Training start .

The spirits were talking to each other.

(Ryu) Fox do you think he's going to be able to control that flame? (Kuro) Don t worry I already know who's talking with him at this moment. (Ryu) Really who? Wait the black flame he is talking with the most dangerous creature of the Heaven and the most ferocious leader of the Kitsune clan Inari Okami. (Kuro) Yes, he s was also my master.

Then Kuro was shocked he saw the flame that calmed down and that my cultivation was at the final stage of the Soul relam. Then at that moment my left arm had a black seal. My left eye was glowing red. (Kuro) so he succeed teachers test. So he is teachers disciple now, very interesting. (Inoka) Kuro I succeed. I feel like the flame want to obey and protect me. (Ryu) well well so this guy can dominate such a destructive Flamme. I want to see what is going to happen in the future with my power but I muss learn him blacksmithing first. Kid ur amazing try to get some rest tomorrow, you re gonna have rough day to train your body. (Inoka)

The next day...

(Ryu) Kid wake up! Training! Inoka was sleppy

(Inoka) please just more 5 minutes. (Ryu) oh so the disciple want to rebel at the master from the first day. Then he transformed in a human Form with a wooden sword then he began to beat him to death . After 30 minutes Inoka was up and had blues in his body. He was healed from Kuro but he said that the next time he isn't going to help him. (Ryu) well kid today we re going to train with wooden weapons. The basic is the sword, for us dragon is the Guand Dao and knives. So you're going to pratique both for 7 hours.

BOTH!! After that you're gonna practice blacksmithing. (Inoka) WHAT?!! come on please Ryu at least a bit of break. (Ryu) Nope can do kiddo, while you re here you must train your body to bear our techniques and powers.

The flames that you have are just 2%of it s original power. (Kuro) if you want to awake the sealing of the dragon through this training and when youstrength your body your flame is going to raise your control with the black Flamme and your internal power. Your cultivation can be more fast that average awaken people so go get to work kid. ( Inoka) okay I understand so where my weapons? Then Ryu gave him a slap in his head. (Ryu) Idiot it is for this that I said we re going to train in blacksmithing first.

It past one weak since Inoka trained his body in blacksmithing, alchemy and martial arts. His cultivation also grew now he was at 2 stage of the earth and thunder realm.

Cultivation has 8 realm 1.soul realm, and thunder realm, 3. Sky realm, 4trascend realm, 5.angel or demon realm (dipend on your cultivation and spiritual creature, 6 archangel/demon realm, 7, guardian of hell / heaven realm, 8.Divine being realm.

At present time

(Ryu) Kid today is the day. (Kuro) you're going to awaken your second seal. The appareance of Inoka had change he was more muscular and more serious but had always that little smile of kid in front of Ryuu and Kuro.

(Inoka) I m ready Ryu. Then Ryuu touched my right eye. A big storm appeared in front of me

It was the ocean. Then a big sword and a Guan Dao appeared. (who are you) asked the weapons, (Inoka ) I'm Inoka your new master. Then a pressure went through my body. (How dare you say that you're our new master!!!) (Only the Celestial dragon and the God of storm are worthy to use us)

Inoku was smiling and realesed the flame and said : (Inoka) well we re gonna see who is going to Die first!!!. (Y-You how have you the flame of destruction, how do you have 2 spiritual spirits!?!?)

(Inoka) that's not your business are you gonna obey to me or are you going to melt here? The choice is yours.

Then a man with long hair came through the sky It was Susanoo the God of storms

(Susanoo) Young man , this flame who gave it to you? (Inoka) It was a black fox with golden Scarlett eyes. (Susanoo) Haha that sneaky old fox! Haha well kid you passed the test of my disciple so his powers are a part of you now and this is a gift for you. An azurre katana broke down from the sky. (Susano) This sword had fought 1000 of duels and wars used this sword with honor but never for evil. Understood?!! (Inoka) Yes, I understand!! Sir Susano, one day I'm going to come in the heavenly world and give your sword back.!!!

Susanoo laughed and said : You're quite bold kid but I trust you, I'm going to watch you from above so good luck to become a God with your Brother. (Inoka) ; H-How did you....

(Susanoo) ; well bye kid.

To be continued.....