The Heroes' Curse

All the items I had out on started to also glow with golden light before splitting off into energizing the dormant runes with the same golden color. All the dull crystals also began to become filled with energy and also glow with the same light.

[Dormant runes have been activated]

[Runes have the mana of entity -Atlas-]

[Entity -Atlas- now own 3/??? Legendary items from the Martial Sovereign's set]

I did not stay stagnant either after hearing the notifications from Hela. My hands moved at a blurring speed to grab everything on the mannequin, making the constant sound of notifications ring in my ear.

Everything I grabbed quickly turned glowed with runes before shrinking to my size, like the tree other accessories that I had equipped earlier on. They also all bore my mana signature making it that no one could take it as long as I was alive.

[Name: Martial Sovereign's Bracelet

Item: Sensory item

Age: 30 000+