Twin brothers pass out in military training college

David and Charles are very happy to hear that they are going to have a military pass out the following day they woke up very early that day for them to prepare for their special day Maggy and Sandy received the letters of invitation.

Sandy rushed to Dr. Ben's house, she knocked on the door.

"Come on in," Dr. Ben said

Sandy went in Ben was preparing to report to work he was taking breakfast.

"Good to see you, Sandy I see you are very happy to tell us what is the great news," Ben said

"It's Robin's military pass out it is tomorrow I got the invitation letter," Sandy said.

"That is the greatest news in my life to here I will personally mobilize the hospital resources, and make sure that some of the hospital staff attends Robin's military pass out," Ben said.

Sandy was very happy to hear that.

Sit down I serve you with breakfast then we talk about how we are going to go to Robin's military pass out" Ben said.

Veronica heard in her room about Robin's military pass out she was very happy but her worry is how to convince her father to allow her to attend.

They were done taking their breakfast Dr. Ben went into the kitchen to see his wife whilst Veronica came into the sitting room.

"Please convince my father to allow me to go to the military pass out" Veronica requested Sandy.

"Don't worry you will attend the military pass out he will not deny you not to go" Sandy said.

Dr. Ben came back from the kitchen to the sitting room Veronica was already sited with Sandy.

"I would like Veronica to be amongst us to go to Robin's military pass out," Dr. Ben said.

Veronica jumped and hugged her father sandy laughed, Dr. Ben swung her around.

"Thanks my father your are the best father in the world," Veronica said.

Dr. Ben was very happy to hear what Veronica said Ben's wife came out of the kitchen when she heard her daughter shouting she smiled.

"Veronica is not going anywhere," Mary said jokingly.

Veronica rushed and knelt on her feet.

"Please mum let me go if Robin does not see me he is going to be very disappointed" Veronica pegged her.

"My daughter you will go its Robin who made you pass the national examination now you are attending a nearby university" Mary reiterated.

"Let's go and meet our hospital staff in the administration block to inform those who are going to be on duty tomorrow we are all going to Eldoret or Robin's military pass out," Dr. Ben said.

They went out of the Nakuru hospital staff quarters to the administration block of the hospital Dr. Ben strode into the administration block the nurses and doctors were surprised to see Dr. Ben and Sandy together others thought that Sandy was in I big problem they were waiting for Dr. Ben to say.

"Ladies and gentlemen today is the greatest day in Nakuru hospital, one of our children staff is having a military pass out tomorrow I would like those nurses and doctors who are not on duty to go to Eldoret military training college to attend Sandy's son pass out," Dr. Ben said.

The nurses Sandy's colleagues were very surprised.

"You mean your son Robin is now a soldier? Jenny one of the doctors asked.

"Yes, not only a soldier but he is a comrade in our profession which means he is a military medical doctor" Dr. Ben explained.

The doctors and nurses were very surprised.

"Sandy congratulations on your Son we are proud of him," Jenny said

Sandy's colleagues clapped to congratulate Sandy for making her so successful in his life.

Maggy on the other hand received an invitation letter that David was going to have a military pass out, she was very happy to have received that she was going to meet his son after almost a year in training she woke up early and rushed to the hospital to give the information the director of the hospital reaching the hospital she realized that the director had not arrived she sat with the letter and waited for the director.

"I wish to see my son now it's been long he went without saying goodbye to me," Maggy said to herself.

Her colleague Wendy looked at her with a letter waiting for the hospital director she came towards her she saw her in deep thought.

"Sandy, I have never seen you before like this what is the problem?" Sandy asked.

Sandy looked at her she didn't want to tell her anything Wendy snatched the letter and read it.

"You mean David is a soldier?" Wendy asked.

Yes, he is graduating tomorrow not only a soldier but a military doctor" Maggy said.

"You've never informed us about your son's whereabouts also you didn't tell us that he is in a military training college," Wendy said.

"I didn't want him to join the military he knew that I would not allow him he went without informing me," Maggy said.

"What, that was a reckless decision to make, how dare you want to ruin your son's life? Wendy asked.

"I didn't want to ruin his life I wanted to let him have a good life," Maggy said.

"That is a foolish decision to make my sister force his son to become a teacher his son wanted to become a doctor because his son was respectful he joined teaching but later became drunkard he is useless now," Wendy told her.

Maggy on the other hand received an invitation letter that David was going to have a military pass out, she was very happy to have received that she was going to meet his son after almost a year in training she woke up early and rushed to the hospital to give the information the director of the hospital reaching the hospital she realized that the director had not arrived she sat with the letter and waited for the director.

"I wish to see my son now it's been long he went without saying goodbye to me," Maggy said to herself.

Her colleague Wendy looked at her with a letter waiting for the hospital director she came towards her she saw her in deep thought.

"Sandy, I have never seen you before like this what is the problem?" Sandy asked.

Sandy looked at her she didn't want to tell her anything Wendy snatched the letter and read it.

"You mean David is a soldier?" Wendy asked.

Yes, he is graduating tomorrow not only a soldier but a military doctor" Maggy said.

"You've never informed us about your son's whereabouts also you didn't tell us that he is in a military training college," Wendy said.

"I didn't want him to join the military he knew that I would not allow him he went without informing me," Maggy said.

"What, that was a reckless decision to make, how dare you want to ruin your son's life? Wendy asked.

"I didn't want to ruin his life I wanted to let him have a good life," Maggy said.

"That is a foolish decision to make my sister force his son to become a teacher his son wanted to become a doctor because his son was respectful he joined teaching but later became drunkard he is useless now," Wendy told her.

The director arrived with a red saloon car he parked and alighted came towards his office Wendy gave the letter to Maggy and rushed to her place of work to avoid questions Sandy stood for her boss.

"I have never seen you before waiting for me is there any problem?" Director asked.

"No, there no problem I only wanted to inform you that there is a military pass out tomorrow in Eldoret I want to request permission for me to go," Maggy said

Director thought hard and wondered and asked himself several questions.

"Is it David?" He asked.

"Yes, he is the one my only son" Maggy said.

"You mean David is now a soldier I thought he was going to a medical university?" Director asked again.

"He joined a military medical training college" Maggy responded.

"He is very lucky and he made the wisest decision to go to the military training college he is being sponsored by the government medical training is very expensive," Director said.

The director opened his office and entered in.

"Come in Maggy," Director said.

"Maggy followed him he sat and Maggy sat and handed over the invitation letter. Director read.

You are not going alone we will have other staff to accompany you to the pass out personally I congratulate your son and we will use our staff bus for us to travel to Eldoret for the pass out" Director said.

"Let's go to the administration block and inform those who are interested to get prepared its a wonderful day for our hospital, the only people who will remain are those on duty," Director said.

The director lead the way to the hospital staffroom they entered the room and found most of the doctors and nurses were there, they looked at the director and Maggy in surprise.

"I am glad to know that you are here the information I have is that all the staff who are not on duty tomorrow to prepare to go to Maggy's son's military pass out," the director said

All the staff members were very surprised to hear that.

"You mean David is now a soldier" Sandra one of the nurses asked.

"Yes he is a soldier but not only a soldier but a military doctor," Director said.

Since it is an emergency activity we are going to use our staff bus to attend the pass out ceremony I will be amongst the people going" Director said.

The staff members clapped and cheered they were happy to hear what the director said, Maggy and the director went out of the staffroom, Maggy rushed back to his house to get prepared for the pass-out graduation for her son.