Lover boy

Paradise exists, beyond the barrier. 

That is the illusion most Snorcs have about the land beyond the Barrier. 

The older Snorcs tell tales of never ending green grass, herds of fattened deer munching on grass and every hunt being a success as long as you travel enough distance. 

The men are soft, and women are softer yet. 

Even among those women, the ones called ladies, from the castles are the very best. 

Their skin is smoother than mammoth's milk, their hair as soft as a sable's tail, their bodies softer than an owl feather pillow. 

However, for all that, Snorcs only had women by force, like animals. They serve a biological purpose, and only strong get to reproduce, to breed weakness out. 

In reality though, it did not just breed Strong. Such an attitude did not breed just strong warriors, but the wicked and the strong.