Hyun-ki was on his way to Hyun-ae home after the call knowing that he'll find her destroyed and damaged, when he arrived and got off his bike he got a message from Hyun-ae mother in that message there were only a few things said by Hyun-ae mother

"I did my part I turned myself now let me see how you'll take responsibility for Hyun-ae and keep your promise that you did"

He looked at the message and then he smirks and then he deleted the message from his phone and went inside the house to find Hyun-ae on the ground sitting and crying holding the letter, her eyes were filled with tears and crying out loud wanting this to not be true, she saw Hyun-ki entered, she looked at him in the eyes and asked him to tell her that this isn't real and that her mom will come back, Hyun-ki went to her and hugged her and he took the letter ad read it, when he knew that she sold the house he understand why she sent him that message he kinda got angry but he didn't showed it, he told Hyun-ae that she needs to pull herself up and stay strong even if it's hard and she needs to accept it and keep the hope that one day she will meet her mother, Hyun-ki looked at Hyun-ki with a shocked face she asked him how can she do that and how is he calm, Hyun-ki told her that he is the most one who can understand how she feel and then he asked her what she is going to do, she told him she don't know she also told him that her mom said that she left her money and car, and maybe she will sell the car and she will not go to university, Hyun-ki stopped her and then he asked her if she has a place to live in, she told him that she don't have, then he looked at her and told her

"Then come live with me, let's live together it's not like I have anyone who can come any second"

She looked at him and said if that's okay, he told her, for now, she should go and stay with Mi-cha and to not tell her now what happened and he told her to wait for his call tomorrow, then he told her to go change and to wash her face, he told her that he'll be taking her to Mi-cha's home, after her changing and washing up they went to Mi-cha home and when she got off he told her

"Hyun-ae I know this it may not help you but you should know that you're not alone and that I'll be with you not just me but the three of us"

She looked at him and then she turned and she was going into Mi-cha home then after few steps she turned back to Hyun-ki and went to hug him and said with a low voice and sincere one

"Thank you"

Then she went inside, Hyun-ki went back to his home, it was already night and when he arrived like every day he went to the balcony and took his cigarette, and then he took his phone and made a call he said few words and he dropped his phone in the couch,

"Tell her I did my part and she took the right decisions"

Then he started recalling the last thing Hyun-ae told the thanking that she said he was starting feeling guilty a little and he said that he doesn't deserve it, after finishing the cigarette he went to the second room and he kept looking at it and then he said to himself

"This is all to make the plan progress it's all for the revenge I need to make it for the lost ones"

Then he brought a whiskey bottle and a glass into the room and started drinking until he fall asleep.

The next day, Hyun-ki just woke up, he found himself in the second room he started looking around and then he smiled and said

"Now this room will be filled with life"

Then he called Hyun-ae and told her that he is coming to her and to wait him outside, this time Hyun-ki took a car it was a sport car that does look a little luxury and expensive when he arrived he noticed that Hyun-ae was dressing well and she seemed fine, he smiled and started thinking about how she can act so well, then he pulled up in front of her and he opened the window and told her to get in, Hyun-ae started looking at the car and asked him from where he got, did he got it from Mun-hee, he laughed and asked her dis he seemed that poor for her, she told him that she never thought that he is poor but she never thought he is rich either, then he told her that it was his father car and he told her that like her he got his father saving money and house and cars, then he smiled and told her that they are not heading home for now and that they are going somewhere else but before they do he asked her if ate anything she told him she didn't then he told her that isn't good he turned the car and he told her that he know some place, Hyun-a got surprised because the restaurant that they went to was the same one that she went to with her mother she was about to start crying, Hyun-ki noticed that she was starting to feel down then he asked her if she want to change the restaurant, she answered him by saying that it's okay and she wants to remember the good memory that she has in that restaurant, so they entered, and when they did something felt off for Hyun-ae because the way the workers there welcomed Hyun-ki was suspicious, Hyun-ki told her that he is a regular customer there the restaurant name was AI FOOD,they went to their seats end then ordered their foods when they finished Hyun-ki gave Hyun-ae some keys, she asked him what are these he told her it was her car, she told him that she sold it, Hyun-ki smiled and looked at her and told her that he know and that it not the car that she had and that it's his gift for her for becoming his roommate, then he continued eating, Hyun-ae was speechless and kept looking at him, Hyun-ki asked her hy she keeps looking at him it makes him feel weird, then she told him it was nothing and started eating her food, when they finished they went to Hyun-ki's home that now it become also Hyun-ae home when they entered he told her to close her eyes because he still have another surprise for her, he took her to the second room and then he told her to open her eyes when she did she was surprised because the room was decorated for a girl it had all the things that girls may need, she asked him what is all of this, he told her that this is her room now and he also told her if she needs anything she can tell him and he'll take care of it, Hyun-ae told him that this is a lot for her and she asked him is he is sure that it's okay to live together, Hyun-ki told her that he already answered that he don't mind and that it's good to have company, while they were talking someone rings the bell of the house, Hyun-ki asked her to open the door and when she did Mun-hee and Mi-cha were the ones who are outside of the door they told her

"Did he asked you too to come, just what does he want to tell us"

They entered the house then Hyun-ki came to the living room and the others were sitting there and then he said

"I wanted to say one thing, and it's that from now on I will have a new roommate and it's the one next to you Hyun-ae"

Mi-cha got shocked and she started looking at Hyun-ae while Mun-hee was still in the process of understanding what Hyun-ki said he told at first that it isn't big news if he have a roommate then he asked him who is it, then his mind gives him the answer then he started looking at the two and asked them what's going on, that when Hyun-ae took the initiating and told them what happened.