The Awaited Day

3rd POV

Nurul looks like a corpse. Everybody worried about her but not even one could cure her. She lost lots of weight from 64 to 43 kilograms too. Lost 21 kilograms in just nearly 2 weeks. It was hard to swallow. Plus, her cheeks were sunken and her face was full of white spots as well as felt itchy.

The story of the itchy white spots started when Zafirah was opening more of the ajar windows near her bed after their father called both of her best friends as the room was a little dark. She raked her countenance as she felt irritation. Zafirah craned at her and saw she was raking but ignore it and walked to her table to clean her lunch. The irritation became grave. She was out of her mind raking incessantly. While cleaning the table, Zafirah glanced at her and hastily put the lunch back. The little sister sat next to her while talking and attempted to pull her hands down but the eldest was stronger.

"Are you okay?"

"Itchy... itchy..."

"What's wrong? Hey! Stop"

"Stop raking your face! You will hurt yourself"

"I-i... can't"

"Wait! What should I do? What's wrong with your face? Why?"

'Ah, nay! what's happening to her?!!'

"Wait! I remember!"

Zafirah then instantly closed the window and the tingling sensation lessen as Nurul was fondling her countenance with a gentle touch. Zafirah heavily exhaled as she was worried sick and Nurul's face was red as chilli. There were a few scratches on her cheeks and forehead. Zafirah then brought the container lunch to the kitchen and took a sea cucumber oil. She entered back Nurul's room and sat beside her. She shortly deposited the sea cucumber oil on the scratches while apologising for making her like this. Apprehension inside her brain was lightened as her big sister cannot be exposed to the sun even a bit. And not a second to boot which was cranky and her states remain the same.

Aifaa and Dee visited her not long after at two past four and having a sleepover for this night as well. It was a last-minute plan as they want to see her condition as well as taking care of her. Her father was supposed to work but decided to apply for an emergency day off for one day as in today as tomorrow the appointment with ustaz Tajul will be in the evening, ergo has time to work. They were at the present time in her room and sat alongside her. Dee was on the left while Aifaa was on the right.

Aifaa then grabbed a meat porridge she brought as her mother made it for lunch. She told Nurul to eat it a bit as her father said she was not eating much. She softly demanded her to eat a little so she slowly fed her albeit Nurul keeps rejecting it. The result was the same but add with 5 spoons and another 5 spoons earlier therefore equal to 10. Still not enough for an unwell person like her. After finished ingested the meat porridge, Aifaa gave her the water bottle on the table and she drank-ish it. She soon feels her bladder was just about full and she slowly told them in an infirm low audible sound.

"I wanna... pee"

Dee's turned to help. She securely piggybacked her to the loo while holding her hands in a light way. Whilst Aifaa followed them and watched their back if anything happens to one of them. Dee slowly bent her legs and put her on the loo's bowl as well as went outside and briefly told her to knock on the bowl twice if she is finished. The two just stay put while chatting about trivial matters. Once done, she washed her hands and try to be erect but failed. Dee did not hear anything after the sound of water flowing and later said under her breath. Aifaa stopped chat with her as she began to open the door and the latter did not listen to her anymore.

"Is she done? Why there's no sound of her moving anymore?" Dee slightly opened the door and saw Nurul was struggling to be upright.

Nurul tried for the second time but not passed and did not see Dee was observantly staring at her with knitted eyebrows. "What are you doing? I told you to knock on the loo's bowl, yes?" She asked with a worried tone. Nurul then made an apologetic cast and mouthed saying sorry. Dee composed herself in a short time and stepped into the loo. She bent her knees and ordered Nurul to cling to her hands. She then spun and showed her back and piggybacked her to her room to boot while Aifaa checked on them and slowly paced behind.

Dee softly put Nurul on her bed after reached her room and tucked her with a duvet. Whilst Aifaa was wondering all wh-questions to queried the ill best friend. She began asking after Dee tucked her and burning with curiosity. "How many times do you vomit blood? What else happened other than yesterday event? Wh-" She was interrupted when Dee threw a death glare at her to shut her lips. 'Nurul is not well, you clever!" She thought in sarcasm and shook her head in disapproving expression.

"It's okay... just ask... whatever you want" Nurul smiled at their antics and spoke with a low and frail voice.

"Hehe sorry, but are you sure?" Aifaa asked while one hand caressing Nurul's right hand to keep her calm whilst Nurul just nodded and showed a lopsided smile.

"Sorry, Nurul. You are expected to rest not this" She remarked as she felt sorry for her.

"Sorry again, I'm intrigued. I was supposed to take care of you not grilling you" Aifaa apologised once again while Nurul shaking her head to not saying sorry. She then grinned and said "It's okay... really"

9 hours blew away till the hours of darkness coming. Nurul was outside sniffed in the chilly air on the ground floor while thinking about the possibility to live longer. She leaned comfortably on the apartment's building wall with a tranquil gaze at the dead of the night sky. She then moved to the chair beside her and slowly leaned again. She heard a cat was meowing not long after and eyeballs travelled everywhere, started finding it around.

She saw it in a small drain so she hurriedly picked it up. Plus, no water in the drain and fortunate for her the cat was dry. She sat on the floor and began stroking its body to tame it. She heard a person was screaming abstruse too nearby but no such figure appears. Unbeknownst to her, it was being controlled by a female as what she heard was the female shouted at the possessed cat. While caressing its chin, It bit her hand all of a sudden until she bleeds.

"Make sure she suffers!" The female abruptly shouted with an evil laugh.

"Wh-what?" She faltered and her eyes broaden while still got bitten by the cat.

She tugged it and it was thrown pretty far. She began hared forward thus forgot she was in an ailing shape. The environment changed into a spooky dark place and unearthly quiet as she running. There surrounding was dim but she could escape. Yet she does not know where to go and was short of breath. Afraid, jittery, frantic. All mixed and made her hysterical with peepers speedily maunder around searching for a shelter to protect herself from the cat and its owner.

A hard breathing sound was harkened by her best friends. The two of them rose from their sleep on the floor at the corner in unison. They felt bizarre and mostly worried. Aifaa nudged Dee and stared at her in surprise. Confound went about in their brains. Dee carefully stepped to her while Aifaa not moving an inch from her spot and gulped down in her throat. Yet she followed Dee behind a bit slow to the bed. The latter called Nurul while softly tapped her forearm. Nurul, on the other hand, did not sense her best friends was alongside.

"Nurul, are you okay? Wake up. You're sweating" Dee called and tapped her forearm twice.

"Nurul? Nurul?" She called her again but Nurul did not move.

"What's wrong with her? Having an incubus doesn't she, yes? Wh-" Aifaa commented but was chipped in by Nurul's queasy.

Abruptly, Nurul vomited. A handful of blood streamed to the chin and on her shirt and splashed on the bedsheet as well. She also feels something stabbing her abdomen uncountable times after. Shock visibly caught on their countenance. She says it hurts repeatedly but the two do not know what was hurt and looked at each other. Dee gets ready to bring her to the loo with Aifaa's help. After the latter lifted her on Dee's back, Dee rapidly went to the loo and put her on the loo's bowl while Aifaa came behind.

Nurul's vision blurred but she must clean the messy vomit. Hence, she rotated the pipe and started washing her hands when she collapsed out of the blue and nearly crash into the sink. Luckily, Dee had time to catch her. Whilst Aifaa raced to her parent's room and told Nurul's father without further ado while Dee looked over her. The latter piggybacked Nurul to her bed after taking off the bedsheet. She then swiped her face with a wet cloth as her forehead was sweaty and there was a remaining vomit under her lips. Aifaa returned to Nurul's room after ended informing her father.