The week started and Hyun-ae came back to school after what happened, Mun-hee saw her in the classroom but he decided not to speak with her until the right moment comes, Hyun-ki saw that Mun-hee is anxious he went toward him and said"after the class ends let's go grab something to eat at the convenience store that we always eat at"Mun-hee told him"let's leave it until another time man you know I am not feeling good I need to make everything right I don't like making things awkward"Hyun-ki said"look I know but it's not the right time she just got back and the talk is still going between students at the school so just let it be"Mun-hee answered him"Okay, I'll go"moments before school started, Hyun-ki was waiting for Hyun-ae to come out from her home, and when she got out she was not alone Mi-cha was with her and then Hyun-ki said:"Well, well, look what we have here I didn't know you have a guest Hyun-ae, but nevermind that I think my message has gotten to you Ha-Ha"Mi-cha and Hyun-ae were surprised to see him in front of Hyun-ae door then Hyun-ae saidwhat are you doing here you told me to come to school and here I am, now can you just leave me alone"Hyun-ki answered with a smile on his face"Ha-Ha, I know, I know, after all, you know what can happen if you didn't you are still how you were, still afraid, but don't worry I am here to tell you one thing after class meet us at the convenience store that we used to meet at"Mi-cha got confused and started saying in her mind"What convenience store? and what we used to? just what's going on between these two? don't tell me they were together? no way, but what if??"Hyun-ae said"Okay, anything else?"Hyun-ki"That's all, Oh by the way make sure to correct the misunderstanding to your friend right there it's written all around her face Ha-Ha"Hyun-ae got surprised and blushed and turned toward Mi-cha and said"what the hell are you thinking don't get wrong the thing is just I used to sit with him and Mun-hee at that convenience store we were close at that time but not anymore that all"Mi-cha said"I didn't think about anything, he just wanted to make you anxious and made fun of you"so the girls went to the convenience store where they'll find Hyun-ki sitting alone waiting for them and he said"come sit I am waiting for Mun-hee to come I want to see his face Ha-Ha his reaction will be hilarious"the two girls sit after a while Mun-hee came then he saw two girls sitting he didn't know who they are because he saw just their backs then Hyun-ki called him and said:"Hey, Mun-hee come sit"when Hyun-ki called Mun-hee, Hyun-ae turned around and then the chock was written on all Mun-hee face he didn't know what's going on, Mun-hee was choked he didn't know what is happening more specifically why they are sitting at the same place with Hyun-ki he didn't think he just acted by going toward Hyun-ki and said"what are you planning what these two girls did to you to get them here"Hyun-ki laughed and said"Relax, can you? I just met them here and I asked them to sit with me and aren't I doing you a favor, didn't you want to talk privately with Hyun-ae the right moment that I've told you is this so have your time, I'll be outside with Mi-cha, have a good talk"then Hyun-ki and Mi-cha left the two alone to talk they waited for them outside the store, then Hyun-ki started thanking and he said out loud:"Well, to be a good guy for a day it won't hurt"Mi-cha heard him and said"what are saying"Hyun-ki answered her"nothing"the other two were having their discussion inside the store there where Mun-hee asked for forgiveness"Hyun-ae I know I did you badly and I was such stupid I didn't know how did you feel and that I hurt your feelings I couldn't forgive myself for hurting a friend like that"Hyun-ae said"it's Okey, I forgive you just forget it"Mun-hee got surprised and said"What, are you sure, did you really forgave even after hurting you?"Hyun-ae with a smile"Yeah, I did well, it took me one week to heal and forgive but yes I forgave you, and don't worry about my feeling for you"Mun-hee couldn't say anything to her and was in a chock then the two who were outside have entered and then everyone has gone to their home then Hyun-ki went to his balcony to smoke and then he laughed and said"it's just the beginning of the year and looks what I did I became a good guy, Ha-Ha"then his face changed from a smiley face to a serious one and said"Everyone should enjoy this moment because this will never happen again, nothing will distract me from going to my goal".Everything has back to normal everyone is preparing for the midterm exam, and everything is back normal between Hyun-ae and Mun-hee, they became really close after what happened and they became best friends, maybe, while on the other side Hyun-ki is like always sitting all alone in the side of the classroom watching the sky from the window beside his seat, but unfortunately, his rest will come to an end when Mun-hee and Hyun-ae will decide to seat beside him and make his location the place where they chat that when Mun-hee said"say goodbye to the loneliness we are here now, by the way, why do you keep looking at the window? you know Hyun-ae, Hyun-ki always do such a thing even at his home, I always find him at the balcony smoking and looking at something"Hyun-ki and Hyun-ae turned toward Mun-hee looking surprised,Hyun-ae"wait, what, smoking!?"that moment Mun-hee knew what he just said, and he said"what, no, no I mean looking, I watched too many movies yesterday my imagination is crazy today Ha-Ha"then Hyun-ki said"you will fail the midterm if you kept watching movies and that why I always sit alone because you always keep spouting nonsense"without anyone noticing that she was there Mi-cha said"I think he really does smoke, well it's not something surprising"Mun-hee and Hyun-ae got scared for a moment and said"when did get here, you scared us"Hyun-ki said"she came with you I think you loveliness have closed your eyes"then he turned toward Mi-cha and said"and if I smoke does it have anything to do with, the answer is no, no one has a right to talk about what I do, only my parent but they are not beside me so I am alone and free to do what I want"Mi-cha didn't say anything and just kept looking at Hyun-ki while Mun-hee on the other side who laughed and said:"I think that someone is already falling, I think we'll have lovers here in the future Ha-Ha"Hyun-ki answered him"yeah and that couple is you too who are always together, maybe you are already living together just spit it out"Hyun-ae blushed and said"Stop it you two, let's go back to our seat's Mi-cha I think those two forgot that the midterm is close"Hyun-ki laughed and said"Why should I be afraid of an exam Ha-Ha"then Hyun-ae answered him"I think you really don't care if you fail"Hyun-ki smiled and said to Hyun-ae"should I, I mean I got eighty-nine in the last exam so maybe I need to work more on myself"everyone got chocked Hyun-ae, Mi-cha, Mun-hee also, then Mun-hee started laughing and then he screamed:"EIGHTY-NINE, I must be dreaming when did you become a genius"Mi-cha didn't believe him and then she said"as if we'll believe you there is no prof plus if you were that good why didn't we see your name in the list of the top ten students in the school"Hyun-ki smiled and answered her"Ha-Ha you can go and check the third place and the list you'll find My name, it's just I am not popular to be noticed by anyone even the first student can't recognize me Ha-Ha and I like that"Mun-hee starts running toward the list of the top ten students then he finds out that Hyun-ki wasn't lying about him being the third in the school, then when he returned Hyun-ae laughed and said"I think he is shocked to see his friend lying in front of him"then Mun-hee said with a shocked face"he is in the top three of the school he wasn't lying"then Hyun-ki laughed and said"See, I think you should be going, all of you need to study right Ha-Ha"then he said in his mind"I think this year will truly be noisy more than any year but it's okay because all of this is just an act for my real goal, to achieve it, I need to achieve perfection first"