Twin encouraged one another

Robin woke up early than David he removed his bag and removed the English book from the bag and scanned over the book he revised a bit of grammar.

"You are already up you've not women me up bro?" David asked.

"Bro, this is a crucial day for us I wanted you to complete your sleep well without interruption, I might spoil your day" Robin replied.

"That true you are so concerned about me bro" David replied.

"Which book is that?" David asked.

"English book I wanted to Scan over the grammar and also remind myself how to write a various composition," David said.

David joined him and revised over quickly by scanning over the book.

"Bro, we are in a difficult situation we don't know our fate after initiation, we might never see one another again," Robin said.

"That is true but let's not focus on that again let's focus on the exam that is starting soon," David said.

"Don't make your day to be hell be joyful so that we pass the examination and go to the best secondary school" Robin replied.

"That is true we need to work smart and realize our dreams," David said.

There was a knock on the door Robin opened it was Maggy David's mother.

"Come the breakfast is ready," Maggy said.

The twin boys rushed to the dining breakfast was already on the table.

"You take your breakfast and go to school as early as possible" Sandy said.

"Make sure you follow the instruction what the headteacher said don't copy you will receive zero marks and a Y grade" Maggy advised.

It was approaching seven-thirty am in the morning Maggy and sandy were emotional it was almost time for them to start the examination.

"Our sons we are proud of you go and it will be well with you go and shine show the world that you are able," Maggy said."Both mothers came and embraced them for some time they were almost shading tears but they struggled not to.

Robin and David rushed to the school the other pupils were already at the school waiting for the Kenya certificate of primary education test to arrive.

The vehicle carrying examination was heard at a distance coming to the pupils started being nervous Robin and David held one another for them to gain courage.

"Bro this is the worst moment of our life that we need one another" Robin said.

"It's good we are together to face the unknown fear let's face it bro" David reiterated emotionally

"There is at the time we will be separated we will not be together to fight for one another each one of us will fight his own battle" Robin responded.

"After this, we have another monster to face together that is traditional initiation," David said

"Thank God we are going to be together to fight this battle but after this, you are I are going to be alone in different places," Robin said.

"I am sure our mothers are not biological but I am sure one day we will find our biological parents," David said emotionally.

The examination vehicle approached the gate, pupils had mixed reactions others were happy to see the vehicle carrying examination coming, others were thinking of impending activity and that was an examination to be done almost immediately.

The question that lingered in the pupil's mind was in the examination hard?.

The vehicle stopped the security officer was the first to alight from the vehicle with the gun, indeed that even made the matter worse it was a very intimidating moment.

"All the pupils to examination room" The invigilator shouted.

The pupils rushed to the examination room Robin and David went to the same class since Robin was index one and David was index two they were sitting next to one another.

The invigilator came in with examination papers

"Good morning pupils!" Invigilator greeted.

"Good morning sir" Pupils responded.

"Are all the pupils around the examination will start immediately?" Invigilator asked.

"Yes, sir we are all in" Pupils responded.

The invigilator went round to check if there is a vacant desk which is not occupied.

He reckoned that all the desks were occupied meaning all the pupils reported to the school.

The examination papers were distributed to all the pupils.

"Don't open the examination paper before you are instructed to do so" Invigilator commanded.

Nervousness was reduced pupils had composed their feeling the fear was no longer experienced.

"Here are the answer sheet when you receive them to make sure you indicate your name index number and the code of your school" the invigilator advised.

If one of the details is missing your examination will be delayed or nullified" the invigilator said.

"It's already eight-ten am start the paper the paper is taking one hour forty minutes," the Invigilator said.

Robin and David opened the paper immediately they realized that what is in the paper they revised in the morning they looked at each other and smiled.

The first day of the examination continued in the afternoon there was English composition the starting with the "day I visited my grandparents in the village".

After the examination Robin and David were very excited they wrote a story that they did practically by visiting their grandmother in the village

"The composition was very interesting I wrote what we used to do I'm our grandfather's home," David said

"That is true I did account one day we went to the forest to gather wild fruits and we found a snake crossing the tree in which we were it was the most frightening day," Robin said

"How about swimming in the stream without removing our clothes our grandfather was very disappointed with us," David said.

"I am sure we are going to do well in our examination though we are breaking the law by discussing the paper is already done," Robin said.

"It's only between us two that we are analyzing the past papers," David said.

"Tomorrow it's going to be Kiswahili paper in the morning," Robin said.

Robin and David rushed home they met their mothers already prepared the evening meals they were very hungry.

"You eat then you tell us about the examination," Maggy said

They ate their food as their mothers prepared their clothes for the following day.

How was the examination was it hard? Sandy asked.

"It was good we are hoping for good results" Robin responded.

"Don't worry it will be well make sure you don't play around wait until the examination ends to avoid any injury" Sandy said.

"Take a shower and get in the house and rest don't worry it will be well with you," Maggy said.

Robin and David entered the house after showering to rest but they were still worried about being separated.

"Bro' when we are separated with you remember not to forget about me I will never forget about you," Robin said.

"Bear in mind what we said despite the distance after finishing the fourth form we shall search for one another" David said emotionally.

"Let not our parents be suspicious of anything let's pretend as if we don't know anything about knowing that they are not our real parents" Robin explained.

"But I know our grandfather is going to inspire us during our initiation period," David said.

"I understand he was a soldier during the second world war he is going to tell us many stories" David reiterated.

"I wish we were in the village already I like his stories very much," Robin said