Bumped Again


The sunbeam shot to the window and got into the glasses yet she did not wake up from her sleep. Not until the alarm loudly ringing and she began to stir on the bed. She rubbed her peepers and shortly shut the alarm off. She then rose from the bed and took her outfit as well as went to the bog and showered for 10 minutes.

After took a bath, she wore her casual outfit and dried her hair with a hairdryer. After dried, she looked at the clock and it showed ten passed six. The call to subuh prayer already resounded so she wore the telekung and prayed subuh for about 8 minutes with al-Fatihah, an-nas, ayatul kursi and parents prayer for the ending before eating breakfast.

She hurriedly grabbed her bag in the closet and descended downstairs to the kitchen. She stopped for a second at the dining table and put her bag on a chair and quickly washed her hands. She went to the shelf and took a plate and a cup and shortly paced to the dining table as she has to be hurried to get ready first before her father. She spooned 2 spoons of Tom Yum fried rice and 2 chicken samosas and later poured Teh Tarik into the cup. She then ate it while looking at the clock as it shows twenty-five past six and mumbled 'I must end this before dad coming out from his room'.

Once finished eating, she grabbed the car key on the key rack in the living room and walked outside. She paced towards her father's white car and started the engine when suddenly her phone ringing. "Who's calling me this early? Weird" She muttered and rummaged in her bag. She nearly answered the call but she paused and caught sight of the unknown number. "Wait, I've seen this number before but who eh? Don't tell me it's... nah, not, right?" She picked the call, however.

"Assalamualaikum. Hello?" She greeted with a quizzical expression.

"Waalaikummussalam. Hi, Dee!" The caller replied with a spirit yet her guess was right. It was Nazri. "I wann-" Before he could say the next words, she swiftly ended the call and sighed.

'I had time to cancel it before he saying nonsense again... but s*rew me! Why you pick up the call, moron?!! Wait! No, why you didn't save his number?!! Eh?!! Why would I??!' She fought with her thoughts but in the end, she blocked him anyhow and switched to silent mode.

While waiting for her father, she turned on the radio and listened to her favourite song as one of the EXOSE songs was in tune. She boosted the volume a bit higher while her head starting to dance on each beat enjoying the morning before going to work. Her phone vibrated one more time but immersion got the better of her that made her even wilder than before. Not bother to check who was the caller. At this moment, her body also moved with the beat in an intense choreography till the end of the song. The car even shook wildly following her moves here and there as well as the phone keeps vibrating numerous times and got 19 missed calls from the caller.

Soon, her father closed the grill and opened the gate with its controller while walking to the car. She was in a normal state the moment she saw her father's shadow in front of the house. It was an embarrassing moment if her father saw it. Indeed, fortunate. For now. She remembered she was in the driver seat thus stepped to the other side before her father gets into the car. Her father entered and heard the radio volume was higher than usual and the car began moving to boot.

"Woo! Slow down the volume, dear" Her father gently told her and was very close getting giddy as the next song abruptly become loud.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot. Hehe" She replied while lower the volume and gave a half-suppressed laugh.

While her father was driving, she switched on her phone in her hand and saw the miss calls but shrugged it off, thinking it was him. She messaged Nurul and got going typing to send a get well soon and words of encouragement. Lastly, she told her to get help from her or Aifaa if anything happens and no doubt, they will respond as soon as possible. Her peepers were fixed at the window wandering outside along the road. She saw her father's workplace not long after the wandering time and put her phone back in the bag did not realise it was in her hand since the call.

After her father had off the engine, she grabbed her bag and stepped out of the car. Her father also did the same and starting to walk to the building nearby while she followed her father behind until they reached the office on the 3rd floor. Her father opened the door and went inside as well as she put her bag under the table and sat on a chair. Her father took a marketing report on the table on the left side and directed her to make a copy of it and also showed her the pages that were supposed to be excluded from the copy as well as the advertisement paper. She then went to the photostat machine outside his father's office at the left corner and carefully do her job.

4 hours later

It was lunchtime and her father discontinued working. Her peepers were fixed directly to the parking lot and almost reached it but saw a familiar back body with a man at a hut as she walking while her father was ahead of her and looks like he was pacing to the right, where the familiar face was. She was halfway there when the familiar face spun towards her direction and now, the particular person's face could be seen clearly. But she was surprised. It was her classmate, Syurializah.

Her father was talking with the man earlier and left her behind. She then reached upfront Syurializah with a grin from ear to ear and greeted each other. They also talking but before that, they went to a place, under a big tree somewhat far from the elders as their voices were loud. Father oh father. Yet the chatting began.

"You must be shocked seeing me here. I saw you from afar but when you turned your head, I spin somewhere else but you"

"Yeah, I never thought I would meet my friend here though. Why do you show your back to me?"

"Just wanna surprise you. Haha. Your father works here, yes? My father also works here but next to your father's building i guess"

"What??! Really??!"

"Yup! So, what are doing right now? Not continuing your studies?"

"I work with my father until I got an offer to pursue my studies then will be resigning. What about you?"

"Ah, I see. I'm also working but not with my father. Just a drop shipper and will resign too if I got an offer as well"

"That's good. Where are you going anyway?"

"I was waiting for my father for lunch but he was calling his friend earlier. What about you?"

"Oh, I see. I also wanna get lunch with my father"

"Ah, same. How's your life, by the way?"

"Fine and like usual. And you?"

"Yeah, same goes to me"



After finished chatting, they bid goodbye and waved while pacing to the parking lot. Their fathers already ended the talk and were waiting for them in the car. She realised she was late and quickly entered it while panting. She apologised for taking longer than she expected and her father said it was okay as he knew girls never talk with a short conversation. It was otherwise. Wait, was that sarcasm?

Once arrived, she got a message from Syurializah telling her if she has anything to express to her regarding any topic, she will always be here for her. While walking, she keeps typing on her phone till reached her father's office while her father already went inside. Not bother what was waiting in front of her, she almost bumped into the door as she thought it was still opened and the phone slipping from her hand. It was shut yet she was into her phone and blamed the door's fault. What?

She nearly curses but her brain stopped functioning when she bowed her head down. "No! My phone!" She whined with a grotesque countenance. There was a long crack in the middle on the screen protector from the logo to the button below. Her father heard the whining and just laughing in his seat.

"I told you not to play with your phone when you're walking. See what you got" Her father said with a playful tone and resumed laughing.

"Dad! It's not funny, okay" She replied with an angry tone and her looks changed to an acquiescence one. Pity you.