Five years ago, there was a company named Fade corp it was one of the biggest corps in Seoul city beside Bright corp, these had a cold war and economic, after while of the war the Corps started loosing a lot of their power since the other corps used their war to make their business go wider in Seoul and Korea, the two Corps decided to make a peace deal, but to make it more effective they decided to made an engagement between the heirs of the Corps, the Chairman of Fade Corp had a son named Go Jii who is the heir of Fade Corp while The Chairman had two daughters at that Moment the biggest one and the one who was into the business was named Jae Hoe and he had also a young one who was still in middle school, so to make everything clear to the two Corps and to end the war that was between them they decided to make an engagement between the heir of Fade Corp and the first Daughter of Bright Corp, the two heirs had a age gap of 3 years the first daughter of Bright Corp was in her last year of High school at that moment while the heir of Fade Corp was still in Middle school, after the engagement the two holders of the two Corps decided to live beside each other in same neighborhood, and unexpectedly the heir of Fade Corp was studying at the same School where the second daughter of Bright Corp study and what made things more interesting is the fact that the two were classmates, the second daughter was like a beauty princess at her school, when the heir of Fade Corp Go Jii transfered to that Middle school he started having some hard time since there was a lot of bullies there nd since he is the heir of the Fade Corp he Fade to hide it fearing something may happen and destroy the Corp picture since he wasn't in a good term with his father the chairman, his relationship with father became bad since the death of his mother because one year before he was going with his mother to a shop to buy a sneaker that Go Jii wanted but unfortunately the had an accident with a truck, the one who was in the truck had an heart attack and the truck lost it road and it hit the car in front of it in the other side of the road, the car who got hit was Go Jii's mother unfortunately that day Go Jii's mom lost her life while Go Jii survived, now his father is blaming him for his mother death saying he wasn't a good son.

When Go Jii was getting bullied at his Middle school he couldn't do anything neither fight back nor tell his father or the teachers, he had to hold it back until Middle school ends, one day he was locked down in a basement in the school he kept yelling for help and just when he started losing hope someone opened the basement door it was the beauty of the school when she entered saying who is yelling there Go Jii jumped at her and hugged her and he started saying

"I missed you mom, everything became worse since you were gone"

The girl didn't know what to do since the kid who's hugging her seems scared and tearing and talking like he is hugging his mother, after a moment Go Jii got back his conscious and he knew he wasn't hugging his mother but someone else then he went a step back and when he saw that he was hugging the beauty of the school he started begging her to not tell anyone about what happened and not to tell the teachers that he was looked down, the girl smiled at him and then she said

"I thought you would say this, don't worry I won't tell you about what happened, but in exchange tell me your name and which class are you at"

Go jii answered by telling her his name and then he told her that he is her classmate but she never noticed him, when he told her that he was her classmate she smiled then she left, when everyone was in the class Go Jii was setting in his seat, his seat was in front of the bullies when he was setting he noticed that the girl that he met earlier was looking at him, he looked at her with a sad look then he looked down when the class finished the bullies went to him and started asking him how he got out from there, Go Jii couldn't answer them and he was feeling afraid but unexpectedly someone went to them and said

"So you were the one who took Go Jii there"

When the bullies turn and said who said that they saw that it was the beauty of the school then asked her how she know him she answered them by saying he is her friend and they were bullying one of her friends and then she gave them a warning by telling them if they ever bullied him again they'll have a problem with her then she took Go Jii hand and she took him out of the class then she told him

"I won't ask you why you don't fight back but I am gonna tell you one thing, if they ever bullied you again you should tell me about it"

A girl friend of her called her asking her if she isn't going then she answered telling her she is coming then she turned toward Go Jii and told him she needs to go now she will see him another day, Go Jii kept looking at her while she was going away then he started smiling a little bit then he said

"Mom I think I finally made a friend, and it feels great"

Then he went away to his home, when he was in his room he started remembering that scene when she took his hand and took him out of the class away from the bullies and when she stands for him, he started smiling and blushing alone until a maid entered his room bringing him his dinner since he eats alone in his room, when the maid saw him smiling she got shocked and she smiled too and then she asked him,

"Master Go Jii finally you are smiling what is making smile like that did something good happened today"

Go Jii stopped laughing and then he told the maid when did he smiled and that she was just imagining it then he asked her to leave when the made left his room she started doubting it saying she definitely saw him smile then she smiled and went back to the kitchen.