Chapter 12

As the receptionist lady was filling out some forms for them, Jace leaned over toward Sara.

"Y'know, for a school that's so huge, it sure is quiet in here." He whispered.

She put her mouth by his ear to respond. "Because this school is so huge, they have it divided up into multiple schools to have the most impact on individual students." She gestured at the lady behind the desk. "Plus this isn't actually the person helping us, it's a hologram. That way she can help multiple people, and she's not just sitting here waiting for people to come in, especially when it's in the middle of the school year like it is now."

"Speaking of which." The lady turned to them and Jace realized she had heard their entire conversation, "Since it is the middle of the school year, Jace, you will have to take separate classes from the standard student body, so you can be prepared when the next school year starts and be caught up with your peers."

She looked at Sara. "Of course, you Miss Mortonesse, have already been taking the proper education courses so you'll just need to do some extra work to catch up with the rest of your class."

Sara blew a sigh through her lips. "I suppose it was too much to expect to be in a class together."

Jace became a little nervous, He expected them to be separated, but that didn't mean he liked it. Sara was a security anchor for him, she knew where she was going and what she was doing, whereas he was completely out of his depth.

He took a deep breath and pushed through his nervousness resolutely. You're never gonna grow if you're hanging onto Sara's coattails the whole time. He intended to eventually venture out on his own to areas that even Sara wouldn't be able to help him, so he needed to learn how to fend for himself.

The lady behind the desk pressed a button on her screen, then said, "They're ready to be shown to their rooms."

A few minutes later, the elevator behind her opened, and the man who'd brought them here stepped out. She indicated him. "Derek here is gonna show you to your dorms, then another student will come by to make sure you're taken care of."

They followed Derek back into the hall. He led them through several smaller hallways, crossing over several of the bigger ones they'd used earlier. Finally, they came to a door that indicated the female's dorms, and they left Sara at the door to her room. Then Derek led Jace through several more doors and hallways. "Why are the male and female dorms so far apart?" Jace asked.

Derek looked straight ahead as he responded. "Those aren't the only female dorms, those are simply the ones set aside for large contributors to the schools. Although the difference in education quality remains unaffected, You can enjoy a few extra comforts when your family is as wealthy as hers."

Jace fells silent thoughtfully. It made sense, Sara's family would want her to experience the best possible while here at the school. He grinned, thinking how she'd hate the pampering.

"Have no fear," Derek said. "Your accommodations won't be lacking, only not as extravagant."

Finally they arrived at the door to his room, where, like before, Derek wordlessly indicated he enter then stalked off silently. He turned to the door and it slid open silently, revealing a simple room. It contained two beds, two desks, two wardrobes, and some shelves to hold personal items.

As the door slid closed behind him, Jace felt a wave of relief and a sense of security overcome him. He was in a room that he could call his own. He knew it was really the schools, but he didn't feel like he was taking up unneeded space anymore. He flopped onto his bed and relaxed, staring up at the textured ceiling. Then he turned to look at his roommate's side of the bed. It was very neat and clean. There were several gadgets and gizmos sitting on the shelf, but Jace had little experience in the world of technology beyond what he'd needed to survive, so he didn't recognize them. He turned back to look at the ceiling and got lost in his thoughts while mindlessly tracing the lines that covered it.

He was beginning to drift off to sleep when he heard a loud rap on his door. He started, then scrambled for the door. When it slid open, it revealed a tall girl with short black hair, and an intricate tattoo running across her left cheek and jawline. She wore a student's uniform, although definitely not properly like he'd seen up to now. Her undershirt was evident under the half-buttoned jacket, and her sleeves were rolled up to her elbows. He immediately got "delinquent" vibes from her. Or at least that's the vibes she was trying to give off.

"How's it going kid?" She said, leaning against his doorframe.

He raised his eyebrow at her. "You the cool kid in town or something?" he said looking her up and down.

She turned red and straightened immediately. "Hey, a girl's gotta have her independence when she can, alright?"

He grinned at her to show he was teasing, then stuck out his hand. "Name's Jace."

She smiled back and gave him a firm handshake. "I'm Tryst. I'm here to give help you get your things together for class next week." She gestured for him to follow her then turned and walked down the hall.

He caught up to her and walked beside her, hesitating at the turns so she could lead the way.

"Where's Sara?" He asked at the walking through the many hallways. He noticed as they walked that they avoided the populated areas, and the halls they took were pretty empty.

"You mean that Crisp you came with? Don't worry, you won't hafta see her anymore, she's in a whole different world from us."

Jace immediately stopped walking. Tryst took a couple of steps before she stopped and looked at him, with a query in her eye.

Jace met her eyes hotly. "It sounds like you don't like her and you've never even met her," he said levelly.

Tryst's eyes widened in shock. "Wait you actually like the rich kid?"

Jace's eyes lowered even further. "She just so happens to be my best friend."

Tryst shook her head. "See that's how they get you. They sweet talk you with gifts and sweet words, then once they are done with you, they just toss you aside."

Jace angrily took a step toward her and she raised her hands in surrender. "Hey! Maybe yours is different! I doubt it, but there's a possibility. I'm just warning you." He relaxed, but he still kept an angry glare on her.

"Say what you want about the other 'Crisps' as apparently they're called here. I've had my fair share of poor treatment by their hand, but Sara's different, and you can't talk about her like that.

Tryst sighed, then shrugged. "Whatever. I'll think what I think and you think what you think. But I won't diss your friend. You can't deny that Crisps are majorly entitled though."

That brought a grin out of Jace. "That's for sure, at least for most of them." they kept walking down the halls. Jace turned to Tryst again. "Classes start next week? I thought I would be starting immediately." The girl shook her head. "Nah, They want you to get settled down first, so they give you the rest of the week to adjust. You'll be starting your prep classes at the start of next week."

As they walked along the halls towards their unknown destination, Jace pegged her with questions. He found out that those of a wealthier background were called "Crisps" by the way they wore their uniforms all "Prim and proper-like" as Tryst put it. Those like him and Tryst called themselves "Rogues", which was a nickname they wore with pride, and Tryst suspected that even the teachers and higher-end students used the nicknames when out of earshot.

Jace also found a little bit about Tryst. She'd been raised in an orphanage until she was too old and then kicked out, then she lived on the streets until she stowed away on a cargo ship and accidentally wound up at the doors of the Cadet Academy, Where she'd stayed for - she claimed - the free room and board. He found out she was in the same graduating class as Sam, so she'd be graduating this year. When he brought Sam up, her face turned pink and she quickly changed the subject, which sparked Jace's curiosity and mischievous spirit.

Before he could quiz her on it though, they came upon a door that, of all things, had a wooden sign hanging above it that read "The Shop". Tryst gave a dramatic bow and gestured towards the door. "Welcome to The Shop, the home where us Rogues hang out to get away from the glaring eyes of higher society." She grinned at him as they walked in the door.