Chapter 4

Vapy Was running from a dark cloud chasing him down an alleyway.

He stopped, there was a wall. He could not climb over it.

It was too big to jump over, and too strong to be broken.

The big cloud came closer and closer and he has a feeling that in any moment it will ki-

There was a knock on the door, Charmeleon was saying that it was time to wake up and clean himself.

"Was that a nightmare? What was that big cloud?" Vapy whispered to himself.

Normally Vapy doesn't have a nightmare or anything like it, yet Why now. Why did this nightmare come out of nowhere?

Do's it have a deeper meaning than just a nightmare?

Vapy was sitting down thinking of what happened last night, that lust he got. that was a really bad urge to kill something, why did he get it now that he is no longer affected by that virus?

While he walks towards the shower he gets a knock on the door.

"Hey! it's me Pikro, Meet me in the cafeteria when you're done." Pikro said with a happy tune in his voice.

When Vapy gets out of the sower brushes his teeth and gets his head wet under the sink, he is still thinking of telling Charmeleon and Pikro the real story.

But then again maybe everyone hates him and he gets hurt by that.

Then he opens his door and goes to the cafeteria, he sees Pikro and goes to her and asks what it was?

Then Pikro handed over a small but heavy box in his paws.

"Take this, It's a little present when we were shopping at the stores yesterday." pikro says it while watching Vapy unpack the present.

"Wait! Is this a phone? isn't this too expensive? even for you?" Vapy said surprised.

"No, I have seen some at my friend's store! So don't worry, I also have one!" pikro said smiling.

"Thank you pikro!" Vapy said, and began to hug Pikro.

"No problem, Can I have your number so we can chat both when you're away?" Pikro asked.

"Sure here you go!" Vapy answer.

Vapy then Picked up some breakfast and walked to a table to eat it.

Pikro and Vapy chatted for a bit, and when they were done eating, they both walked to Vapy's room to set up the things he buyed yesterday.

"What happens with your wooden Cylinder?"Asked Pikro suspisiosly

"Oh Nothing, I already said it was because of the stress?" Vapy responded by looking at the big teeth markings on the wooden cylinder.

Pikro looking scared at Vapy and then started to picking up the posters while Vapy is getting the tape from the storage.

"S- so did you also hear crying last night?" Pikro asked, while getting the posters ready to be taped on the wall.

"Pikro, that was me." Vapy answers, while taping the posters

Pikro looked at Vapy and asked if he was okay?

Vapy starts crying and sits down, Pikro then sits down next to Vapy and asks what is going on?

"I am scared of telling the truth." Vapy answers.

"What truth? What did you lie about?" Pikro reacts confused.

"It's nothing, I just want this room to be done so we can do some other stuff I still wanna do." Vapy said, wiping his tiers.

"Then let's finish this room then ok?" Pikro said, standing up and trying to cheer Vapy.

"Okay i will, Let's just start with the plants and flowers i buyed." vapy was saying while reaching into the bags to get the seeds.

Charmeleon then knocked on the door, and said that he needed to be in the office in turthy minutes.

Pikro and Vapy looked surprised at each other, and were asking what it would be all about.

When they were done potting the seeds into the pots, it was time to go to the office.

Knocking on the door Charmeleon said without any hesitation to come in.

"Why do you want to speak with us?" Pikro asked Charmeleon.

"There are a few things i wanted to talk with you two about '' Charmeleon said.

"I know The teams are still making, and are not done yet. But i wanted to say that Vapy's and You're team is already done, because of that i just wanted to talk with you about it." Charmeleon said Laughing

"Vapy You're in the team with Pikro, because you two are going pretty well together." Charmeleon said it while looking at the papers that he gets reminded of.

"There is also a thing about your register document Vapy, it isn't filled in properly. Can you just fill them in?" Charmeleon asked Vapy.

"y- yes what is it all about?" Vapy asked.

While filling up the missing blanks of the paperwork, Charmeleon said that he will be gone for a few days.

And when he is gone there will be another leader in charge, he said it's someone that he knows pretty well.

Then the door opened behind them, it was a garchomp.

"Oh she's here already! well just be nice to each other and just do what she says!" Charmeleon said, leaving the door.

"Hello! My name is Gomp, So you two are the first team! Well that's fantastic! do not have any problems yet so just keep your ears peeled when there is a job to do!" Gomp said Smiling at The two.

Then the two get shoved outside the door, just before closing it vapy asks if they can go outside to the town at Gomp.

While Gomp needed to think, she agreed and opened the exit for the two. Vapy and Pikro Are really excited to be on the same team!

there walking to the park, and they came across The white Gengar again With Big Green eyes of fire on his eyes.

"So you have found a partner? Did you tell her about your little secret?" Ginger said jerkingly.

"Hey, Leave him alone, he doesn't do any harm!" Pikro yelled at Gengar. "So you didn't tell her, that will be a problem when she knows right? knowing your little secret!" Gengar said Laughingly

"Hey, Gengar, I know you are trying to be a jerk, but what you are doing is wrong. i worked hard for this, like really hard to be here. just leave me and her alone! please." Vapy said in a Really calm voice. "I know my secret, with your telepathic things. but look deeper and see all the trouble I needed to do to get this life." vapy said while looking deep into the Gengar eyes.

Then Vapy and Pikro Walked towards a bunch of lights going of in the background. There were signs saying that there is a firework show going off, without hesitation Pikro pulled Vapy towards the fireworks in the distance and they both walked towords there.

When they settled down on a place looking at the sky Vapy pulled up his Phone and took a picture with him and Pikro with the fireworks in the background. "Hey Vapy, I am sorry. i didn't know you really wanted this." said a voice back in his head.

Vapy looked around but there was no one behind him.

"It's telepathy, I am not with you here." The voice goes again.

Vapy thinks about saying through the voice that he's not mad but just happy he understands what a hard time this is for him.

Then Pikro said She also has a secret, and she wanted to tell him but is also scared about what will happen when she tells Vapy about it. Vapy said to Pikro that when they were heading back to the park, they were going to tell each other the truth. A few hours went by and The fireworks stopped, the both knew they were heading to the park next. Both of them didn't talk to each other while they were walking towards the park. It's very quiet, both of them don't say a word about what they're gonna tell, and the closer they get to the park they both know they get closer to the truth.

Then they are in the park sitting on the bench again, looking at each other. "So can I go first? then i don't need to go anymore." Said Pikro. "Here goes nothing, I am a Human. I know you don't know what it is but I got transported here from my world towards yours, and if I tell this people could hunt me down." Pikro continued.

Vapy asked what a human was, and Pikro answered with how it looks and what they do and how they live. Pikro answered all the questions and then asked Vapy about his secret.

Vapy begon asking if she knew about Wild pokemon.

Pikro said that she knows. it was real silence, then she continued that she was not the only human on this world but got killed by wild pokemon. That day she swore to never spare a Wild pokemons life until she dies. Vapy begins to tell here about his secret: "I am a Wild poke-" vapy begon but gets cut off by Pikro, "Oh you're a wild pokemon, so you are responsible for his death?" she asked inmidietly while making fisrts in her hands. "No I don't know who you were when I was one, if I could finish before something is gonna happen?" Vapy asked, worried. "Yes, please go ahead." said Pikro, "Well, i had no choice but to kill other pokemon but that's because our wild pokemon has a virus that is controlling us wild pokemon. but i finded a way to get the lust of murder away form me, but since last night this lust was growning stronger, its harder to conrole the lust.'' Vapy said well, starting to cry.

Then vapy talked about his nightmare and the things he needed to do to control the lust of killing. Pikro then hugged and said that it will be all ok and that she's here to help him in need.

Then when they weren't hugging each other they walked back home, it was a silent but relieving walk, when they finally were back home Gomp opened the door and asked if they had a good day out there. Vapy responded that it was and that we both really know each other. Gomp was relieved to hear it and said that tomorrow they are gonna go on a mission so they need to wake up early to gather the resources to go to the mission. Vapy walked towards his room and said Goodnight to Pikro. It was a long day and he just wanted to sleep for the night, but before he lay down to sleep his lust began to start. He runned to the wooden cylinder and bit into it while the teeth were beginning to Sharpen again and the scales on his body also started to sharpen. The lust was really bad and also started to give him sharp nails and a Hunting eye, when the lust was over the changes that happened didn't disappear. he don't hinks about it and goes to his bed to lay down. he thinks about what the job is gonna go tomorrow and fell asleep