Witch of Agony (Mass Release 3/10)

After being poisoned by the old man, I did not pay too much attention to him and walked behind June towards the gates of the middle region of the city.

I could not help but glance at her ass every now and then, but I was not too interested in how well-shaped her buttocks were as in my opinion, they were slightly flat.

We eventually reached the gated that would lead us to the lower region of the city, which also happened to be the largest one and the one with a much higher crime rate probably due to all the poorer people living there.

One could probably work themselves up the ladder of society, eventually being able to reach the middle region after a few decades or maybe even a few generations, but that was it. They would always remain at the bottom of society unless they somehow create a child with an immense talent for magic who had a big-shot willing to train them.