After the class finished everyone has left Hyun-ki have left fast they didn't saw him when he left Hyun-ae have gone out with Sang In-su telling the others that he is an old friend she didn't recognize at first and she will catch up with him, Mun-hee and Mi-cha were left alone, Mi-cha tuned toward Mun-hee to see that he was looking at her with a childish sad face she started laughing telling him she couldn't stop the laugh because of his face, Mun-hee told her how can she laugh when he is feeling sad when she asked him why he told her that he feels that he is feeling like he is left out, Mi-cha said

"Aigoo, what a baby I have don't you see I am still here, at least you have me to babysit you"

The ears of Mun-hee started to get a little red and then he stopped showing the look and asked her what is she talking about and then he got up and told her that they should go too, Mi-cha looked at him and smiled and said where to there is nothing to do, Mun-hee told her that they'll see and first they should go eat, when they were going out some guy called Mi-cha from behind he seemed that he knows her especially when she turned

"Is that you Mi-cha? It is, what a surprise I didn't know I would meet you here is it faith, when didn't I see you"

Mi-cha looked at him and hen after recognizing him she yelled

"Go Jii is that you, oh my god, you..! Have changed a lot I didn't recognize you at first"

Then she answered him saying that the last time they met is when he asked her out and she moved from school, Go Jii laughed and said that he remembered that he still didn't get the answer from her due she wasn't there next day and she was in Goyang, while they were talking Mun-hee was feeling a little angry when he saw Mi-cha talking with a different way than she usually do and she looked happy, but what he got him more angrier is the fact that he confessed to her and she didn't reply he started thinking after seeing her reaction when she saw him she may say yes if he asked again, so he couldn't control he jealousy and he entered between them and came beside Mi-cha and asked does she know this guy, she turned while a joyful smile in her face and answered him by saying that he is a childhood friend and hometown friend, then she turned toward Go Jii and asked him what is he doing here, he answered her that isn't it obvious he entered the university this year and he is living alone now, Mi-cha smiled and told him he should come over so they can catch up, Mun-hee turned and looked at her without saying a word and with a chock in his face, saying in his mind

"How can she say that with a big smile and seem relaxed, and what does she mean by coming over? No way does she mean her home."

Then he yelled saying no, he scared Mi-cha and Go Jii then Mi-cha looked at him and asked him what his deal and then he said it's noting he just forgot something then Mi-cha asked Mun-hee if it's okay with him because she wants to catch up with him and she said that he looked that he has something to do so he can go because she'll stay with Go Jii, at that moment Mun-hee felt sad a little inside but he didn't show it but he smiled at them and then he asked Go Jii for a handshake telling him it's nice to meet a new friend and a friend of his friend is his friend, Go Jii smiled and told him that it's nice to meet him too then they kept looking at each other smiling but in reality, they were shaking hard and pressing at each other hand and they had a conversation in their minds with each other


"Who are you?"

Go Jii:

"I should be the one to ask you that I am here childhood friend"


"That means you were not you are now, and what's the deal of that thing that you said, what, you didn't get the answer, isn't it obvious that you were rejected, my friend"

Go Jii:

"What, rejected, just so you know we didn't stop talking because she stopped texting me but it's a dumb thing happened and it's simple, we stopped because when I changed my phone I forgot to put the contact that I have in the new one and the number also have been changed so she can't send me a message because she wouldn't know what happened"


"and what that won't change the fact that you'll get rejected"

Go Jii:

"You'll see, just watch, Mi-cha is mine"


"We'll see who's gonna win"

The two let go of each other and then Go Jii told Mi-cha that they should go somewhere she can go with him since she'll stay alone, Mun-hee looked at Mi-cha then he saw her smiling and then he said

"Mi-cha I am sorry I need to go now, let's meet tomorrow we'll go somewhere fun"

Mi-cha looked at him and said why she would go out on Saturday she prefer to stay at home, then Go Jii smirked when he heard her saying that to him then Mun-hee told her with a cold voice


Then he left, Mi-cha has stayed with Go Jii they started walking in the university and talking about their childhood then Go Jii got a call and then he said to Mi-cha that he needs to go and that he is sorry and that they should catch up more tomorrow and he asked her for her number telling her that he'll text her tomorrow.

The next day and it's Saturday so it's the weekend Mi-cha was in her room laying on her bed and scrolling the GRAM that is a social media, then she got a message from an unknown number saying hi, she didn't know the number so she ignored it but then she got a message from it saying it's Go Jii then he called her when she saw his call she got up and then answered him saying hi

"Where do you live, send me your location I'll come to pick you up" Go Jii talking

Mi-cha asked him why where are they going, he asked her if she forgot that he said that he'll come to pick her up yesterday so they can catch up, then she remembered and she sent him her location and then she changed and went with him to a restaurant that seemed expensive because it looked luxurious, then a worker said it's sir Go Jii right, Go Jii answered saying that it's right he told him to follow him he'll show them their seats when they set, Mi-cha got a message from Mun-hee asking her where is she, she answered him that she is at her home, he answered her with a simple answer

"Okay, good"

She asked him what's goo but he didn't answered her, Go Jii was going to say something but something happened at the restaurant and there was some bodyguards in the restaurant it was the son of the restaurant group and the Galbi group heir, Mi-cha asked Go Jii whats going on and he told her that he forgot to tell her that he have some business in here too he told her that all the people here aren't customers but a business people they are here because of the birthday of the heir of Galbi group and he was requested to represent his father company since his father have something to do, she asked him who's the heir he said he don't know because he never showed his face, when the heir, the people were shocked because of his good looking but Go Jii and Mi-cha were shocked because the heir was Mun-hee, Mun-hee when he was looking around he saw Mi-cha and their eyes looked at each other, then Mi-cha was getting up to go toward him because the look that Mun-hee gave her it was a disappointed look because she lied to him, but Go Jii stopped her and told her she can't go, if she do she may get into troubles and then she set and then Mu-hee was coming toward her while looking at her, when he stopped at their table he turned toward Go Jii and asked him who is he representing Go Jii answered him he is the son of Blink company chairman and that he is here instead of his father, then Mun-hee said

"Let's have a great night mister Go Jii, and I think I am interrupting your date with the beautiful lady here, I suppose your girlfriend, see you around mister Go Jii, lady I hope the food is as you like"

Mi-cha kept looking at him with a shock on her face and feeling confused because he seems different.