It's Sunday everyone was still sleeping, the four friends were all sleeping, Mi-cha was sleeping in the ground next to Mun-hee in Hyun-ki's room and Hyun-ae was sleeping in the second room where Hyun-ki puts her yestesrday and finally Hyun-ki was sleeping in the living room, but the last is the first one to wake up, like anyone else he went to wash his face and get dressed so he can go to bring something to et in the breakfast especially he is not alone this time, in his way out of the building he noticed some lady who was watching his apartment from far her car, he went her way directly after he saw her, but that lady just started her car and went away Hyun-ki saw the car license key and he remembered for who it belong and he started smiling and just went to the shop, in his way to the shop he got a shock in his head and started recalling some old memory of his childhood in that memory there was a kid in his middle school year getting bullied but not just mentally but also physically he was getting punched and pulled up from his hair and kicked to the face, when Hyun-ki started recalling those memories he started feeling deezy and lost control over his body and he started sweeting a lot and breathing fast, the situation it stayed like that for a few second then it vanished, Hyun-ki started trembling and watching everyone besides him he went fast to the shop he brought the eggs and necessary stuff for the breakfast and went back to his home when he got close to his home he stopped and took a god breath and then looked at his apartment from the street and then continued his way toward his home.

In the meantime, Hyun-ae woke up when she heard the door closed and she went to see who went out or in and she found out that Hyun-ki isn't at home so she went to the balcony to watch him from it but just when she was going to she noticed that someone she knows is watching from the car and putting their eyes in the apartment she just stayed inside where she can't be seen until she heard the car moving then she went out and saw Hyun-ki watching the car going away and then she just kept looking at him going away until he disappeared, then she went toward his room to see if the others have wakened up or not then she saw Mun-hee awake and looking at Mi-cha and holding her hand, Hyun-ae got surprised and she just went back to the living room and she kept looking around it.

At the same time while Hyun-ki is out and Hyun-ae in the living room Mun-hee also just woken up and when he woke up he finds that Mi-cha is beside him and sleeping on the ground he turned toward her and kept looking at her then he started remembering what she was saying o him yesterday when he was asleep he remembers her saying "with you" he didn't understand what's the meaning of it since he couldn't remember the whole thing she said he just kept looking at her and smiling after a while Mi-cha looked like she was hurting due to the ground then Mun-hee just got up and he lifted her to the bed so she wouldn't get hurt and then he wanted to go to the living room but just when he stand up Mi-cha catches his hand and started mumbling something but he couldn't understand it, but he started blushing because she was holding his hand and he started smiling and said

"You know about that star that I told you about back then it was you, I don't know why but I feel like everything is changing just when you came everything changed"

At that moment Mi-cha was starting to get awake and she started feeling a that she is holding something, and when she opened her eyes she saw someone who she is missing a lot she saw her dad and she started saying in her mind if this is real she was about to cry but then she saw the real person who's in front of her, she realized she was daydreaming and that she was holding Mun-hee hand and then she just let his hand and she went toward the bathroom without saying a word, Mun-hee started lookin at his hand and smiling and then he went to the living room that when he saw Hyun-ki entering the apartment and then he asked him where have he been, Hyun-ki told him that he went to the shop to bring something to cook the breakfast, then he went toward the kitchen, Mun-hee turned to Hyun-ae and asked her where did she slept and then she told him that she slept in that second room, when Mun-hee heard her he told her that Mi-cha told him that she was sleeping here at the living room then Hyun-ki came and said

"She was sleeping here but I moved her to that room and I am the one who slept in my own living room, and enough from the questions come if you want to eat and hey Hyun-ae can you go to your friend she is in the bathroom, tell her to come, I think she finished"

Then the four friends gathered in the living room and they took the breakfast and when they finished everyone of them was doing something Hyun-ki went to the kitchen to clean the dishes and Mun-hee was cleaning the bedroom were he slept and he organized it, and Mi-cha was also cleaning the room where Hyun-ae slept and the last onr Hyun-ae was cleaning the living room, Hyun-ki stopped for a second and started looking around his house and he started smiling looking at the others and looking at how the house is so lively then he continued cleaning the dishes with a smile in his face the three friends gathered and started looking at Hyun-ki with a surprise in their face, Hyun-ki noticed that they were looking at him and he asked them what's their deal, Mun-hee told him that they are just so shocked and surprised to see him smile like that and that they didn't know he can smile like that, Hyun-ki said that he just remembered something funny he saw in his phone while scrolling in the social media and said that he is human too not an alien, then the day just went fast while the four where revising and studying for the whole day and it was the afternoon, the three were going back to their home Hyun-ki was finally at his home alone but something felt off for him when he turned around he noticed that the house isn't lively like how it was just one day ago, he grabbed a cigarette and went to the balcony and started smokking and he started looking around and then he remembered the car and the lady from the morning and started thinking about it and then he asked himself out loud

"Is it a coincidence since her child was here or she came as one of them? Well, I'll just see what the days will bring, the plan didn't change and it's in the process."