Episode summary 1 to 50

Episode 1: Sasha winterchild gets news a dragon is approaching. She decides either she convinces the dragon to stay or perish in dragon fire. When prince arthur drakon insults her, she talks to the dragon directly. 

Episode 2:  Prince Arthur drakon is pissed with Sasha. So, he orders dragon to burn her, however, the dragon wont listen to him. Pissed, he tries to blow dragon killer, when princess Sasha uses soulflight to protect the dragon from harm. The dragon submits to her. Prince drakon picks a fight with Sasha. 

Episode 3: Sasha curses the party of Arthur Drakon and then releases them. She takes princess Sera hostage, who assures Sasha her father will step down. Then, she rides the dragon to survey the land. She practises her soul flight skill.