Twin brothers shining in the first examination.

In the evening David was very tired, he tried to study but the sleep overwhelmed him he dozed on the book on the table Maggy realized.

She prepared the dinner and brought it to the table.

"David eats your food and goes to sleep," Maggy said.

David struggled to eat he was very tired, Maggy sympathized with him.

"What did you do that made you very tired?" Maggy asked.

"The first week before the examination we have interclass competition we were playing final football competition against the outgoing form four it was a very hard game," David said.

"Why do you play football without consulting me, do you know that you are risking your life and you are," Maggy said.

"In our school so long as you are a healthy person without any condition as written in the admission letter you are supposed to participate in sporting activities unless there is a medical report from a doctor," David said.

Maggy was surprised by what her son said.

"How are you prepared to do your examination since you are doing the examination next week?" Maggy asked.

"It's already weekend I will be revising for the examination tomorrow," David said.

"You will be revising the topics for the whole term?" Maggy asked.

"No, I will only revisit the topics I didn't understand or those I missed when I was absent from the class" David responded.

"OK I understand you go to bed and rest," Maggy told him

David went to bed Maggy was very surprised by what David told him she thought of Sandy she called her Sandy realized that Maggy was calling her she picked the call.

"How is Nakuru we are doing good in Kisumu," Maggy said.

"We are fine Robin is doing well in school they are preparing to do the examination," Sandy said.

"David is fine he went to bed early he is very tired because of the interclass football competition," Maggy said

"This week was full of sporting activities even here Robin is very tired too he is struggling to do the assignments," Sandy said.

"Let's wish the best in their forthcoming examination," Maggy said.

"Over Christmas holiday I think we shall plan on how we can visit one another and also make sure that Robin and David meet they are already missing each other" Maggy said.

Sandy didn't like the idea in her mind she knew that if they meet once again it's going to be hard to part them or they will know where to tweet someday and it will be difficult to separate them and that could cause the eyebrows that might make people want to know their identity.

It was already the weekend in the morning Saturday, Veronica prepared herself to go to Robin's home, while Robin was busy tidying everywhere since she knew that he has a visitor, Sandy realized what he was doing.

"My boy_ d you have a visitor today I have never seen you tidying the is it me who normally do that" Sandy said.

Robin smiled at Sandy.

"I forgot to ask you yesterday, do you have a doctor known as Ben?" Robin asked

"Yes, he is our boss, who informed you that?" Sandy asked.

"Her daughter is my classmate she is coming today for revision she said yesterday when I was coming home, I forgot to inform you," Robin said.

"You mean he as a daughter in day school?" Sandy asked.

"Yes, her name is Veronica, we are in the same class and she is my desk mate," Robin said.

Sandy didn't like the idea but she realized that it was her daughter boss she had to give in.

"At what time is she coming?" Sandy asked.

"Around ten am she will be coming with some books I don't have" Robin responded.

Sandy kept quiet but Robin studied her reaction he realized that he didn't like the idea but he was forced to accept.

"What are we going to prepare for the visitor?" Sandy asked.

"How about rice and meat stew?" Robin said.

Sandy laughed when Robin said that.

"I know you, you need something wh which is easy to cook," Sandy said.

Robin laughed.

"I like rice and meat not something easy to cook but that could be another reason," Robin said.

"Then you go to the butchery and the shop and buy meat and rice," Sandy said.

Sandy gave home some money to Robin, Robin rushed to the city center to buy meat and rice.

Sandy tidied the place well and arranged the chairs and prepared some tea for the visitor.

Robin returned from the shop, Sandy prepared everything to be ready.

It was exactly ten thirty am there was a knock at the door Robin rushed and open, it was Veronica, he almost hugged her but his mother Sandy was around.

"Welcome and feel at home Veronica," Robin said

"Thanks so much," Veronica said.

"Welcome feel at home have a seat please," Sandy said.

"I am happy to see you, Robin told me you will be coming," Sandy said.

"Thank you mum my name is Veronica the daughter of Dr. Ben in this hospital" Veronica reiterated.

"I didn't know that our boss Dr. Ben has a daughter he never talked about his family, that is wonderful," Sandy said.

"Welcome feel at home and you are free to revise with my son," Sandy said.

"Let's go to the study room," Robin said.

Robin went into the room followed by Veronica and removed the books for serious revision.

Which subjects are eating your mind?" Robin asked.

"Let's start with mathematics biology chemistry and mathematics," Veronica said.

They embarked on a serious study, Robin managed to show her several exercises in different subjects.

Maggy was busy doing household chores since it was a weekend David was busy revising for the coming week examination, Maggy was curious about what David was doing.

"Which subjects are problematic to you?" Maggy asked.

"I have no problem with any subject I only remind myself what we studied during the first days I joined this school," David said.

Maggy was very happy to hear that.

"My boy I am happy with you I am confident that you will perform very well," Maggy said.

"Don't let down Robin I know now he is thinking about you despite you being in different places you should not be far from position one" Maggy said.

"Don't worry it will be well with me all the teachers have confidence in me?" David said.

The weekend ended swiftly, Robin and David were ready to do the examination Sandy and Maggy made sure they woke up early to prepare breakfast for their boys, Robin was the first one to report to school early morning before everyone, Veronica passed his home but she didn't find Robin at home, he had already left. She rushed to the school, reaching the classroom Robin had already settled and doing final revision.

"You left me why I told you yesterday that will accompany you to school but you didn't wait for me?" Veronica asked.

"I was thinking about the examination I forgot that I should wait for you l am sorry," Robin said.

"It's okay I have forgiven you but tomorrow wait for me" Veronica replied.

It was still early the other students had not arrived Robin and Veronica removed all the books for all the subjects and scan and revised faster

Maggy had done everything possible to make sure that David go to school early, David on the other hand looked at the examination timetable and picked the books for subjects that are going to be done on that day for him to revise.

"Which subjects are you going to do today?" Maggy asked.

"Mathematics, English, and Kiswahili" David responded.

"I wish you well remember you are a national school product I need an outstanding performance," Maggy said boldly.

"Mum, you don't have to worry I will be position one as always," David said boldly.

David held his bag and rushed to school reaching school it was a bit early but the principal was already around, he went inside the class helmet Silvia was seated already with some students revising, he we and sit on his desk Silvia stood and walked towards him.

"I have missed you I wanted to come and say hi but I didn't know your home place," Silvia said.

David smiled and gazed at Silvia directly at her eyes, Silva shied.

"My mother is very strict she will not allow you to come home," David said.

"I will explain to her that we are going to revise together" Silva explained.

"It's okay don't worry come over the next weekend and have a genuine reason why you should come" David advised her

The bell rang the examination was brought and they all did the examination Robin became position one in Nakuru day secondary school, and David became position one in Kisumu day secondary school, Maggy and sandy were very happy for their children.