The Sorrows of a Father

"Did you know about my daughter having the light element?" My father looked up. There was a hint of betrayal within his soul, yet, Juilam could feel it. Juilam was an expert when it came to souls after all.

"What would you do if I said yes?" Asked Juilam while opening a single eye slightly.

"I don't know... While I feel slightly betrayed, at the same time, I cannot help but blame myself. Am I really that untrustworthy? Did she really think I could not keep a secret? Was she scared I was going to get angry at her?" My father felt a deep pain in his heart area.

This was not a physical injury, this was a mental one...

"While I would love to comfort you and tell you it was not your fault, I cannot lie. While it might not be all your fault, as a father, you are partly at fault." Juilam spoke with a stern voice snapping my father out of his trans-like state.

"What do you mean?"