Preparing initiates for graduation

Sarah after hearing awful massage she was taken by a heavy sleep she dreamt, a dark fat tall woman coming Robin and David were sited with her, the dark woman came and handed papers to her.

"This are my children" Dark woman said.

Sarah looked at her.

"Who are you woman?" Sarah asked.

"My name is Martha, I came to take my boys away" Martha said.

Sarah looked at the papers it was written that the woman was a biological mother of the children.

"I need my children!" Woman shouted.

The police came and took the boys, the boys were very shocked Sarah begged him but in vain.

"Those are my grand children!" Sarah shouted

She woke up from a dip sleep, Maggy and Sandy rushed to see her on bed, Sarah sat.

"Thank goodness!" It was a dream I thought it was real" Sarah said

"You said those are my grand children" what were you dreaming about?" Maggy asked.

Sarah kept quiet for some time without uttering anything.

"Mother, please tell us what was you dreaming about?" Maggy asked.

Sarah kept quiet and looked at her daughter direct at his eyes.

"Maggy, I love the two boys let nothing happened to them" Sarah said boldly.

Sandy and Maggy were surprised to hear what Maggy's mother said and they were confused.

Maggy and Sandy excused themselves and moved outside.

"Did you hear what my mother said?" Maggy asked.

"Yes she said that we should take care of our boys, is it because of the dream?" Sandy asked.

"Or is she have the information regarding the custody of our boys? Maggy asked.

"I don't think so may be because the boy are identical she suspects something" Sandy reiterated

"Can I ask her why she is acting that way or she is sick can we take her to the hospital?" Maggy asked.

"Its too early to to make that decision she is talking sense" Sandy replied.

"Its true let's not rush let's just listened to what she is saying after all the boys are about to graduate and we take them away" Maggy said.

It was getting late Maggy and Sandy went to the kitchen and prepared for for the initiates whilst Sarah sat on her bed holding her chin.

She was asking herself many questions without answers.

The initiates on the other hand assembled outside the homestead they were fully recovered from the wound inflicted initiation knife Joshua and Ezekiel came to teach them more about life skills.

"Most of the world leaders were one time humble like you, what made them who they are is their humility self discipline and also hard working, name any leaders you know, study their biography and you will see that they started humble" Joshua said.

The initiates were amazed about the wisdom of the old man.

"When you are pursuing anything don't let other peoples negative opinion make you lose hope stay focus" Joshua said.

"You have only a week to graduate hope you have learned something or if not you are digesting what I and Ezekiel taught you" Joshua added.

"I have been having wonderful time with you I like how you've behaved you are the future leaders I bless you my children when we meet anywhere say hi to me and my good friend Joshua" Ezekiel said emotionally.

Evening approached the I initiates sat as usual in a semicircular manner Ezekiel and Joshua sat ready to talk to the initiates Ezekiel removed his cigarette and lit using the fire and smoked.

"You are reminding being in the forest in the second world war, preparing to combat Hitler Nazi soldiers, it was very cold the only thing we used to do to warm ourselves was to smoke, when many people smoked in that place it become like a train as the smoke hovered through all over the place" Joshua said.

"Something amazing in soldiering is that you are fully provided by the government nearly everything all drinks and food you don't drink when you are in war" Joshua said

Ezekiel looked at him and smoked the smell of cigarette was smelled all over the place.

"I don't want you to learn to smoke I want you to study hard in schools if you are recruited in army I want you to be one of the general, we have young men in the army who are generals, they earn a lot of money and they are driven by junior soldiers the place he wants to go" Joshua said.

"The most memorable time in my time was guard of honour when the king or Queen of England came, we used to conduct a very attractive guard of honour" Joshua said.

That was the time Robin and David became very attentive to hear, they wondered what is that.

"What is the guard of honour?" Robin asked.

Its a very attractive parade done to a king or a president during the national celebration" Joshua narrated.

"How about that what is exactly transpires in the the parade?" David asked

"The President or during our time the colonial secretary or the king will conduct a very colourful parade where the king will come and inspect the gourd of honour in respect of a specific national holiday" Joshua said.

"Which meant that there was a specific uniform for soldiers to put on in that specific day, there was also to be a military band that play music as you follow the tune of the music" Joshua narrated.

The initiates looked at each other in amazement as Joshua added the firewood into the fire it was a chilly evening but but the fire was big enough to warm the entire area, Ezekiel was done smoking he came and sat beside Joshua.

'I wish I could be in the army the problem is that I had to run in fear of military face of military carrier I wished could not fear and joined the army" Ezekiel said

The initiates laughed at Ezekiel coward action during the military recruitment

It was approaching the day when the initiates were going to graduate Sandy and Maggy, prepared to go for shopping for their boys it was on Monday Sandy called the taxi driver, Sarah being suspicious of them wanted to know if they were going to buy two maintain bicycle and two television set.

The taxi driver arrived Maggy and Sandy rushed to board the vehicle and taxi driver drove as Sarah stood at the door of the house as her daughter being driven off.

"Let's write what we need for us not to forget" Maggy said.

Sandy removed pen and a paper and write the things they need in chronological order.

"The first thing is the two television set and the two bicycle should be a priority for us to convince our boys to go to day schools" Maggy said boldly.

"What is going to follow is the clothing's it should be of the same make and fashion for people not to differentiate between the two" Sandy said

"That is a brilliant idea and it is going to boost confidence in the two boys" Maggy added.

The taxi driver drove they approached Kericho town they saw their former work station in a distance Sandy smiled.

"This is a place we started working and earned the first salary, its going to be memorable for us even after a very long time we still remember this hospital" Maggy said.

"It is a place we met our lives the twin boys I don't know where we could have met them adoption process is very frustrating" Sandy said.

"That should remind us that we should take care of them no matter the situations" Maggy further said.

The taxi driver stopped at the supermarket Maggy and Sandy alighted and went into the supermarket to buy what they needed.

"Let's go upstairs that is the place where electronic are being sold" Maggy suggested.

They went upstairs to where television were sold.

"That is exactly the television I needed!" Sand exclaimed.

They rushed towards the television set and it was an eighteen inch television.

"How much do this cost?" Sandy asked the supermarket attendant

"Twenty thousand Kenya shillings" Attendant replied.

"What is your name?" Sandy asked.

"My name is Dave" attendant responded.

"We need two sets of eighteenth inch televisions" Maggy said.

"OK then you are going to get a discount it going to be thirty five thousand instead of forty thousand" Dave responded.

"Not that alone we need two maintain bicycles where are the bicycles" Maggy asked.

This way.

They followed Dave the supermarket attendant they were led to where variety of bicycle are sold.

"Here are the bicycles you can choose the one you like" Dave said.

"I see our boys are tall and they are coming out of initiation which one suit them?" Maggy asked.

"Which means they are about fifteen years old here are the bicycle suitable for them" Dave reiterated.

Maggy and Sandy checked on the bicycles, they saw it was exactly what they needed.

"When climbing an inclination you don't use force you peddle the bicycle easily" Save said.

Dave rude the bicycle inside the supermarket to demonstrate that the bicycle can be used to climb a hilly place.

"Have you seen its a mountain bicycle" Dave said.

"How much do this two bicycle cost" Maggy asked.

"Its twelve thousand shillings if you are buying one but if you are taking two its going to be ten thousand shillings" Dave explained.

"You get two thousand shillings discount in each bicycle" Dave explained.

Maggy and Sandy were pleased with the price.

"Arrange for us to the person going to take to the car as we buy clothing" Maggy said.

"Where is the place where we can buy the clothing?" Sandy asked Dave.

"This way follow me" Dave said

They reach place where variety of clothing are sold.

They bought the clothing for the twin boys Sarah Joshua and Ezekiel.

We must thank Joshua he as act as a figure father for our boys I know immediately they are out of the initiation they are going to tell us many things they have been taught by the two old men.