Weekdays Coming

Aifaa POV


She decided to eat with her colleagues and took nasi campur which was a bowl of rice, one soybean chicken(drumstick) and 4 pieces of potatoes from chicken soup. She does not like vegetables so no vegetables for her except for carrots and tomatoes. But neither carrots nor tomatoes were cooked thus she went to her colleague table and sat alongside Izzaty. She then went to a nearby sink and washed her hands before eating. The other 6 woman colleagues began fulled up the table and eating. She sat back on the chair and eat with a sorrowful face. It went unnoticed by them as she felt a little sad all of a sudden.

All of the colleagues were talking about trivial matters while she just listened at first but did not give attention to them after they talked about other workers also known as rumours about them spesh personal matters. Not wanting to expand more sins. It just wasting her time to listen to those bad-mouthing people. You have got unsolved problems, yet poking into others' life? Empathy lifestyle. Onslaught deficiencies of shortcoming people for their everyday entertainment. Once she finished ate, she looked around and perceived Badri was not there.

'Where is he? Isn't he supposed to eat with them?' She wondered but shrugged it off shortly and yearned to find a quiet place to be alone.

"I will go first, okay? I have to do something. See yer" She told Izzaty while standing then pacing to the sink.

"Wait! Never mind..." Izzaty wants her to wait a bit before resume working, relaxing more with them but she already moved to the sink thus she just let her go as well as kept going on tattered with the 6 colleagues.

She washed her hands with soap and directly went to the cashier counter, paying for the meal. She then walked to the store alone, leaving the colleagues and carried on with her work. Before the work started, she stepped to the store and grabbed her bag, rummaging for her water bottle. She gulped down partially her throat dry and put it back in her bag. She put her bag on the table specifically for the workers to put their things and cued what she has to do soon. She took out the remaining stock of biscuits and arranged them at the empty shelves as the break was ended.

She then wrote the numbers of stock available on the goods stock paper in a black report file. She almost completed writing but steps could be heard at the entrance and the distant murmur of a pair. She knew they were a few customers who came, she hurriedly wrote the remaining numbers for stocks out and signed her signature under the paper. She speedily sprinted to the cashier counter while eyeballs searching for the customers. She let out a sigh of relief as they were still finding things on the food shelves. Ya Allah, my heart is going to flee from my ribcage the moment I raced here with that speed.

Her peepers were wandering around not long after the customers paid for the snacks they took, reminiscing the memory of working here. She then told Izzaty she wants to go to the toilet and began treading yet her phone vibrated. She switched it on and checked on the notification. A little surprised as she got an email from one matriculation that she succeed to pursue studies in the same state she lives in right now. She smiled proudly and prayed for gratitude towards Allah and everyone that support her inside. Actually, today will be her last day working as she got a total of 35 days before pursuing her studies. All her colleagues knew it so they want her to wait for a little longer to give presents as well as saying goodbye and such before she went back home. After reached the toilet, she put back the phone in her pants pocket and washed her countenance.



It was nearly 5 o'clock. She gets ready to go back home but her father still doing his work. He told her there was something he needed to finish first before going back and could take 30 minutes or an hour. Hence, her father told her to wait in the car if she is bored. She nodded and thought of strolling around the building but was afraid she will make a distraction to the workers. In the end, she did what her father told her and descended the stairs, directly to the pathway outside. A minute later, her phone vibrated. She clicked on the notification like greased lightning and gazed as she received an offer from Selangor University in Diploma in Physiotherapy.

"Alhamdulillah, I got it. Of course, I will accept this bro. I will tell dad once he is done with his work" She mumbled while smiling.

She switched off her phone and put it in her bag plus leisurely paced to the parking while eyeballs travelled 360-degree angles. But then, she saw a short(a little bit taller than her) and robust man with a mohawk hairstyle and dark brown skin showed his back before her, holding a phone in his hand as it abruptly ringing. She took a glance and was attracted to him as his attire was neat and smells good despite his short mohawk hairstyle which was not her interest at all. She likes a guy with charms, a gentleman, who respect elders and women and also caring.

She heard the man spoke with the caller but shortly regarded it off. 'You're not supposed to give attention to that... but he smells nice... and neat suits bro' She thought while grinning joyously inside. "Where did he buy the perfume though? It got a little strong smell but at the same time made me intoxicated with the fresh-cut grass, tea leaves and vetiver that got balanced with amber and musk to boot" She whispered. Such a sweet-scented. Indeed, she was interested in men's perfume better than women.

She continued walking to the car and felt exhausted. So, no more eyeballs roaming at the surroundings or strolling anywhere but stay in the car. She searched for the key in her bag and got into the car after she found and unlocked the door. She promptly switched on the radio and inserted a pen drive full of her favourite songs on the USB 3.0 hole. She chose a boy group song and turned the volume up a bit as well as did not discern she did not lock the door. Her body immediately moved, following the beat and rhythm of the song with passion.


"Yeah! Nice music!" She shouted while dancing.

As she listening to the next song, she looked outside and saw the same men earlier now in a sitting position on a bench near the pathway. He was some steps upfront her and finally gets to see his countenance. She squinted her eyes attentively to see his figure. 'Please eyes, be clear' She prayed inside. Her eyes broadened in shock. She almost gaping and drooling over him but could prevent it from happening in a matter of minutes. It will be the most embarrassing moment if she did not saw it coming. She perceived who it was. Whilst he was texting as the movement of his fingers like he was typing and somewhat was waiting for someone.

"No way!!? What is he doing here???" She muttered and her eyes stayed widening.

"My eyes won't betray me! It's Nazri, right? Why is he here?" She merely muttered while staring at him and lost in her clouds of questions.


The car was moving a quarter of minutes later. She was startled by the sudden motion. Yet after 5 minutes, consciousness got the best of her as she apprehended that she made a huge mistake. She forgot to lock the door and secure the car. Ya Allah! The possibility of strangers gets inside the car was 100 per cent for sure feasible. And worst if she got robbed or else.

'My dreadful day! Sucks to me!'


Nurul POV

She was setting on the bed all day except when she wants to pee, poo, eat, pray, cook and shower. Not wanting to do house chores today other than cooking. Her energy drained and felt worn out after the day of supporting Amanina. Apart from that, she got an email in the morning from Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris(UPSI). She got accepted to pursue her Diploma in Early Childhood Education in the north state. And after that moment, she rolled on her bed while doing a butterfly style for swimming. She felt delighted yet bored as well.

"Aargh! I'm bored!" She whined while making a 'please, someone help me. I'm desperate' face.

She was really out of her mind as a result of laying on the bed for hours and nearly all day. She then walked to Zafirah's room to disturb her. But then, she saw her playing a mobile game and quickly a bulb on her head appeared. She heartily smirked and asked her sister if she could join her. Zafirah just nodded, eyeballs remained on the screen. Not caring what her big sister's intention was for coming. Nurul cannot wait to play with her but had to wait for her nonetheless to finish the mission.

She played a multiplayer shooting game until midnight with the youngest. The clock showed nineteen past twelve and she started yawning. Twice. The environment was voiceless. Only frogs and crickets sounds were noticeable. Already felt sleepy, she told her she wants to sleep and lazily went to her room as well as plopped on the bed. Not hearing what Zafirah replied as her beauty sleep was essential than her talking. Zafirah told her to close the door back after she stepped out but her mind was only thinking about the bed. The youngest was furious and swore under her breath yet closed the door too. She then thought a bit, hoping the next day will be better than today, before yawning like crazy and her eyes began to shut. Finally, dozed off after 60 seconds.