Divine mountain test part 1

A big spiritual pressure pressured us. "The master came. Master Radagast , one of the strongets guardians came to see us competing . The rumors says that he can control all kind of creatures (Druids )"

SILENCE : said examiner : "The test is about to begin so boys and girls create 2 lines immedietly "2 groupes were made . (Examiner ) the alchemist has 3 exam : pressure , fire and pill creation .

then a big pressure begun to crush the half of students , that students failed the test and were send to the room near to gain conscious . The remain of students was 50 .

inoka: this spiritual is not difficult for me is that normal Kuro ? (kuro): kid this is the level of training that you had when you were training with me and Ryu and plus the demonic energy of the Hell gao and the mind of the mind realm when u encouterd Susanno . Don't worry this is just the beginning of your adventure . (AO)kid this thing is nothing for me thanks to the mask that u have right now on you that nullify all that pressure : said proudly

The test ended with 21 competitors including Cecil and two other noble that i knew personally.

'(examiner ) congratulation to the remaining competitors ! now please take pause of 5 minutes please the next test would be the rarity of your flame and the progression that you have made in all this years that you have trained as a cultivator .

The second exam : 11 failed and now it was the turn of the nobles that were more famous and more trained . Azaryah Whiterose passed . Cecil Bartslayer passed . Xia Lang passed . ( judge in his mind ) : this year we have a lot of young geniuses : like the Bartslayer young lad with his guardian class spirit and his chimera flame or the Leng family with the bone chilling flamme that can frezze the body in seconds . incredible ".

It was Inokas turn now : |Inoka in his mind : Kuro what do we do ? (Kuro) dont' worry AO has also a flame don'worry you can already control it .

Inoka showed the azurre flame one of the scariest flames of the demonics flames

Everyones were shocked and the Judge screamed : MASTER HE HAS THE AZURRE FLAMME !!!

(Master Radagast) Intresting !!?

Inoka : damn sly fox "

To be contnued.....