Junction city is situated in a valley between three gigantic mountains.
The mansion of Wisden's is in the center, surrounded by a curtain wall. The mansion itself is set like a square, surrounded by the corner studs.
The 'L' shaped buildings contained rooms for family, guests and otherwise.
The sturdy square building in the center surrounded by the buildings is the warehouse of house Wisden.
Goods could enter from all four sides, though the main gate, which leads directly to the main hall, is used for holding court, while the other three entrances are mainly used for the goods transport.
Junction city, after all, is the junction where three roads and two rivers meet.
The city itself exists in the valley between three mountains.
The salt water river, called blue river, runs through the mountains on the south, twists around the mountain, and goes to meet the sea on the west.
In the north, the swampy area turns into another river called 'melt water'. Which turns around the mountain in the north, and flows into the east, to feed two mountain lakes, and meet the sea eventually.
Only, almost all small sea vessels could travel on these rivers and lakes. In other words, pirates.
Thus, pirates and fishermen contain most of the people who live at the junction city.
The lord of Wisden acts lawlessly, just like a leader of pirates.
Rumors have it the Wisden family itself descended from robbers and pirates.
Only, this time, he chose the wrong ruler to act rebelliously with.
Sasha hated traitors above all.
All her family's troubles stemmed from betrayal of trusted allies.
The knights arrayed in their formation, and Sasha descended from the dragon to stand inside the formation.
There were no specific announcements needed.
The dragon roared.
The guards at the door ran inside, and the guards on the curtain wall fell flat on their arses.
The lord of the junction city rushed outside.
Lord Wisden looked every inch the fighter.
Only, he did not look like a knight. He looked more like a mercenary, with his harsh leathery face, curved daggers at both sides, and a bastard sword hanging from left hip.
His fingers had brass knuckles like a brawler.
One of Sasha's knights came forward.
"Lord Wisden of Junction city! You have been summoned by the lady of the Windcastle. You have not only failed to show up, but incited others to do the same. You have been accused of disloyalty to your lord. How do you plead ? "
"Ha! You have not even become a woman when I was fucking my way through the eastern seas, little girl. If you wanted me on my knees, all you had to do was beg. I would have you singing like a little bird in no time." Lord Wisden mocked her lazily.
Yet, he is tense and ready for action any moment. His neck muscles are stretched to the extreme, his fingers are being stretched in anticipation of pulling out a dagger at any moment.
"Lord Wisden. If you wanted to sleep with a vixen, all you had to do was ask." Sasha answered gently.
Her answer was so shocking, lord Wisden's guard relaxed for a mere second in surprise.
Sasha acted at that moment.
"Nysha" She called out.
A giant black and gray speckled wolf jumped out from the shadows, straight onto lord Wisden.
He fell on the icy ground, with both of the wolf's front legs pressing down on his wrists.
Then, the wolf flopped down on him like he was the most comfortable bed.
It's frightening yellow eyes full of wildness and threat are still staring into the eyes of lord Wisden. It's bloody muzzle dripped saliva on the man's face, mixed with blood.
Nysha grinned in Lord Wisden's face, all of her sharp teeth on display.
Soon, a scent of piss spread through the clearing.
"My! Lord Wisden. I did not know you are all talk, and no action." Sasha said mildly.
The knights around her snickered under their masks.
The masks covered their snickering sound, making the stoic ness of the entire squad look all the more stalwart.
"You will never have Junction city without a Wisden." Lord Wisden yelled.
Despite being pressed down by a winter wolf, he is still sprightly. Stupidity and stubbornness is the worst mix. This man ought to die, Sasha decided. This one will never bend, and leaving him alive will only cause more trouble for herself, and the people, especially in winter.
Nysha yawned in his face.
He trembled, but kept his stance.
"Come on! Gather all the men and women in the town, and lord Wisden's family. ", Sasha ordered, bringing them to the Town square once more.
Unlike the seagull town, the town square of Junction city is dirty, muddy and all around disgusting.
Lord Wisden was tied to a pole loosely.
His weapons were taken away, his hands and waist tied loosely to the pole. If he wanted to, he could get out of the bindings, though it might take a little time.
The Wisden family was arrayed in front of Sasha.
"Greetings, Everyone. I am Sasha Winterchild, sister to Raul Winterchild, the winter king. Kingdom of mountains, kingdom of rivers and Winterland all swore fealty to my brother, subsequently, to I. "
Sasha paused, so everyone could absorb the details in there.
The two wolves, black and gray Nysha, pure white Phantom, both flanked her, making her look every inch the queen. The dragon has flown off to settle on the peak of the mountain in the east. It's looking down at the spectacle from the mountain top.
The guards of the junction city seemed unwilling to go against even Nysha and Phantom, much less a dragon.
Sasha wondered where the confidence of Lord Wisden was coming from.
After all, no matter how she looks at this, the entire town does not seem to have any loyalty towards him at all.
She wondered if men grown to a certain age are supposed to have delusions about loyalty of their subordinates.
The residents of the Junction city gathered around her, whispering in soft voices.
'Those are ponies or wolves ?'
'They are Winter wolves, you idiot. Din't ya hear? She's the princess.'
'Like them Winterchild, who could turn into wolves ? wicked!' One of the young kids opined.
'She's so pretty,' another little girl commented.
'They say she's the most beautiful woman on the continent.' another youth supplied to the one besides him. He was watching Sasha, afraid to miss a moment of her movement.
'Them knights have real swords! I tell ya, that's two roses symbol. That sword is sorcerer steel.' another man supplied to the one besides him.
Simply put, not a single one wondered about the wellbeing of the lord Wisden tied to the pole. Not even his family, who stood there staring stoically at Sasha.
"You now have two options. If one of you brave people offers to die here in place of Lord Wisden, I will leave junction city to his control. It will be a free town, under the rule of lord Wisden.
It will not belong to the kingdom of water, it will not belong to mountain kingdom or Winterland.
It will be a truly free city, with lord Wisden it's only lord. " , Sasha said, and paused to let anyone come forward.
"Conversely, You will kneel and swear your loyalty to me. The Wisden family will renounce its claims to junction city. Lord Wisden dies here today." Sasha spoke.
The next part, she addressed the Wisden family.
"Your castle will be forfeit. You will be given a chance to forfeit your name, and receive compensation for it. The Wisden family will be no more." She finished.
"Make your choice. You have an hour." Sasha finished, looking at the people and the Wisden family.
The first one to come forward was Lord Wisden's youngest daughter.
"I don't need an hour. I am willing to forfeit the Wisden name. " The girl spoke clearly.
Sasha is surprised.
' She gave them an hour, you know? '
How much is lord Wisden hated for the reaction speed to be this fast? People are grabbing at her for the fear she would leave without killing lord Wisden.
Another town's man came forward.
" That beast raped our daughters, and mocked us when we asked for justice. If you kill him, my life is yours now and forever. " Another man said, kneeling in front of Sasha.
" Kill him. "
" Kill the bastard. " The townsfolk seemed to have a lot of anger against Lord Wisden.
The first son of the Wisden family stepped forward.
Sasha let him speak.
"I will forfeit the Wisden name, and would swear fealty to you, My lady." The man said, kneeling in front of her.
Seeing their brother, all the rest of the family followed, vowing to leave the name and swear fealty to Sasha.
" There you go, Lord Wisden. Junction city does not need a Wisden at all. Anyone who wants it can take it any time. " Sasha said mockingly.
Does this man have water in his head to think he could talk of himself like a 'Winterchild' ?
Because that is the original saying.
None can rule Winterland but a Winterchild.
Such a saying formed because of how vast Winterland is, and how long their family has ruled it.
This random lowlife who ruled the town of thieves and robbers wanted to pretend he had the same dignity as a Winterchild? She must teach him otherwise, otherwise, she will regret it till end of time.
Her family did not build their reputation in a day.
For thousands of years, theirs is the family that saw Winterland through harshest winters and bloody summers.
Their family starved along with the people they ruled, and bled along with their soldiers when needed.
How dare this low life who could not even inspire loyalty in his family consider himself a grand ruler? Such stupidity must be put to a stop once and for all, for the sake of future generations.
"My father always said, those who cast the judgement should swing the sword." Sasha said gently.
"Lord Wisden. Any last words?" Sasha asked.
"You whore! You bloody witch! The queen in Summerland will kill you. The tigers are coming for you, and you will die more miserable than me." he screamed at Sasha.
Tiger is the emblem of the ruler of Gold Land, who was responsible for the death of most of her family.
"Alas! You will not live that long." Sasha said, as she swung the blade.
The blood splattered on her snow white dress, making her look dangerous and beautiful all at once.