
3rd POV

She was anxiously waiting in her seat in the owner's office where she went to a walk-in-interview at a grocery store named 99-mart. The store that Naimah implied yesterday. She woke up early this morning at 5.50 am and wore blue jeans with a dark chocolate blouse and a black Bawal hijab. She reached here at forty-nine past seven and got by her mother's motorcycle. She was excited and nervous at the same time as it was her first time. It was going to be her first experience too as it could be put in her resume. While she fidgeting with her hands, the owner opened the door and entered his office not long after.

"Are you ready for the interview?"


"Don't worry. I will ask you just a few questions after your introduction. Just relax"

"Ya, okay"

"You may start now"

"My name is Aifaa Su'aidah. I'm 18 years old and live in Block 1 Prince City apartment. I just finished SPM last year"

"Oh, Block 1. That's near. Anyway, when you could start working? Today, tomorrow or next week? Only cashier vacancy was left. You decide. Your choice"

"Ah, okay. I could start today as I have time to learn and practice if you let me"

"Wow. Your eagerness, I like it. I'm just testing you but you look determined. If you say so then I will give you the shirt and one of the workers will lead and teach you later"

"Really? That's great. Thank you so much, boss"

"You could put your bag at a small table close to the store at the back. And I will tell one worker to guide you later. For now, you could go put your bag and everything and wait at the counter to boot. What size are you, by the way?"

"Size M. Okay, boss. Thank you"

She was grateful that she got accepted today and the work also will be started in just a few hours. She already deposited her bag on the small table and walked to the counter as instructed. The owner returned after he talked with a female worker. She might be her instructor as she caught them glancing at her several times before the particular worker paced in her direction. The female worker went to the counter not long after with a grin on her physiognomy.

She has been taught by her new friend, Izzaty who was also a cashier for an hour now and she was also the same age as her. It was seventeen past nine and she still practising using the money machine and remember where to put goods. There were not many customers at this time thus she used it zealously pursued the job in an earnest and diligent demeanour. She tried for the umpteenth time to memorise what she had learned earlier and later put some goods on the available and empty shelves at the back.

Unbeknownst to her, a male worker was gazing at her from the beginning with an evil simper on his countenance. He seemed pleased the moment he saw her and cannot look at somewhere else but her. His peepers fixed on her while lifting a box product to the store. He walked back and forth fivefold from the shelf at the back to the store. Once ended, he stretched his neck and carried on the next task of arranging products at the shampoo shelf.

2 hours passed and it was lunchtime. She ate together with Izzaty and other workers as well at a restaurant next to the grocery store. She took a bowl of rice, a drumstick chicken and 3 pieces of asam pedas okra with the sauce as well as washing her hands at the sink. She took a seat at the end of the table on the right with Izzaty beside her left. She was just eating silently while the others chitter-chatter noisily.

After finished eating, she washed her hands and eyeballs roaming around after she settled back at her place. She saw a familiar face and squinted her eyes to see closely who it was yet shocked as Badri appeared out of nowhere at the end of the table on the left. He was standing after he washed his hands at the sink as she saw it was moistened. She was caught off guard and stay still not moving a bit. No way.

He was smiling the moment he saw her when his eyeballs travelled on the right side and greeted her after. She was in a quandary. She did not want attention nor reply to his greet but all eyes were on her. She greeted with a lacking excitement be that as it may albeit she was not in a good term with him. He was strange. No, he was beyond that as to why he suddenly greeted her with enthusiasm when they always quarrel whenever they meet?

She then realised he wore the same outfit she wore an hour before the lunch and sworn internally. 'The h*ck?!! Don't tell me he works at the same store as... Aargh! Why?!! Why?!! It's not my wish to meet him even so WORKING AT THE SAME PLACE!!! My life is already ruined the moment he became my classmate and now... IT'S GONNA BE VILE AND ARDUOUS' She exaggerated thought. Bloody h*ll.

She craned to the table and make as if she has something to do as actually she was not. Not wanting to speak with him as it was somewhat awkward and she despised him. She grabbed her phone on the table and messaged her best friends in the group chat. She wants to hang out as she has been longing to play arcade at the mall and stroll around. She decided to hang out this Sunday so she invited Dee and Nurul to accompany her.

Both of them replied in unison and accepted the hangout invitation. Even Nurul was just healed, she agreed on her as she was bored staying at home and doing nothing other than cooking and house chores. She also wants to stroll at the mall and enjoy her teenage life as she already became 18 years old a few weeks ago. She giggled at Nurul's response as well as Dee as she wants to play arcade too and could beat her score for sure. We will see how Dee, we will see. In your dream.

While the others resumed chatting, she excused herself and paid for the meal as she does not want to waste her time with their chit-chat. She paced out of the restaurant and went to the grocery store back. Badri called her but she pretended did not hear it as she wants to focus on her task after reaching the 99-mart. She sat on a chair and made herself busy immaculately with the snacks at the corner of the counter and blew the dust on it. She swiped on the counter too with a cloth while he just staring at her after the call.

He knew she was just pretending and began to get angry. The other workers were still at the restaurant as they have 30 minutes left before the break time ends. Maybe they were gossiping this time. Tch. How long. Plus, no customers so only the two were inside the store. Boss had gone ever since he gave her the uniform shirt as he has to handle his other store at another place. Resuming what Badri did earlier, he hissed as to why she pretend she did not know him and hoot with laughter while she merely listened.

"Shhh-!!! Are you deaf?!! Why are you like this, Aifaa? We are classmates though. Are you still thinking about what I did to you at school? Tch, hahaha please. Just move on. It's already in the past" He told.

"Are you done? I wanna drink" She replied and treaded to the table at the back.

She took her bottle water and gulped the water down twice before a customer entered the store. She hurriedly sprinted to the cashier counter while out of breath and controlled her respiration. She composed herself to be a smiley cashier while Badri was walking to the table she went to earlier and leaned on the walls huffing to her attitude.