As I came back to consciousness I couldn't help the groan that escaped my lips. My head was killing me, like the pounding of drums and all kinds of obnoxious musical instruments being unleashed in my dome.
As I opened my eyes, still seeing figurative stars, I noticed the ship was activated and the pain simply gave way to excitement. 'I can control the ship!' I thought excitedly.
"That would be correct, Captain Alexander Duvall." Said an oddly familiar voice. I froze, both in my mind and body at the voice. 'No… that.. can't be correct? Right?' My mind began to re engage itself quickly, quicker than I thought it could given the circumstances.
While that was going on I watched as a screen or window appeared on the front viewport. The face that appeared matches the voice that I remember from a different television show. Andromeda or as she also went by, Rommie. She looked exactly like freaking Lexa Doig! 'Holy shit holy shit!'
Out loud I managed a somewhat weak "hello" only for her to smile at me with an amused look. "Hello, captain. I believe I somewhat understand the circumstances after going through my database as well as going through what I have been able to download from this timelines internet. If it helps you, you may call me either Lexa or Rommie." My eyes widen at that. That means she either went through my memories or is caught up on her TV shows already.
"A little bit of both capta…" "please, for now just call me Alex" I interrupted quickly.
"Very well Alex. As I was saying, it is a little bit of both. I have downloaded much of this worlds literature, both fictional and not. From books to entertainment. Also when you sat down, you were automatically injected with nanotechnology or nanites. We can communicate mentally now, I believe it also changed you slightly genetically. It was an automatic process, not something I set up." She explained to me calmly but firmly. Shit, I have a chick in my mind 24/7! She will murder me when I think inappropriate male thoughts! Nooooo!!
Lexa… yah Lexa looked amused it seems after listening to me going through all the stages of grief so quickly… sigh. "Let's go with Lexa, it's a pretty name and just seems right." She looks happy enough with it I think.
I just had one real important question for her at the moment. "What now, Lexa? What can you do exactly?" She took a moment to think about it or to simply go over her systems or something I guess.
"Well, the device in the passenger compartment, what you think of as a time travel device, is actually a dimensional drive or a reality drive. You can use it to return to any previously visited reality but all future realities are random. Or we can just stay in this reality. It's your choice Alex." I just looked at her. I knew I couldn't just not use it. I was very very interested in finding some futuristic realities like Star Wars or Star Trek or any of the cool realities like them.
"I want to travel but we need supplies I think. What resources do we have on board ship?" I asked while trying to get my thoughts in order.
After a second of thought she came back to me. "There are no food stores or water stores onboard according to my logs. The ship is currently fully powered with a miniaturized neutrino-ion generator that you would recognize from the Asgard, as well as a ZPM module. We have a compliment of 40 drone missiles and one rotating rapid fire pulse canon that can also be shot as a beam, similar to an Asgard Plasma Beam that you would recognize though not as powerful due to size limitations. The ship can also cloak, which we currently are, or switch to shields unlike normal jumpers. There is also one transporter.
Portable items will include a personal shielding device, several handheld scanning device and a personal pulse pistol with two setting, stun and kill. It would seem somebody built this ship specifically for this trek or adventure and somewhat dangled it in front of you like a piece of meat or something as it's practically your fantasy scenario if I'm not mistaken." She ended with an amused tone of voice, smirking at the end.
"So it would seem Lexa" I said with a sigh. "So all we really need is food and water then. You said you already downloaded all the entertainment such as movies, tv shows and hopefully music and music videos as well. We could use such things as barter depending on where we end up. How good are your scanners?" I asked her curiously.
"What do you have in mind Alex?" She seemed amused but was letting me voice my thoughts instead of just basically reading my mind it seems, how considerate of her.
"Well treasure hunting seems fun, yes? If you can pinpoint precious metals or gem deposits that currently have no owners, or even shipwrecks that were lost to history, that could take care of monetary issues, both in this reality and future ones." I told her with a weary sigh. This would take time and work and I wasn't sure it was even worth it other than for just for the amusement of treasure hunting. I would need to go on vacation or quit my job as not to draw suspicion. Good thing I have some money saved up anyways.
"Let's do this Lexa!" I tell her pumping myself up in to the air excitedly, living my anime moment. She just smiled.