Hyun-ki was in the elevator, his expression on his face showed his happiness, he was smiling while looking at the numbers on the elevator while they are going up, the elevator door opened, Hyun-ki went out from the elevator, he was heading toward his apartment, his house door was open already, he entered the apartment everyone was sitting in the couch, the atmosphere was a little quiet and awkward until Mun-hee said,

"You should have told me you had something to do with your other life"

When Mun-hee said that, Mi-cha and Hyun-ae turned and started looking at him with a shocking expression on their faces, Hyun-ae said

"Ugh, just what is going on here, what do you know Mun-hee? What is this other life are you talking about?"

Hyun-ki smiled and he answered Mun-hee

"Something urgent came at the company, I had no time to pull out my phone, but everything is clear now, fortunately, everything will be going as planned soon enough"

When Hyun-Ki said that, Mi-cha and Hyun-ae were looking more shocked, and then Hyun-ae asked Hyun-Ki,

"What company are you talking about, when did you ever have a company in the first place?"

Hyun-ki started laughing and then he answered her by saying,

"From where did you think I bring all this money to pay my living expenses and buy what I want"

Mun-hee started laughing at that moment and then Mi-cha turned toward him and asked him what is funny about this while her face is expressing some kind of angriness, when Mun-hee saw her face he stopped laughing and said "sorry" with a low scared tune, Hyun-ki started laughing and told her,

"Why are you all making these kinds of reactions it's not like I am in some bad shit, I am only a CEO of a company that's all"

Hyun-ae looked at him and screamed,

"what, just a CEO of a company, are you kidding me, is it normal for a twenty-one years old boy to be a CEO of a company? I don't think so"

Mi-cha asked Hyun-ki what the company name, then Mun-hee jumped and said,

"Before you know the name of it, don't jump to any conclusion because of its name, it's just that Hyun-ki has a bad name taste, okay?"

Hyun-ae answered him saying, whatever, then Hyun-ki told them that the name of the company is a blackbird and that it's a restaurant company, and their restaurants are quite famous in Seoul, and its HQ is in Seoul, that's why he went there since there was a little issue in the HQ, Mi-cha and Hyun-ae were speechless at the time Hyun-ki was talking they were shocked about the fact that Hyun-ki is a CEO of a company but what made them more shocked is the fact that he is a CEO of a large company in the country and one of the leading companies in Seoul. Mun-hee started shouting calling Mi-cha and Hyun-ae since they were dozed out, Hyun-ae turned toward Mun-hee and she asked him how does he know about this while they don't, Mun-hee answered her that it was normal since he is one of his investors is him and his father, Hyun-ki started laughing while the two girls are looking at him and looking shocked, then he said

"Let's make things clear it's not because I never told you, but it's because you never asked me what I do for a living"

Then he told them that he'll go to his bed because he needs some sleep since the past week was tiring, Mun-hee said that he'll come back at midnight to see him, then he looked at Mi-cha without saying any word, Mi-cha looked at him and said " what? ", Mun-hee said,

"Are you willing to stay here at night it's already seven pm is it that normal to stay in a boy's apartment"

Mi-cha answered him saying that she" ll go after him but not now, Mun-hee kept looking at her without saying a thing, at that moment Mi-cha started feeling uneasy then she said

"Okay, okay, I'll go, god damn it, just stop looking at me"

Then she turned toward Hyun-ae and told her

"I'll call you back later okay"

Hyun-ae answered her saying " talk to you later, take care", then the two went out and only Hyun-ae and Hyun-ki who stayed in, Hyun-ki went out of his room and turned toward the guest room and saw Hyun-ae sitting alone, then he told her

"I'll be taking a shower before I go to sleep"

Hyun-ae looked at him but she didn't answer him she just kept looking at him while she is asking herself in her head

"What, why is he telling me that, when did he ever tell me something like that"

Then her face started turning red little by little, Hyun-ki saw her face turning red, he asked her

"What are you thinking about"

Hyun-ae looked straight in front of her, and she answered him

"I am not thinking of anything, you should go to shower now if you want to have a good sleep"

Then Hyun-ki went to the shower with a smile on his face and started whispering

"I think I missed teasing someone easy to tease".

Mun-hee is on the elevator with Mi-cha the atmosphere was strange, Mi-cha was in front of Mun-hee, the last was looking at her from behind and at the same, he kept looking at the floor number going down when they got close to floor one, Mun-hee went in front of her and when the doors open he went out first then he said

"Do you need me to take to your home or the black car that came that day will come again"

Mi-cha said that she'll go alone and she said"

That black car is only a chauffeur nothing else, just to make it clear"

When Mun-hee heard that it was only a chauffeur he smiled and turned toward her and said

"It's only a chauffeur right, haha, that's what I've thought"

Then he told her

"I forgot I didn't bring my car I came here walking, I don't know why but I keep forgetting things, I think I'll need to walk too"

When he said that Mi-cha kept looking at him and without realizing she made a little smile that doesn't show that much on her face, then she asked him from which direction he is going to, she told him that she is going to a restaurant nearby because she's feeling hungry, Mun-hee told her that he is hungry too, then he told her why not going together if it's alright, the two-headed together to the restaurant, on their walk to it they passed by a car that looks like Mun-hee car but Mun-hee didn't make any reaction, then Mi-cha said

"Look it's the same as yours even the colors and its design"

Mun-hee looked at the car and said

"These types of cars are quite famous it's normal to see a lot of them"

Then the two kept walking, Mun-hee was smiling for a bit and he looked at ease, he was saying on his mind,

"Thankfully she doesn't know a lot about cars, if she was then I'll be fucked up since that design is quite rare and there is only a limited edition of it in the world"

The two entered the restaurant, they went the server who was there he welcomed them and then he saw Mun-hee then he welcomed him saying he is sorry because he didn't recognize him at first sight and he asked him if the lady is with him, Mun-hee answered him that she is and that she will be like him since she is also a friend of the CEO, Mi-cha asked Mun-hee what's going on and then Mun-hee laughed and said,

"I think you still didn't realize that this restaurant is also owned by Hyun-ki and me and my father are a VIP in it since we are Friends with him, when he said that Mi-cha said

"I think it will take a lot of time to believe that those kinds of restaurants are owned by someone I know, and I've been eating in them without knowing I could eat for free"

Mun-hee started laughing and he said

"I didn't know you are the type that doesn't want to lose their money"

Mi-cha answered him saying who wants their money to be lost especially when they can keep it, then the two started laughing together until someone called Mi-cha from far away, they turned to see who called and it was Go Jii.