Sandy lost her phone

Sandy had been off duty for around a week from the Nakuru hospital Robin and sandy were busy doing their holiday assignment, they were very busy the opening day was getting closer, Maggy took her purse and the phone ready to go.

"Mum where are you heading to?" Robin asked.

"I am heading to my colleague's place at Gilgil to say greet her it some time since we met with her" Sandy said.

I wish to join you to visit her I miss Cynthia very much" Robin said.

"You can finish the assignment later please you guys join me," Sandy said.

"No we have a lot of assignments to do for all subjects we didn't do the assignments because we went to the music and drama festival," Robin said

"Veronica smiled at Robin sandy sat.

Before you go please call Maggy I miss David very much" Robin said.

"Sandy picked her phone and called.

"Maggy's lines are all not reachable," Sandy said.

What is Wong, maybe her phone I'm off we shall call some other time" Sandy said?.

"Who is David?" Veronica asked.

"You don't know him he is Robin's childhood friend," Sandy said.

Robin didn't want to talk about David because of what they did at Kericho day secondary school by hiding their identity for not people not to differentiate them.

"Mum see you later I hope Maggy to be on immediately when you come back," Robin said

Sandy left immediately she went away Veronica was suspicious and questions lingered in her mind

"Who is David I have never heard Robin talking about him?" Veronica asked herself.

"What is wrong why are you in dip thought?" Robin asked.

"Nothing don't worry," Veronica said.

Sandy left to Gilgil he walked through the busy Nakuru city to the bus stage, reaching the bus stage he met a familiar face.

I"s it you, Patrick?" Sandy said.

"Yes, it me a long time my sweetheart" Patrick responded.

Sandy met her younger age sweetheart she felt a peculiar feeling she missed Patrick very much.

"Long time my dear I have searched for you but I lost hope I had to give myself hope that I will one day see you?" Patrick said in a soothing voice.

Sandy shed tears of joy visiting Cynthia was a blessing for her she had to postpone the visit to meet with her early age lover.

"Let's go to a restaurant for us to talk more and know each other more," Patrick said.

Patrick lead the way into the restaurant they entered it was the best restaurant in the city, waiter welcomed them the sat the restaurant was full of mirrors around the room.

Patrick and Sandy sat facing each other.

"Immediately after finishing medical college where did you go?" Patrick asked.

"I was posted to Kericho hospital where I worked until recently I was transferred to Nakuru," Sandy said.

"How about you?" Sandy asked.

"Immediately I finished the medical college I was posted to Nanyuki," Patrick said.

"I have missed you, my dear, you were my first love that is why when we parted it was emotional," Sandy said.

Sandy's eyes were full of tears Patrick gave her her handkerchief to wipe her tears off.

"Please honey compose yourself," Patrick said.

Sandy wiped her tears waiter came.

"What can I serve you with," Waiter asked.

"Chicken stew and rice" Patrick responded.

Sandy composed herself and she felt better.

The food was brought they ate as they talk.

Robin and Veronica continued to do their holiday assignment they were almost done Robin was winding his as Veronica struggled to work out her assignment.

"I am done doing the nightmare assignments," Robin said.

Veronica laughed and when she heard that "Robin saying nightmare assignment.

Please help me I am stuck on the way" Veronica said.

"Don't worry I am going to do for you let me refresh my mind by watching a video" Robin said.

"No let's go for bicycle riding then we come back after two hours to refresh our mind" Veronica suggested.

"That is a wonderful idea," Robin said.

He rushed to his room and removed his new bicycle and ride it outside, Veronica went outside and picked her bicycle, and rode to the hospital open field why they normally play football.

Sandy and Patrick finished eating their food they relaxed a bit for the food to settle Patrick came up with an idea.

"Let's go round the city I need to see how big is Nakuru city," Patrick said.

"But before we go how many kids do you have?" Patrick asked.

Sandy was very emotional she started shading tears uncontrollably.

"Dear what is wrong with you my dear did I offend you? Patrick asked.

Sandy continued to shade tears Patrick regretted why he asked her that question, a question lingering in his mind.

Sandy looked at him as she shade tears.

"I am sorry if that question is hurting I didn't mean to hurt you dear" Patrick responded.

"No you didn't hurt me in any way I have the condition where my ovaries fail to ovulate I am barren," Sandy said.

It was unbearable for Patrick to hear that he was emotional, he felt for Sandy very much.

"I am very sorry," Patrick said.

"But I have my adopted boy Robin he brought happiness in my life I wish no one claimed it someday," Sandy said.

"Let's go for a walk around the city at least to have fresh air," Patrick said.

Sandy was getting better her emotions had gotten the best of her but she became relieved.

Sandy stood from the seat and walk out of the restaurant as Patrick paid the what they had eaten and followed her.

Where is the place where we can have fresh air and relax?" Patrick asked.

"Let's go to the public square garden thee as many places we can sit and have a fresh air" Sandy responded.

They went through the streets to the public square garden they found a quiet place where there were comfort seats they sat and relaxed.

Their early age romance lingered their mind aroma Patrick smelled at an early age was brought up.

"Why did you go without even saying goodbye to me? Sandy asked.

"Then for me, it was a very painful parting I didn't want to cause more sorrows since I knew it was very difficult for us to meet we were going to the outside world to look for a job," Patrick said.

"After getting the job why didn't you come after me? Sandy asked.

"We parted we went to our rural home you went to Kericho and I went to Laikipia the farthest place in our country Kenya to visit the frontier counties with hardship without money or even a job life was unbearable then," Patrick said.

They felt the euphoric romance Richard kissed sandy they fell off their seat and Sandy's phone fell off and rolled, the passerby picked and switched off the phone and disappeared into the thin air.

"Patrick I missed you very much I thank God that I have met you once again," Sandy said

Their kiss rekindled the early romance they experienced long ago.

They were done kissing Sandy wanted to check the time on his phone, she didn't find the phone.