The first semester of the university year have come to an end, the first semester have brought many surprises for everyone, especially the four friends who their relationship became unstable due to many things, but even if it's unstable, they kept hanging out sometimes, Mun-hee and Mi-cha they still have that unsettled issues between them, on the other side Hyun-ae and Hyun-ki they started having a little distance between them.

It's the midterms of the semester day and everyone is gathering around their classrooms to take their exams, Hyun-ae and Mi-cha were standing in front of their classroom while Mun-hee and Hyun-ki were late. Only fifteen minutes left for the exam to start, and finally mun-hee showed up, and he came toward the class, Hyun-ae saw him coming, and then she called him, he looked at her side, and he started walking, after a while he saw Mi-cha standing next to Hyun-ae and beside those two there is Go Jii who is standing there beside Mi-cha, Mun-hee's walk rhythm changed, he started walking slowly while there is a furious look on his face, the last approached Hyun-ae and said hi to her then he said it to Mi-cha too without looking at her eye and then he looked at Go Jii with a scary aura around him and said hi to him while looking at him eye to eye, then he asked Hyun-ae about Hyun-ki, where is he and why is he late, when Mun-hee asked Hyn-ae about Hyun-ki she answered him saying that she doesn't know then she said with a low voice

"Why would I know?"

Mu-hee took his phone and made a call to Hyun-ki, but the last didn't answer him, he called him again and still no answer.

The time of the exam have come and everyone started entering their classrooms and taking their seats, the three forgot everything at that moment and the three of them had the same expression on their faces, it was a scared face, surprisingly, they forgot everything and they started focusing only on the exam and what is in front of them, while the teachers were passing the exam Mun-hee got a message from Hyun-ki saying,

"I'll be late so don't wait for me, good luck on the exams"

At that moment Mun-hee got a weird feeling from that message, but he instantly forgot everything about it when the paper was placed in front of him, the exam took place and it was a four hours exam it was the longest hour for them, it was very stressful since they all want to have good grades.

The exam finally finished and everything is back to normal the three were going out of the class, at the door of the class Go Jii was already standing there waiting for them, exactly Mi-cha, when they came out Go Jii asked Mi-cha

"How was it"

Mi-cha answered him, saying it was stressful, Go Jii was about to say something but Mun-hee stopped him by asking him how was the exam for him, Go Jii told him it was fine then he turned to Mi-cha, but the last stopped him by saying she needs to answer her phone, when she pulled her phone out it was the name "sis" on the contact who's calling, at that moment the expression on Go Jii face changed to a serious look, Mi-cha stepped away far from the three, and then she started talking with her sister,

"Hi, how was the exam today", Mi-cha's sister

"It was fine, what's the reason for the call, I know you didn't call just to know how did I do in the exam" Mi-cha answering her sister

"Ooh, common, well, you are just like father, always straightforward, to make it short the chauffeur is waiting for you outside the university, he will take you to a safe place since today there will be some actions that will be taken" Mi-cha's sister speaking

Mi-cha answered her okay and that word is what the others heard, but they all saw that her face expression is kind of changed, they asked her if everything is alright, she answered them

"You don't need to worry"

And then she told them that she needs to go, she went out to the university gate, that where she found the chauffeur waiting for her, she went into the car and then the car moved, Mun-hee saw her going in the car from far away, he just kept looking at the car while it was going far away then he started getting a weird feeling, then he remembered the message from Hyun-ki he tried to call him, but the last didn't answer him, but more of it his phone was off. it is eleven pm and Mi-cha at that time was in Seoul, far away from Goyang city, the car stopped in a place where everyone in it is wearing some luxurious clothes and having some expansive cars in there, one of the bar workers came and opened the car door and said

"Welcome Young lady, your father is waiting for you inside in the usual room"

She went in to the bar, the people who were in that bar weren't exactly the faces of the rich people some of those people had some scares in their faces or some tattoos on their nicks and hands they looked more like gangsters not rich, but Mi-cha didn't even budge because it wasn't her first time at that place, moreover those people started greeting her, the last went to a VIP room at that bar and when she entered she found her dad sitting, while there is two man standing beside him and two beside the door, her sister was sitting beside him, she was smiling while looking at her, she told Mi-cha that she should change her clothes, so she can come out to greet the other people who are invited by her father, Mi-cha was about to go and change but at that moment the people inside the VIP room started hearing screams, when the two opened the door they saw that everything in front of them isn't clear since there is a lot of smoke there, they closed the door fast then they told Mi-cha's father that he needs to go out from the escape door of the room since it looks like there is an attack, Mi-cha and her father and sister moved quickly before it gets more dangerous, they started running on the way out, while they were running they started hearing some gun shots they got more scared and started running faster, while they were running Mi-cha got trapped and when she looked up she found her father and sister are far from her, her sister was about to go back to her, but the bodyguard didn't let her go, and he said that he'll go back to her, and they should keep moving when they got out the bodyguard went back to Mi-cha, and he gave her his hand, so she can get up, but he got shot by a gun and dropped dead on the floor in front of Mi-cha, when the last turned back she found a man standing and looking at her, he was wearing a mask and on the mask there was Aiden logo, Mi-cha got more scared when she saw the logo, she closed her eyes and started crying, until the man who was holding the gun told her

"Get up and go before I change my mind"

When Mi-cha heard his voice she remembered Hyun-ki because the voice of that man was the same as Hyun-ki's voice, she said with a scared and shock look


When she said the name, the man put the gun in front of Mi-cha, then she got up quickly and starts running without looking back and when she looked back, the man have been already gone.

When Mi-cha went out her father and sister were already departed, they escaped and everyone outside the door was dead, she took a car keys from a dead chauffeur, and then she took the car and run away from that place, after a while she got a call, when she answered her phone she noticed that the number is unknown, she answered it and then the caller said

"I can say that your father, was a step ahead from me since he hid you well from us, Aiden not knowing that he had a second child named Mi-cha, but let me tell you something if you don't want your three other friends to get hurt, you better keep this call secret and answer the call next time when we call you, have a safe road for now miss Mi-cha it was Aiden ghost with you".