Martha out of coma 5

At Kenyatta hospital, Janet observed Martha closely questions lingering in her mind

"She is going to wake up? She asked Nancy

"I don't know but the doctor can tell us when she could wake up" Nancy responded

"She has no family members, I have never seen any of them," Janet asked

"Me too I every day ask myself the same questions" Nancy responded

The doctor entered the ICU room to check on Martha.

"How has been your day ladies?" Doctor asked

"It has not been the easy day we've been asking questions of the process of a person in a coma" Nancy retorted

"It's not an easy process the entire process depends on how a person is injured if one is critically injured it will take long to recover" the Doctor explained.

"What are the signs of improvement?" Nancy asked

"Most patients follow a general pattern of recovery after a severe brain injury. This pattern is divided into stages. It is important to know each patient is different and may not follow the stages exactly. Patients vary in the amount of time spent at each stage and their recovery may stop at any stage. Recovery may be grouped into the following four stages" Doctor explained.

"Could you mention the stages please ?" Janet inquired

"Stage one, unresponsiveness

during this stage, the patient does not respond consistently or appropriately. You may hear this stage referred to as a coma. You may notice different movements in the patient. These are referred to as reflexive or generalized responses. Doctor said.

"Decerebrate, a reflex that causes straightening of the arms and legs. Decorticate: a reflex that causes bending of the arms and straightening of the legs generalized responses, random movement of the arms and legs for no specific reason" The doctor added

"Stage two localized response these are appropriate movements by the patient in response to sound, touch, or sight. Turning toward a sound, pulling away from something uncomfortable, or the following movement with the eyes are examples, following simple commands opening and closing eyes, sticking the tongue out, or gripping and releasing hands when asked are examples "The Doctor explained.

"Stage three agitated and confused

At this stage, the patient is responding more consistently. The patient will be confused about where he or she is and what has happened. The patient will have difficulty with memory and behavior. The patient's confusion may lead to yelling, swearing, biting, or striking out. Do not be alarmed if soft wrist and ankle ties are used to protect the patient and prevent tubes from being pulled out. It is very important to remember this stage is a step toward recovery and this behavior is not intentional" The Doctor added.

"Finally stage four higher-level responses

The patient completes routine tasks without difficulty, but still needs help with problem-solving, making judgments, and decisions. The patient may not understand his or her limitations and safety is a big concern. Unusual or high-stress situations make activities more difficult. The patient may seem more like the person you knew before. However, there may be personality changes" The doctor elaborated

"My main objective is to get prepared for this stage and you have to be very understanding to Martha it's not going to be easy I know you were taught in college but I am stressing it because I see Martha passing through all these stages then you have to be very understanding to her" Doctor reiterated.

Nancy smiled a bit optimistic she looked at Janet and smiled she moved towards Martha's bed.

"It will be well Martha," Janet said optimistically.

The doctor observed her he smiled Nancy moved towards Janet she embraced her overwhelmed by emotions she cried like a baby. The doctor moved to where they were he embraced them both Janet and Nancy cried.

"Don't worry it will be well Martha is going to wake up soon" Doctor said

As the days went by the doctor did everyday routine check-ups Nancy and Janet observed all the stages of a coma Martha recovered slowly by slowly. In the ninth month Nancy woke up early, as usual, she went to the ICU room she did the routine cleanliness, she heard Martha breathing as if she wants to wake up in a deep sleep, Martha raised her hand up and slowly turned her face towards her Nancy rushed closer to her and observed her.

"Where am l?" Martha asked.

Nancy ran to the doctor's office without knocking.

"She has woken up," Nancy said to the doctor.

The doctor rushed to the ICU room she found Martha awake a bit confused and observing the room.

"Hallow Martha " Doctor greeted.

"Hallow sir where am l?" Martha asked

"You are at the Kenyatta hospital," Doctor said.

"This is a miracle she regained consciousness, and able to know where is she," Doctor said.

Martha thought of being in a vehicle traveling she heard the screams and screams faded, she thought of her being pregnant she held her stomach but her pregnancy does not exist. She looked at Nancy she does not recognize her.

"What is going on," She asked herself

"I Was supposed to go home for maternal leave what happened," she asked herself the question.

Janet came into the ICU room she saw Martha awake.

"Good gracious! Oh! Thank you, Lord" Nancy bellowed at the top of his voice.

Martha wanted to wake up and seat but she was not able to.

"Doctor please help me I want to seat," Martha said

"No not so soon the nurse around will have to perform a therapy for your muscle to be back to where it should be," the Doctor said

"They are going to do therapy to you starting tomorrow morning," Doctor said.

"We have to take her out of the ICU room to the ward also prepare the therapy room for her we start the therapy session as soon as possible," The doctor said.

They transferred Martha to the ward and they brought a wheelchair to assist them to move Martha from the ward to the therapy room.

The following day Janet woke up early to resume her duty she went to the hospital she was shocked to find Martha leaning on the bed wanting to support herself trying to sit she assisted her to sit.

"Where exactly am l," Martha asked

"You are at the hospital in Nairobi" Janet retorted

"How did I get here?" She asked.

"You were involved in an accident and you were brought here unconscious" Janet replied

The doctor came in he was surprised to see Martha seated he examined her eyes.

"Congratulations to you too for great work she has only three months for her to be out of this hospital," the Doctor said.

"Martha, how do you feel?" The doctor asked

"I feel well but I have no energy also appetite" Martha replied.

Janet looked at each other Nancy brought a wheelchair ready to take her for therapy session they supported her to seat on the wheelchair and took her to the therapy room.

"She is still delicate don't ask her any question yet she will be irritated" the Doctor explained

I am very happy that she has woken up she is going to tell us where she is coming from" Nancy said

They performed the therapy session and took her back to the ward.

The following day the team of doctors was going around checking patients they came and examined Martha and they found that Martha is doing good.

"How many moths were she in a coma" one of the doctors asked

"Nine months its almost a week since she woke up" Nancy responded

"Within two weeks she will regain her memory," The doctor said

Nancy and Janet looked at each other in happiness as the team of doctors left the ward.

"Finally we are going to ask many questions our patient we've been waiting for that moment to recover her memory," Janet said happily.

Janet and Nancy observed Martha closely within two weeks within the third week's time Nancy as usual wanted to take Martha for a therapy session she found Nancy standing leaning on her bed.

"Where is my phone I want to call my father or my husband," Martha said hungrily

Nancy observed her closely she thought maybe she was talking nonsensically she has forgotten that the doctor told them that she is going to regain memory in two weeks, she went to the doctor's office.

"Martha has stood without the aid of anyone," Nancy said

The doctor rushed into the ward to observe her doctor shocked to see her sitting on the bed without aiding herself against anything.

"She is doing good," Doctor said.

"You remember telling you in two weeks she will regain her memory? " Doctor asked

"Yes I remember does it means she has fully recovered" yes doctor responded.

"Martha how are you doing," the doctor asked.

"I am doing great but how did I get here?" She asked the Doctor.

"You were referred from Kericho after involving yourself in a road accident " the Doctor responded.

"Where are my relatives," Martha asked.

"We've never seen your relatives since you have been admitted here" Doctor replied

"Do that mean they no longer need me in their life?" She asked.

"No, it seems nobody has information about your whereabouts the most ultimate thing was to save your life" Doctor responded.

Janet and Nancy looked at her sympathetically Janet was emotional but she composed herself not to shed tears.

"Finally you woke up after nearly a year" Janet responded

"You mean I was in a coma for such a moment?" Martha asked

"Yes, we've been praying for you day and night for you to wake up," Nancy said

She held her tummy and looked around she uncovered herself.

"Where is my baby my phone my bag?" She asked

"Maybe in Kericho hospital regarding your baby my be you miscarried after involving in an accident" Nancy explained

"Yes but now the most important thing is your recovery other things will follow" Janet added.

"I agree with you but am missing my family very much my father, husband, and mother," she said sadly.

"Can you tell us their phone number?" Doctor asked

She tried to figure it out but it was not possible. "wherein particular am l," she asked

"Kenyatta hospital Nairobi" the Doctor responded.

"Where do you work?" Janet asked

"I work at Ramogi school Kisumu county

The Doctor removed his phone and googled Ramogi school and accessed the phone number of the school online he called but no one was picking.

"It's time for you to go for a therapy session" the Doctor advised

"We will find your family members very soon" the Doctor assured.

Martha smiled Nancy and Janet supported her as she walked slowly to the therapy room for the therapy session, but many questions lingered in her mind.

Monday morning at Ramogi secondary school the phone rang the principal went to pick the call.

"Hallow this is Doctor Kamau from Kenyatta hospital here with me is a patient who has been in a coma about a year her name is Martha she said she is a staff in your school," Kamau said

"Oh, goodness gracious! May I speak to her please" the principal said

"Here is the principal," the principal said

Martha received the phone.

"Hallow Sir" Martha replied on phone.

"We and your family has been looking for you we've been to the various police station with your family members searching for you but in vain," the principal said

"I recently discovered that I was in a coma for almost one year now could you please inform my family," Martha said

The principal rushed to the staffroom, all the teachers stood.

"Martha is alive she is in Kenyatta hospital, we talked with her on phone! " The principal Billowed

The teachers wailed ladies started chanting that aroused attention in the school students rushed out of their classes thinking that something wrong has happened classes disrupted teachers who were teaching in their classes rushed to the classroom to check what was going on.

"Martha is alive thank God!" Teachers in the staffroom shouted

Students hearing the information started chanting songs and wailing.

The Principal met a few teachers to decide what to do.

"Since we've known where Martha is what are we going to do?" Principal asked

"Do their family know where she is?" Nelly asked.

"No, she lost her phone" the Principal reiterated

"Please inform their family they are still in panic and worried about Martha" Denis one of the teachers said.

"I think that is the best idea for their family to be relieved" Denis suggested.

They all concurred to call the family the principal searched Pius's phone number he called, Pius Martha's father picked in haste.

"Hallow sir I have good news for you Martha is alive and she is at the Kenyatta hospital I will send you the number of the Doctor" the Doctor reiterated

Pius in Kisii hospital still in search Martha stood and Henry surprised on Pius behavior.

"What's wrong? Henry asked

"I think I heard someone saying Martha is at the Kenyatta hospital," Pius said.

"You mean Martha is alive I don't believe you I have already lost hope" Henry responded

"Me too I have lost hope six months ago" Wilson replied

Thomas the detective approached where they were.

"Why are you in panic mode what is going on"

"Someone called that Martha is at the Kenyatta hospital Nairobi," Pius said reluctantly.

"Can you give me the number please?" Thomas said.

Pius handed over the phone and Thomas picked the number and called.

The principal was surprised how Pius acted still in the staffroom his phone rang it was strange to call.

"Hallow this is detective Thomas speaking what did you say about Martha?" Thomas asked

"I called the family but now but they didn't receive the information well," the Principal said.

"Okay I understand they have already lost hope here in Kisii we are still searching at the hospital we've gone to many hospitals so far," Thomas said

"Where are you calling from," Thomas asked.

I am from Ramogi school Kisumu principal speaking" Principal said.

"OK let me follow the matter sir let me call Nairobi central police station to confirm" Thomas responded.

Thomas delayed hanging the call he heard celebration in the school, he called the central police station Nairobi to confirm if it is the Truth as required in their profession he was told to wait for five minutes.

Thomas was surprised at what was transpiring at the school students chanted songs and said madam Martha is alive.

There was an incoming call on Thomas's phone he picked and moved aside.

"Hallow officer detective Ben from central police station Nairobi we've confirmed that Martha is at the Kenyatta hospital Nairobi and she been here for a year she woke up two weeks ago," the officer said

"OK, Sir thank you for the information" Thomas responded.

Henry Wilson and Pius moved closer.

"We have good news!" Thomas said

"What is the news?" Pius asked

"Martha is alive she is in Kenyatta hospital she has been in a coma for the last one year," Thomas said

"It was true after all!" Pius bellowed emotionally.

"What are we going to do?" Wilson replied

"First thing tomorrow morning we will go to Nairobi to visit her," Pius said

They board the vehicle back to Kericho from Kisii hospital to take the good news.

As the family celebrated Martha being found Wilson Henry and Thomas embarked on a journey to Kenyatta hospital Nairobi to make arrangements of bringing her back home.

Martha recovered fully for the last therapy session while in the therapy room three men came into the ward