her with a confused expression and she answered.

"This ritual will take a heavy toll on your body. Imagine having your body breakdown and rebuilt over and over again. Suffice to say I don't expect the clothes on your back to survive this ordeal."

I shivered with fear as I heard her explanation. "Is it too late to change my mind?"

"Yes." Agatha replied before flicking her fingers and I found myself wearing the robes while my clothes were folded neatly next to where I was standing.

I sighed in defeat as I walked to the center of the circle and laid down just as they had instructed. Madam Han placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder before both her and Agatha got out of the circle. They then stood opposite sides of the circle with me at the epicenter and began chanting. Their arms began glowing with magic and so did the circle. I looked up at the sky and saw the sky turn cloudy blotting out the Sun in a matter of seconds. Not long after, lightning emerged from the clouds that seemed alarmingly close to where were. Soon I felt the ground shake and the circle glow brighter. I felt the magic around it coalesce into a single point before it shot towards me causing me to brace myself. A few seconds later, the pain started.