The moment when Mi-cha moved her face close to Mun-hee face, Mun-hee started looking at her face clearly and he said,

"Even after this I can now see how much beautiful you are and why I liked you from the first day you came, you're different"

He told her that with a smile, Mi-cha kept looking at him, then he started getting closer to her face and moving his head while looking at her lips, Mi-cha didn't move an inch she kept looking at him getting close but then he dropped his head down on her shoulder and he was asleep, she was frozen and she couldn't move she kept looking forward, while they were like that Go Jii was on the corner of the bar and he was looking at Mi-cha and he was shocked and he said

"You were almost there to win Mun-hee but like I said I can't let you win like this I will never let you, she is mine"

Then Go Jii went toward Mi-cha and asked her what is she doing here, she was surprised to see Go Jii there she also asked him what is he doing here and he told her that he came here for a drink but he just saw her, she told him that she came to take Mun-hee home because no one can do it now and everyone is busy, then she told him goodbye and she was holding Mun-hee on her shoulder and then Go Jii stopped her and told her she should go home and that he'll take him home, then he took him from her and told her to take a taxi to go home because it's night and when Mi-cha left Go Jii went to seat in the bar and he put Mun-hee in it and then he said to him while he was asleep

"I already told you I will never let you have it your way, and you should find your way home"

When he turned back he saw Hyun-ki looking at him with an emotionless look and he told him

"So this is your way, you should know you're admitting defeat by doing this, you really are a loser"

Go Jii got a little angry and he told Hyun-ki that he doesn't care about what he says and that if he is here he should take his friend and then he passed him and said

"Tell you, drunk friend, to not get cocky just because he is the heir of the Galbi group"

Hyun-ki turned back and laughed, when he laughed Go Jii looked at Hyun-ki and said that he doesn't know why Mi-cha became friends with such a loser, then he turned back, then Hyun-ki said

"I don't think that my friend is the one who shouldn't be cocky, because he isn't lying about anything and all the business of his family are legal, while your company is trying to become strong by doing illegal things and all the strength that your family have is thanks to the marriage that is planned for you and the heir of Bright, so don't be cocky, oh, one last thing enjoy your last days that are left mister Go Jii son of Ran So"

Go Jii laughed at Hyun-ki and said to him

"So what you did some background check on me so I should be scared"

Hyun-ki laughed too and said that he is right he shouldn't be afraid of that since he is to it but he should be scared of him, then Hyun-ki took his jacket off and put it in Mun-hee, and then when he put it in him his arm tattoo was shown and then Go Jii looked at Hyun-ki and he was started looking scared, when Hyun-ki turned he asked him what is the deal of his look then he noticed that he was looking at his tattoo, then Hyun-ki laughed and told him

"Is it that scary to see a tattoo on a teenager"

Go Jii looked at Hyun-ki and asked him who is he and what does he wants, he started threatening him by saying

"Don't try to do something stupid I am not an easy target you should know that"

Hyun-ki laughed and told him

"Oh, you are not a target indeed you're just a pry that will bring the big pry"

Go Jii didn't know what is he talking about when he stepped back and went running to his car while Hyun-ki was smirking and standing where he was when Go Jii got in his car he called a friend of his in the Bright Org and told him

"I saw it, I saw the tattoo, it's real we should attack fast"

The friend who Go Jii called said

"First of all let's not do something foolish you know how this time is important for us, I'll look at it don't worry"

Then the call ended and then Go Jii smiled and said for himself

"You're a dead meat Hyun-ki"

Hyun-ki was still in the bar he took Mun-hee to his home and then he went out and then he made a call to the usual number he calls and he said

"I want you to keep an eye on Go Jii, and also I want you o look at Mi-cha, I want to find everything about her and make it quick things maybe will start getting faster than I planned"

Then he hang up and he started thinking about Mi-cha and then he asked himself

"Mi-cha who are you, I will find out, let's just hope you're not what I think, just for this time I wish I'll be wrong"

While he was thinking about that, Mi-cha went home and she was thinking about what happened back then at the bar and she was getting flashbacks at the moment when he pilled her down and the moment when the accident of their lips touching each other and what he said to her about him wanting to know about her more and he wants to be the closest one to her, she started smiling and getting red a little then she started slapping herself telling her self that she needs to pull herself and she needs to keep it real with Mun-hee so he doesn't misunderstand anything about their relationship and make it clear that they are only friends, while she was laying at her bed and thinking about what happened she remembered something, she got up and she started thinking about a person she saw sitting and looking at them from far away, that person looked like Hyun-ki for her, but because she couldn't focus and remember his face clearly she said to herself

"I need to stop thinking about what happened after all he will wake up without remembering what happened so it's all good"