Martha's disappearance. Episode 1

Martha's husband Henry taking cattle to pasture he was expecting to see her wife soon he yearned since when he met Martha she was two weeks pregnant he expected his call but through his brother his Mobile phone broke, a week has passed he has not received any information about her, in dip thought.

He saw Wilson his brother coming from a distance he walked towards him.

"Brother, have you any information from my wife Martha?" Henry asked

"No brother I have not heard but before she called me that he is coming I thought that she is already home" Wilson responded.

"Let me call the school to ascertain if she is there or confirm if she is alright " Henry suggested.

That's a good idea" Wilson responded.

Wilson called the school using his mobile phone the phone rang at school the secretary picked up.

"Hallow madam," Wilson said

"Hallow Sir how can I help you?" The secretary replied.

"I am calling to confirm if madam Martha is still at school?" Wilson inquired

"Sir madam Martha was given maternal leave she left last week Friday l am sure she is at home by now" the secretary responded.

Wilson was shocked he looked at Henry, Henry felt uncomfortable and suspicious.

"What has she said," Henry asked

"She said your wife left last week on Friday" Wilson responded

"But where could she be," Henry asked.

Wilson very surprising questions lingered his mind both looked at each other in shock.

"Martha is pregnant and we've not heard from her a week where could she be?" Henry asked

"I don't have any clue maybe she passed through her sister's house to check on her" Wilson responded.

"Yeah maybe you are right but she rarely goes to her sister's home at this moment she normally visit her over the December holiday," Henry said

There was a moment of silence you could hear sounds of singing birds and cows grazing Henry moved towards a tree raised his hand and held a branch of the tree in deep thought remembering Martha bidding him goodbye as she left for the school.

"My husband goodbye but I will be back soon since I am pregnant I can feel that the baby is the baby boy you are going to be a father soon," Martha said.

"Let it be soon since you need to get prepared to buy clothing for the unborn baby," Henry said.

Martha boarded the matatu the vehicle drove as Martha waved Henry her husband.

"What are we going to do?" Wilson interrupted Henry.

"I don't have any idea maybe you could think what to do?" Henry said.

"Can we report to the police?" Wilson suggested.

"Maybe first we could check in all the hospitals in Kericho," Henry said

"First we have to identify how many hospitals are here in Kericho," Wilson said

"That's a wise idea let's check on the Google map and identify all the hospitals in Kericho town" Henry retorted

They both went to the house they connected the phone to the internet and checked the number of hospitals in Kericho and they identify that it was six hospitals.

"Where are we going to start we have Siloam, Kericho, st Leonard, central, Rotich, and kapkatet hospitals," Wilson asked

"We are going to start with Kericho hospital," Henry said hastily

"Can we go now let's be called a taxi" Henry said desperately.

"No it's almost six in the evening, it's too late let us go tomorrow morning," Wilson said

"Are you serious my wife is pregnant I need to see her now!" Henry bellowed.

"Relax we will be wasting our time there" Wilson advised.

Henry moved to and fro looking desperate he knocked the table down and break the classes that were on top of the table. He rushed and switched on the TV to check if there is news that could bring up a clue on his wife's whereabouts but nothing was aired on news.

"Brother where is my wife?" Henry asked

"Brother, relax she will come don't worry also tomorrow morning we are going to find where she could be" Wilson assured.

Henry restless Wilson left him to go to his house that evening Henry whole night he didn't have asleep, the following day at dawn he woke up went to his brothers Wilson house to woke him up for a search mission.

He knocked at his brother's door and his brother Wilson had already woken up watching the morning news.

"Brother I guess that you didn't sleep?" Wilson asked.


get not even a little sleep" Henry said

"What are we going to do?" Henry asked

Let's use my car to visit all the hospitals to ascertain if she is there" Wilson said

"Okay, but we let us eat breakfast before embarking on the search" Wilson suggested.

"I don't have the appetite please," Henry said

"Remember searching mission is not easy you need to eat enough for you to get the energy to think and walk," Wilson said

"You are right but where am I going to get the appetite"? Henry asked

" Please try to eat start with the fruits you will get the appetite required to eat," Wilson said.

Edna Wilson's wife served breakfast Wilson gave fruits to Henry he reluctantly picked the fruits.

"Eat you need the energy brother, you remember our father despite being in such a difficult moment he gave hope you remember when our mother was hospitalized?" He gave us hope, even when we were undergoing circumcision he gave us hope" Wilson said emotionally.

Henry nodded and started eating the fruits as Wilson observed, Wilson served tea both ate breakfast.

Wilson went to where he parked his car and checked the level of fuel and oil and the tires he confirmed that everything is okay Henry joined him.

"Bear in mind that everything is based on hope stop thinking negatively, your wife is all right she is not dead yet" Wilson assured.

"Are you sure my brother?" Henry asked

"Yes unless we get the report from the doctor that she is dead" Wilson responded.

Henry when he heard that felt relieved, they both boarded the vehicle and left for Kericho hospital.

They approached the Kericho hospital at the gate the security guard Manning the gate was not allowing anyone without a face mask into the hospital people were being subjected to covid protocol, Henry and Wilson were already on the mask.

The security guard directed Wilson where to park his car Henry alighted

"Where is the registry where parents are being recorded before being admitted?" Henry asked the guard.

"Sir go to your left and you will see where is written registry is," The guard said.

Wilson parked the car and followed Henry to the registry there was a lady attending patients beside her are two nurses.

"Am Lisa how can I help you, sir?" Lisa asked.

"Wanted to inquire if there is a patient a lady if she has been admitted here," Henry asked

The nurses beside Lisa looked at each other worriedly.

"What is your name?" Maggy asked

"Her name is Martha Rotich and she was pregnant she left Ramogi school in Kisumu where he is employed there to teach she went missing, it been a week now," Henry said emotionally

"We have not received such a patient" Sandy responded

"Lisa could you check on your records please," Wilson asked.

"Okay please," Lisa responded.

Lisa scanned all the records as Wilson and Henry observed them desperately whilst Maggy and Sandy were praying that not even a trace of Martha's name could appear on the hospital's records.

"There was a lady she was admitted last week your description suit exactly her but she was in a coma," Lisa said

"Where is she?!" Henry bellowed

"No she was released the following day she recovered I don't think it's her their relatives took her home," Sandy said.

"I am sorry then it's not her and is not seeing any records about Martha Rotich here I think you should go somewhere else" Lisa advised

Henry and Wilson looked at each other in despair they had hoped that they could get the information regarding Martha but in vain. Sandy and Maggy went to where Henry's babies were they both held the incubator.

"Your father was here looking for you and your mother but we are not going to let him know that you are here" babies smiled as if they understood what sandy was saying.

"You have only a week for you to be out of the incubator and I will never let you go you will be in our arms," Maggy said.

Wilson and Henry sadly left the hospital they boarded the vehicle and drove to the next hospital without knowing that his twin baby boy is here at the Kericho hospital they headed to Siloam private hospital along Kericho stock highway going to the registry they didn't find anyone called Martha.

"Why can't we just report to the police ?" Henry asked

"It's too early to report to the police maybe she has visited our relatives, Wilson said.

" But the more we delay the more we may risk Martha's life and the unborn baby," Henry said

"I understand, but if we hurry we may find ourselves in a mess and cause unnecessary tension in our family" Wilson warned.

"By early next week we will report the matter to the police but for the meantime let's do our investigation," Wilson said

"When are we going to inform our family members of our family and Martha's family I know her mother will not take it," Henry asked

Over the weekend we are going to call a meeting both our family and Martha's family ". Wilson said.

" I know it's not an easy task everyone will blame me for her disappearance, "Henry said

" Let's pray that something has emerged before the weekend, " Wilson said.

They drove to Leonards's hospital they received the same information that Martha was never to be found.

"Let's wait until Monday then we are going to report the matter to the police," Wilson said

"I agree to your suggestion" Henry concurred

They drove home Henry asking questions that do not have any answers in his mind trying to motivate himself in what Wilson has told him that maybe Martha will appear before the weekend.

Kenyatta hospital Janet sat near Martha as the ICU machine made noise Martha breathed slowly but Janet realized that Martha moved her hand Janet rushed to the doctor.

"Doctor the patient moved her hand" Janet Bellowed.

The doctor rushed to the ICU to check on the patient she checked on her pulse and her eyes.

"This is great our patient is responding well to the treatment," the Doctor said

"You mean she is going to be out of a coma soon?" Janet asked.

"Yes I see she is a strong Lady she can respond quickly to treatment and if she wakes up that is good news for her" Doctor said.

Nancy got into the room and saw how the doctor examined Martha.

"How is she doing doctor is she alright," Nancy asked in a panic.

"Nothing to worry she is responding well to treatment just now Janet said she moved her hand and that is a good sign that the patient is recovering well" the Doctor responded.

Janet moved closer to Martha she held her hand happily.

"Martha it's going to be well with you, you will wake up soon," Nancy told Martha.

"As a doctor, you feel satisfied when you treat patients and they respond to treatment," the Doctor said

"Let's pray that other infection will not occur or any other opportunistic disease will not occur," The Doctor said.

"We are optimistic that everything is going well sir," Nancy said.