Joshua and Sarah in dilemma over twins custody.

Dave instructed other supermarket attendance to assist to take what they have bought in the supermarket, the taxi driver assisted them to carry to the car.

"What have we forgotten?" Maggy asked.

"I think there is nothing if there is anything we've forgotten we we shall come for them" Sandy said.

They were done carrying all the items in the car Maggy and sandy went to the teller to pay the amount spend and they were given receipt.

The taxi driver boarded the car following by Sandy and Maggy he ignited the vehicle back to the village.

Sarah was busy cooking the lunch meal for the initiates she was done and packed waiting for Joshua to come and take to the initiates, the vehicle approached Sarah saw the vehicle he was very anxious to see what Maggy and Sandy had bought.

"If I see two television set and two bicycle then I will know everything is not well" Sarah said to herself.

On the other hand Joshua approached to come and take the evening meals to the initiates, as Maggy and Sandy of load their things Sarah rushed she saw exactly what she thought two television set and two bicycles, she kept quiet and and rushed inside the house Joshua realized, Joshua rushed to follow her.

"What us happening Sarah behaved strangely when she saw what we bought" Sandy said.

"May be she is emotional that the boys are going to leave her alone" Maggy responded.

"But I don't think so Joshua your father followed her inside the house what could be transpiring?" Sandy asked

"Its natural to feel that way as a woman ceremonies drain people emotionally and also financially" Maggy said.

Sarah sat on her sadly Joshua knew there was something wrong.

"My dear what is wrong did I do something wrong to you if so forgive me, Sarah please" Joshua said emotionally.

"No, its not you its our daughter Maggy and her friend Sandy" Sarah said.

"What about them did they wrong you?" Joshua asked.

"There are many things you don't know of the girls of nowadays do you have information about how they leave what they do what they want?" Sarah asked

"Why do you stress yourself about the mature people?" Joshua asked as he laughed.

"They are over eighteen years and legally they are of age to make their independent decision" Joshua advised.

"Even if it is illegal?" Sarah asked.

That was the most complicated question to answer. Joshua kept quiet Maggy and Sandy brought their belonging from supermarket and placed then in one of the rooms, they realized that Joshua and Sarah was in a serous discussion in the inner room, they continued with the task.

"That question is the most difficult question ever but what exactly are you implying to?" Joshua asked.

"As a father of Maggy you've never even asked yourself how they are having the custody of the twin boys and being brought up by different mothers? Sarah asked boldly.

Joshua in a dip thought and very surprised a on what Sarah explained to him.

"Does it means the twin sons belong to someone different, David is my grandson also Robin they are boys with great future" Joshua responded.

"There was an eerie of silence Sarah and Joshua looked at each other in shock.

Where did they get the children from did they steal the twin boys in the hospital nursery? Joshua asked.

"Yes have you seen the television set? It belongs to the boys to make them accept to enroll in day school" Sarah said.

"Why the two boys are national school product why waste them?" Joshua asked.

"They fear if they go to national boarding schools they might be discovered that they have the custody of the children illegally" Sarah explained.

"Now I get your point you are worried that our daughter and her friend might get into a great trouble?" Joshua replied.

"What are we going to do as their grandparents? Sarah asked.

"They are mature people, they know the consequences of having children custody illegally, leave them alone don't even show them that we already know something" Joshua advised.

"May be they have the custody of the children and its legal and also we know our daughter is barren she needs our support" Joshua said emotionally.

Sandy and Maggy finished carrying their things in the house Joshua came slowly and saw them both direct into their eyes and left without uttering anything, Sarah came out and she saw that everything is in order.

"I see you've nought everything I am glad that the initiation ceremony is going to be the best of all ceremonies in this village" Sarah said as she smile.

"What was wrong mum you looked worried?" Maggy asked.

"Its just I will miss my grandchildren David and Robin I am going to be lonely again" Sarah replied.

"Don't worry we are coming to visit you often also my father I know he will miss them a lot" Maggy responded.

Joshua went into the homestead to see the initiates already Ezekiel was there the initiates was having great expectations.

"Many things has been bought by your mother even I don't want to tell you its going to be your surprise" Joshua said.

The initiates were happy to hear about that they were hopeful and also yearned for the day.

"Tomorrow you are going to be your graduation day get prepared physically" Joshua said.

The evening approached as usual Joshua and Ezekiel lit the fire outside the homestead for the initiates to warm themselves, Joshua was not joyful as always, Ezekiel realized, pretending that everything was well he assisted him to bring the firewood to the fire place.

"What is wrong you are not the Joshua we know?" Ezekiel asked.

"I am so sad dip in my heart I have the greatest paradox to unravel but its beyond my ability" Joshua said emotionally.

"This is the moment I need some people with great mind and also thinkers to advice me" Joshua added.

Ezekiel was surprised with what Joshua told him.

"What exactly the paradox?" Ezekiel asked.

Joshua stopped what he was doing and looked at the initiates and looked at Ezekiel, the initiates had high expectations of being told another story.

"Let lit the fire and go aside to talk about it" Joshua said.

"Okay" Ezekiel responded.

They lit the fire and added enough firewood the initiates sat in a semicircular manner.

Ezekiel and Joshua went aside to talk, initiates were very surprised to see how Joshua was reacting in whatever he was doing, David and Robin looked at each other.

"What is the problem my brother you are in a bad mood?" Ezekiel asked.

"Our children could carry a huge laden without you knowing" Joshua said.

"What is the meaning of the statement, don't beat about the bush be straight to the point" Ezekiel said.

"My daughter Sandy is barren I don't know what caused, coincidentally they met with sandy barren also, they need children to adopt but I think this two boys were stolen when they were infants" Joshua narrated

Ezekiel shocked not knowing what to say.

"Isn't that a hard question to crack?" Joshua asked Ezekiel looked at the boys they are identical twins but they are from different mothers.

"I now know why you are a worried grandfather, you might lose you brilliant grandson" Ezekiel said.

"If you are in my position what are you going to do? Joshua asked.

That is the most complicated question I have eve been asked.