Doctor who had DNA back from Mombasa.

As Robin and David hired the detectives to find their twin brother Martha their biological mother was seated with Henry her husband in the sitting room watching the evening news, Martha received a strange missed call she held her phone and looked at it closely it was a familiar phone number.

"What is it why are you uncomfortably," Henry asked.

"I saw a strange missed call I think it's for someone I knew but when I lost the phone I lost the contact too," Martha said.

The phone rang it was the same number she received.

"This is the doctor you gave the DNA samples the test is out," the doctor said.

Martha was shocked to hear that he didn't want her husband Henry to know that she is still looking for the child she lost almost fifteen years ago, he looked at Henry and moved out of the house.

"You said the DNA test is out," Martha asked.

"Yes the result is out but it is inside the envelope it is confidential, l," the Doctor said.

" How am I going to meet you it's already night here I can't come," Martha said.

"Come to my office tomorrow at eight am sharp," Doctor said.

"You mean you are in Kisumu?" Martha asked.

"Yes I arrived yesterday from Mombasa I am sorry there was an emerged in Mombasa the government deployed us immediately using the military choppers," Doctor said.

"OK I understand you are working for the government you can be deployed anywhere Even outside the country" Martha responded.

Henry was surprised to see Martha going out to receive the call she normally doesn't do that she normally receives the call while she is seated.

Martha was done talking on the phone with the doctor he went inside the house Henry looked at her she was so emotional, she sat Henry avoided looking at her, questions lingering her mind thought hard.

If the DNA test becomes positive I don't know where to find the boys and even if I know where they are I don't know how I will personally explain that they are my children.

Henry realized that something is bothering Martha but he didn't show her that he has realized that.

Dickson came from his bedroom and DAT was near his father Martha looked at him and looked at his father bringing the memories of Robin and David more vivid, Martha went into the kitchen and prepared the dinner Henry sat with Dickson's son.

"Have you done the assignments remember your teacher at school is very strict" Henry asked Dickson.

"No, it's very hard I can even attempt one," Dickson said.

Henry laughed.

"Can you bring your exercise book for me to show you the homework?" Henry said.

Dickson rushed and brought the exercise book and gave it to his father.

Henry studied the assignments and assisted him to do them.

The following day Martha prepared breakfast for Dickson now in secondary school she hurried since she had a mission to accomplish, to go and receive the DNA test for the two twin brothers Dickson rushed to school it was approaching eight am she dressed quickly before Henry could wake up and rushed to the doctor's clinic to go and confirm the DNA test.

Reaching there she saw a doctor, scar parked outside she knew the doctor is around.

He knocked at the door the doctor opened.

"Long time it's good you came before anyone else for you to know the DNA test of the twin men," Doctor said.

"Where is it? I want to confirm if it's positive" Martha said. Martha said.

The doctor removed the letter and handed it over to her.

She opened and checked very fast.

She read the test and looked at the doctor in confusion.

"I don't understand what is written here it has been scribbled this you your fellow doctors writings please read for me," Martha said.

She hand over to the doctor and waited for the doctor to read for her, doctor read and kept quiet and was in shock not knowing what to tell Martha it was a positive result.

'What you are quite what is going on is it a positive result?" Martha asked

The doctor kept quiet Martha moved towards him desperately and held the doctor and shakes him.

"Please doctor is it a positive result!?" Martha bellows.

The shouting attracted the attention of other doctors who rushed to check on what was going on, he found Martha shaking the doctor shouting.

"What is wrong why is she creating a scene? One of the doctors asked.

He handed over the DNA result to the doctors and looked at Martha sympathetically.

"Please can you read for me the result in this letter it is a DNA result," Martha said.

"Martin what is the meaning of this whose DNA test is this" one of the doctors asked.

Dr. Martin look at Martha sympathetically and looked at them on the floor.

"Can we break the news to her?" Doctor asked.

Dr. Martin nodded meaning yes.

"Martha sit down we will explain to you but sit down and answer the questions we are about to ask you," The doctor said.

"Who are the boys you did the DNA test with?" Doctor asked.

"They are the twin brothers who were at Kericho hospital the custody is under the care of the nurses" Martha responded.

"How did you suspect that they are your children?"; Doctor asked.

"Does it mean it is my children?" Martha asked.

"No answer the questions we are going to tell you about that very soon" Doctor assured.

I was traveling to Kisumu I was expectant I was involved in an accident I was taken to Kericho hospital for treatment but I was in a critical condition I might give birth prematurely then I went into a coma I was referred to Kenyatta hospital for specialized treatment when I woke up from the coma after a year I thought I was pregnant, I asked the doctors at the Kenyatta hospital they told me they were not given any information about that I had to accept and concluded that I had miscarried, but after some years I went to Kericho hospital the two boys saw me and rushed to embrace me I embraced them back the two boys resemble my boy and my husband very much.

What made me very much suspicious is how their mothers rushed and took the boys forcefully away from me.

Another scenario is when there was a closing ceremony in Kericho schools, the children were given their position in the process my boy Dickson went to where the twin boys are and sat together Dickson brought the two boys to where we were sitting and we talked with them and agreed that we will set a date and visit one another immediately the school closing ceremony ended they rushed with the boys. Another thing is how comes the twin identical twin is being taken care of different mothers" Martha said boldly.

The doctors looked at each other in surprise and run short of what to say.

"Is it a positive result?" Martha asked boldly.

"Yes they are your biological twins," Doctors said.

Martha stood and hugged Dr. Martin.

"Thank you very much I now know the truth but I don't know where they are they were transferred from Kericho hospital to an unknown destination, what can I do?" Martha said happily.

"My question is what are you going to do to their mothers are you going to sue them?" Dr. Martin asked.

The doctors looked at one another and wait patiently on Martha's answer to that question Martha took time to answer.

"The best action is to work towards the whereabouts of my sons and after that, I need harmonious reconciliation through a peaceful means that my boys will look at me as their mother but not through revenge it will bring pain hatred, and sorrow, there are things we need to put behind us and forget forever" Martha reiterated emotionally.

"How about the current mothers would you have to share your children with them," Martin asked.

"They had taken part in upbringing and gave them the best education as single mothers what I will do is to create a good relationship with them so that they don't feel that I am taking their children away from them my boys will visit them the way they want" Martha replied.

"How about if they refused to give you the custody of your twin brothers? Martin asked.

"It is not them to make a decision I will explain to them the twin brothers, they know me very well as the secondary school teacher, we talked to them and they said that they are going to pursue medicine as their dream career, when we met almost three years ago I knew the twin brothers, maybe they are now pursuing medical course it's not going to be a problem for me to explain to them and they are going to make an informed decision after some time" Martha explained.

"That is the wises decision you have made, we are so sorry for what happened to you almost twenty years ago, we wish you well as you go on the search for your sons," Dr. Martin said.

The doctors left and Martha sat and saw one another with Dr. Martin.

"Thanks so much," Martha said

She exited the hospital.

Dr. Martin was very surprised he thought that the results were not going to be positive that is why she released the result without being cautious his fellow doctor Fred came in.

"What exactly happened why didn't you read the result yourself, " Fred asked.

"I didn't take the mother seriously that is why I gave her the result carelessly without considering her emotions," Dr. Martin said.

"I thought she was a joker I didn't even deliver the result immediately but I waited for one good year for me to deliver," Martin said.

"Also I was guilty I let her down she could have found her twin children I wronged her I am sorry" Martin reiterated.

Martha rushed to her home she was very anxious she wanted to see her children he found Henry her husband seated in the sitting room watching evening news she threw away her bag and went inside and took shower and went to the kitchen preparing the dinner and served, went to sleep without uttering any word to Henry her husband.